* Posts by EarthDog

436 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Dec 2014


HPE blames solid state drive failure for outages at Australian Tax Office


Re: I'm guessing....

FYI, last I heard 3Par US was being sent overseas.


Re: Guinea Pig

Testing? We've heard of it.

Deafening silence as Smart Hosting support tickets keep piling up


You forgot:

It'll be safe they said

What could possibly go wrong they said

Hyperconvergered-ception: HPE swallows SimpliVity


If anyone can screw this up

It's HPE

AI and robots? Will someone think of the jobs, says HPE CEO Whitman


Most managers these days are spreadsheet monkeys. Easily replaced by AI

A tale of two conferences: AWS storms ahead, HPE seems to flounder


Re: Nail, meet head

I saw many of the same things. It was also reflected in high management churn and sales force churn. How does the company expect to survive without good leadership and an effective sales force. The current impression I get is of a company run by spreadsheet monkeys. No vision or leadership, just trying to prop things up while sales erode.

CES 2017 roundup: The good, the bad, and the frankly bonkers


Microbot Push II

Didn't I see that on the Simpson's once? Wait that was a drinking bird. Now we can go IoT and connect nuclear power plants to the internet.

Meg Whitman: HPE software's new owner? Kill a product? Never!


Re: Megtard strikes again

She's as bad or worse than Carly, and more dangerous then Carly as she is more likable. You are right, the only skill she has is "realigning cost structure" to keep the share price up. In the mean time products and services are gutted and the sales force has been so mad at HP over 50% have left year over year. In a year or two the chickens will come home to roost.


And everything is going to Asia

HPSW US and Europe has been gutted and consolidation is occurring in two large Asian countries.Enjoy your cheap products and services!

Trump's 140 characters on F-35 wipes $2bn off Lockheed Martin


400 billion? Try 1.5 trillion

The total cost of the program. I could be the weapons system that bankrupts the American Empire.

Higher tech prices ARE here to stay. It's Mr Farage's new Britain


Everyone is missing the problem

What Brexit, and Trump, was about was about people who were worse off due to "Globalisation" (which it isn't by the way, globalisation has been around since at least the 1600's) but large numbers of people getting kicked to the curb by a small elite. I used to believe in "Globalization" when I thought it would lead to higher wages and better health, education, and environmental protection for everyone. But of course that doesn't happen. Instead you have poverty and exploitation, gutted health codes, crumbling infrastructure, massive illegal immigration (NAFTA sparked a huge immigration problem in the US), and destruction of the environment. All while wealth is concentrated into the hands of fewer people.

That is the real problem, everything else is just window dressing. Brexit, and election of Trump, as symptoms. Let's focus on the real problem shall we, and find a real solution.

HPE UK preps the redundancy ride as Chrimbo looms


Re: Missing the Point

What about the sales team, e.e. the enormous churn. If HPE had a sales team the company might make money. But no, we don't know how to sell. We don't know how to retain a sales force and keep our channel partners happy. All we know how to do is fore people to keep the books looking good while we collect bonuses.


Oh while you're at it please explain to me the horrific churn rate in the HPE sales teams. Hint, you cannot have a healthy company without a healthy sales team. Last I heard the turnover was in the 50% + neighborhood. Sounds like a lack of leadership to me.


So two years of high intensity training was required is what you are saying. Two years to learn code and processes already in place. Brillliant.


More on the way

About a 20 pct reduction expected for the HPE Software spin merger as well.


Re: News?

You don't "get it". It's a whole new paradigm! It's all about an Internet of things, 24/7, BYOD, continuously integrated SaaS Iaas DevOps Agile lean leveraged app driven mobile forward thinking synergies for value added customer delight.

HP Enterprise, Mirantis sack couple of hundred OpenStack engineers


"restructure the work force"

Lay people off and replace them with "early career" hires *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

The man running HPE's Microsoft Azure biz says shiz this... after eight months


Yes. In addition, here seems to be a large amount of turnover in upper management. Definitely not a good sign. I also heard there is a large turnover amongst the sales force.

Marmite's not the only national treasure hit by Brexit. Will someone think of the PCs?


Re: Stupid?

And you have no concept of what happens when people get economically kicked to the curb. Look at who voted to exit. The people who got none of the "Globalization" benefits. Only the London area voted to stay, from the maps I saw, the rest of the country felt economically disenfranchised because they were. And when you have two generations of young men who were economically emasculated you will see some nasty things crawl out of the gutter, e.g. attacks on immigrants. What is needed is an economy which works for people, not one that increases GDP by destroying lives.


PC sales are down everywhere, can't blame Brexit

Brexit has nothing to do with it. Smart phones and tablets are killing of PCs, not one nation rearranging it's trade relationship. With the pound dropping I see the cost of labor dropping, potentially making Britain a good offshoring location.

HP Inc to blast more humans from employment cannon


Looking at all the companies cutting jobs it seems to me much of the tech sector is heading for a recession. In addition you have people like Meg Whitman referring to the US as the "high cost geography", Are we seeing the end of tech opportunity in the US and Europe?

Right now with the weaker pound reducing the cost of labor in Britain Brexit may be the best thing to happen to Britain in quite some time.

How to steal the mind of an AI: Machine-learning models vulnerable to reverse engineering



That's the big problem I always had with mindlessly applying things like ML and data analytics, garbage in garbage out. If you lie to your AI engine it will not learn properly. Also, it is why non-ACID compliant database engines enrage me. But that's another rant.

HPE sells off 'non-core' software assets


Infrastructure dwindling? Just because data and computing is moved to "The Cloud" does not mean that infrastructure is dwindling. I fact it may grow. The cloud needs infrastructure. You can't cheat the laws of physics, data must be stored somewhere and CPUs must have a home as well. There is money to be made in infrastructure. I smell it.

It also makes sense to spin off companies which are not core. HP Software has been struggling for sometime, managing software can be very difficult and HPE knows hardware but not software. Also, Whitman has said she wants a nimble company. A large company cannot be nimble. So paring companies down might be a good move.

Microsoft redfaced after Bing translation cockup enrages Saudis


The wisdom of crowds

outsource it to unvetted unpaid volunteers and see what you get.

The dev-astating truth: What's left to develop? Send in the machines


Re: "According to some observers, there's still some way to go"

Who are these observer? How did they reach their conclusions? Or is the author just a BS factory?


Most of the defects I have seen has been from the intense pressure to load up software w/ features, which is sales and marketing driving. Quality is always sacrificed for perceived capabilities , which is often sold as "slideware".

Why Big Business is usually last to the party


No, small business also suffers

a 10k USD or pound mistake can kill a small company. Or losing one big customer. So that is not really a valid argument, that there is less risk, when scaled for size it amounts to the same thing. What is valid, I think, is that small startups often do not have as much invested in legacy systems. The can safely adopt the shiney shiney new stuff since they do not have to worry about what happens if a large (to them) migration fails. Once you have critical data in a system migrating becomes risky and you *need* a good business case, regardless of size.

Hackers peer into Uber passenger privates, find and plot trips on maps


Next time pay cash...of wait.. you can't.


Re: Dumb enough to put them in, smart enough to offer a reward to find them.

Dumb enough to push out crappy code (open redirects? really?), then pay to have them found and fix them. Stellar....

Ex-HP boss Carly Fiorina sacked one week into new job


Re: President... Trum...?

I for one welcome the imminent election of Beloved Leader.

Give me POWER! Under resourced, overloaded - a moving story


OK, some professional tips

1) Read the the labels. Work out the max amperage before you plug the things in.

2) Load balancing is not just for servers, it is also for electrical circuits. Learn how to do it. Don't forget the air conditioning while you are at it. If it means running extension cords until an electrician can come in so be it.

3) Bring server on one at a time. Seriously, there should be a sequence such as networking gear first, then DNS and other critical servers, DB and application servers, etc.

4) Monitoring software! Not just to start spewing emails when the UPS kicks in but also if gear starts to fail or overheat.

Think, plan, then execute.

GitHub: We're sorry (again) about (another) outage


Re: Surely..

Unless of course you work on a project dependent on a large number of components hosted on Git Hub and decide to do a full update so you can integration test. You do integration test, don't you?


Single point of failure?

Um.... sounds like their ops team doesn't understand maintaining a mission critical piece of infrastructure.

Post-pub nosh neckfiller: Bog-standard boxty


Use buttermilk

Besides adding some sour cream like flavor the acid in butter milk reacts with the baking powder to help the cakes rise. This should result in a lighter and fluffier cake. C'mon guys, this is basic chemistry.

HP wag has last laugh at US prez wannabe with carlyfiorina.org snatch


Laying off while buying jets

And while she was laying people off she was buying Gulf Stream executive jets.

HP breaks for Xmas week - aka 'staff hols' - source


Old news

This has been going on for years. C'mon Reg. You can do better than that. How about something up-to-date?
