* Posts by EarthDog

434 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Dec 2014


So you're 'agile', huh? I do not think it means what you think it means


Re: agile with a lowercase a

I've done and and used all except number 5 and it works really well, though constrained to smaller and usually in-house rather than outhouse projects. I would add in good timeboxing, one of my favorite projects forced us to work due to regulatory requirements at maximum for two months with "mini releases" along the way. We also had direct access to the users. This was in the early 2000's before I bumped into Agile as a concept. So I immediately "got it" when I saw it.

The only of thing I would add in is gathering information, *not* metrics but real information, and adjusting using a Scientific process to adjust methodologies and tools as you go.


Re: New trend?

I think it is a conversation on "Agile", as practiced by the clueless.


Which is what you are supposed to do. If you can solve it, don't wait. If it is a defect, fix it then document. If you need more information don't wait for scrum; read documentation, go online, nudge the developer next to you etc. If necessary, ask for forgiveness.


Re: Pay no attention to that consultant behind the curtain!

That reminded me of this:



So the solution might be more in-house IT and less outhouse IT.


Re: Agile

You forgot "QA, We don't need no stinkin' QA. We have Agile."


Re: wagile

like the SAFe garbage see this diagram and see what you think it says.http://www.scaledagileframework.com/


Re: wagile

I find type C is often with true mission critical needs, as opposed to "mission critical" needs, and so want reaffirmation of the software quality. If (collective ) you haven't done so show them the stage by stage testing from unit test levels to acceptance level. That might help.

Cost-hurling IBM seeks more volunteers for employment bonfire


How about

pilot unclips from seat puts on parachute opens door

exec screams what are you doing?

pilot: I'm taking early retirement and I go on vacation as of now....


Re: Whatever happened to the critical IT skills shortage holding back the economy?

any government program which requires citizenship. The chocolate factory. Agricultural companies need AI, GPS, real Engineers, and agronomy people as well as software people.


The boat is sinking captain!

1st mate: What do we do?

capt.: man the pumps and fix the breach. Keep throwing able seamen and carpenters overboard to lighten the load. If that doesn't work jettison some of the passengers.

1st mate: aye-aye

Capt.: and make sure our private launch is well stocked with champagne and caviar. This is a beastly job. No one knows how much I suffer...

O Christmas wreath, O Christmas wreath, thy potent skunk's in bunches


Re: The sooner

legalized FTFY

No 2017 bonus for you, HPE tells employees


Re: Jelly of the month

At HPE we had free lunches and breakfasts on occasion. Everyone was cooing "oowww free lunch". At which I would point out we had already paid for it with our labor.


Re: Is anyone surprised?

There are plenty of companies moving to those laces. Lots of start up. Regulation and taxation is only part of the problem


Re: I see nothing much has changed.

Inflation is constant. But in a country with hyperinflation, like the US, it is imperative your salary rises at the maximum rate possible.


No big surprise

When I was there not too long ago sales force churn was in the 60%/yr range. You can't have strong sales if you treat the sales force like crap and cause them to leave.

Big Mike is going to make HPE's life a living Dell: Server sales surge


Re: Redundancies

That is why you should never go public. You lose control of the company. The business should be owned by owners made of of founders (if still alive), management, and Workers. People who care about the company. As soon as you publicly trade a company, you have to please the stock markets. Which can lead to a "keep the stock price up at any cost" approach. *Cough* IBM *cough*.

Many companies went bad when they went public. Google is an example. Dell shows the opposite example.

HP Inc – the no-drama one – is actually doing fine with PCs, printers


Not just personal printers

But also large commercial grade 3D printers. Anecdote, a guy I ride the bus with works with a manufacturing company which just bought 12 3D printer from HP at about 50K USD each. They will use them for rapid prototyping typing and creating molds for blow mold plastics.


Re: Too bad they misspelled their name.

Too bad they didn't choose a squid as their mascot.

HPE CEO Meg Whitman QUITS, MAN! Neri to replace chief exec in Feb


Re: Job well finished

Wow! Whatever the hell you are smoking sounds like some good shit.

Massive US military social media spying archive left wide open in AWS S3 buckets


Re: Meanwhile...

They did say they would pinky swear.


It depends on which side you want to win. Me, I'm sticking with the obese cheeseburger eaters because *no ne* of value likes borscht.



Not just reduction in head count but in shifting liability.

How can airlines stop hackers pwning planes over the air? And don't say 'regular patches'


Re: Here's a thought

I'm done with air travel. Train or bus, preferably train.

Sean Parker: I helped destroy humanity with Facebook


Re: vulnerability in human psychology


Vincent Price played the last man on Earth in a movie named "The Last Man on Earth". "Omega Man" and the Will Smith movies are essentially remakes, oops I guess the politically term is "reboots". All three of them are based on a book named "I Am Legend".

Irish priests told to stop bashing bishops


Re: no helpline required

Burma shave

HPE HQ to leave Palo Alto birthplace as it 'consolidates' offices


Far overdue

I've been saying it for years, with global connectivity it makes zero sense to have a large work force and offices in the most expensive place in the US to run a business. But San Jose is still very pricy. They should look to Des Moines, Pittsburgh, Ashley, or some other civilized city with good infrastructure. They already have offices in Roseville and Sacramento and the Bay Area are not that far away.

Official: Perl the most hated programming language, say devs


Only if that's how you use it.

MoD: Sci-tech strategy? Er, here's a bunch of words and diagrams


Re: Originally it was crystal clear



F-35s grounded by spares shortage


Re: Let's make planes that can't fly......@ veti

Why fight when someone else can do it for you? Especially when you need some lead time to ramp up your industry and military.


Re: Let's make planes that can't fly......

No. They're all too important to fail.

Fake tech support 'scam' husband and wife banned FOR LIFE from computer repair world


I think I called these guys

I was reading a site when a popup ad appeared saying my PC was infected and I needed to clean my registry and run anti-virus. Well since I didn't have a registry it sounded fishy.

And unfortunately for them I was bored and had nothing better to do.

So I called them and asked for Heather and Bob. Of course the phone drone had no idea what I was talking about. I spun a tale of Heather and Bob, how I got a new contract for the company worth millions, and needed to talk to Heather and Bob right away. So we went back and forth for a while. I patiently explained things over and over again and also asked for their fax number so I could send the contract.

So after a bit I asked for the phone drone's supervisor. Who of course had no idea about Heather, Bob, or a contract that needed to go to corporate. So I patiently went over the situation with him several times. Finally I got bored and asked him to find the numbers and email them to me. I gave him one of my spam trap emails.

I never did get an email reply. I am sort of disappointed with their level of customer care.

What's HPE Next? Now it's unemployment for 'thousands' of staff


Re: In a nutshell

In all of those areas you can pick up some of the slack by sing you services division. Oh..... wait....

Containers? Ha! Ain't no party like a Tupperware party, boasts Facebook


Re: Didn't Tupperware (TM)...

Ask the typical person, i.e. not a tech person who keeps up on things, about "Facebook Tupperware Containers". I bet they think of the plastic ware.

New phishing campaign uses 30-year-old Microsoft mess as bait


Now you are blaming the victim.

What’s the real point of being a dev? It's saving management from themselves


Re: OO came from industry

Don't forget Java came from Sun Microsystems

Boss visited the night shift and found a car in the data centre


Re: " I can't even get the spark plugs out of my wife's car."

Really they don't? Next you'll be telling me my Tesla didn't all those oil changes I paid for.

Compsci grads get the fattest pay cheques six months after uni – report


I ruined my health

I am about 50 I have high blood pressure and the arteries of a 70 year old. Too many 10 and 12 hours a day and a sedentary life style. And yes, I have tried to quit. I retrained but where ever I apply they want to make me their IT department. It's like being in the Mafia, once in never out. They just reel you back in.

It isn't worth it.

Real talk: Machine learning is not there yet. Some assembly required


Flavor of the month

It's all the buzzwordy secret saucey trend of the moment. It is being mindlessly rolled out by poorly trained monkeys and applied incorrectly in the wrong places. Using suspect data from "eventually consistent" databases.

HPE to staff: 'We are permanently clipping your costs'


Re: Maybe i missed something...

they have to meet Wall Street expectations. No other reason. Public companies really don't have much control, Wall Street does.


When Carly came in and bought Compaq HP management was forced out by Compaq management. Yep, the people who ran COmpaq into the ground. The joke was "Compaq bought HP with HP's money".


Re: HPE is doomed

I dumped my HPE stock last fall. ANyone who thinks it will come back is a sucker. Any one shorting is has a sure bet.

Best be Nimble, best be quick. You're out of a job at HPE – and that's sh*t


Your objection has been duly noted, now get back to your slaughter pen.


They fired the wrong people

Having been on the inside one of HPEs major problems it that their Marketing and Sales is among the most incompetent group of 4$$ clowns I've seen. But then again, not my circus not my monkeys (any more)

As you stare at the dead British Airways website, remember the hundreds of tech staff it laid off


Re: The solution? Start with more outsourcing...

Nah. AI is cheaper when it comes to spread sheet monkeys. AI never sleeps, never demands golden parachutes, or quarterly bonuses so they can buy that second trophy mistress.

Stop us if you've heard this one before: IBM sheds more workers – this time, tech sales


Re: Question:

They'll hire an H1B to do that. Who will probably screw it up.

Carnegie-Mellon Uni emits 'don't be stupid' list for C++ developers


"Don't be stupid" advice #1

Don't use C++

Meet the chap open-sourcing US govt code – Paul, an ex-Microsoft anti-piracy engineer


Speaking of manure

There's the Purdue Manure Management Planner http://www.purdue.edu/agsoftware/mmp/MmpBlurb.htm

Just FYI

HPE blames solid state drive failure for outages at Australian Tax Office


Re: I'm guessing....

FYI, last I heard 3Par US was being sent overseas.


Re: Guinea Pig

Testing? We've heard of it.
