Re: @AC - Technology & Economics
In German "welt" vs. "umwelt", in English "The wide world" vs. the world as in the planet.
434 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Dec 2014
Part of their play was hiring away talent from potential competitors. the basically gave the talent toy projects to play with to keep them happy while putting them under long term contracts to keep them away from competitors or starting up a company which might compete.
I worked in a refinery and we did "lock out tag out". You had a brass name tag that fit on a pad lock. You used said pad lock to loch machinery in the "off" position. Thereby preventing an intense emotional events in the form of electrocutions or being sucked into large moving machinery. So if working on a system, lock it out because Mr. Murphy.
Let's race headlong for mediocrity in a downward death spiral like all those other tech companies (though it could be argued that Google+Alphabet is a marketing company that happens to produce tech as a side effect).
Take a one size fits all approach and let it become a McCompany with McJobs run by McManagers.
for a long long time in education there has been an understanding of learning styles. Some people learn best auditory, others by reading. Some prefer visual. Some are kinesthetic. Most people are a combination of styles. So the best way to teach is by lecture and text, then some sort of example like an instructional video, and then hands on.
Basically what they are doing is not taking on responsibilities which are not in their employment contract. They contract being the *maximum* the *company* negotiated. they are not shirking duties or quitting, they are in fact meeting their responsibilities. If the company wants more than that they should either pay more or staff up.
They are not slackers or evil. The people who go "above and beyond" are suckers.