Re: Biased A.I models written by white men
The reason training datasets are biased is that the datasets from the beginning were biased. Only time can fix it. Until then GIGO.
430 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Dec 2014
In my experience requirements are also constantly morphing. I've spend time in scientific/academic computing and business computing. In my experience business requirements shift faster than scientific requirements. The people I've met that were doing the Sci. programmer had no real training, exp., or desire to develop software and therefore produced crap.
It's unprofessional and gets you nowhere. I've worked in almost every aspect of software development over the years, including QA. QA should never be used as punishment, instead the attitude should be "let's work together to make better software".
If you find yourself working in a place where blame is matter of course, get out. If you are working in QA and interviewing for a job and they want you to be confrontational, don't take the job. Likewise if you are taking a role anywhere else in development and they imply QA is their police force, don't take the job.
In fact the same is true of almost any work place.
I got caught up in the browser wars of the 90's. I was doing web development at the time. We tried to support IE and other browsers but constant breakage in our applications due to IE constantly introducing incompatibilities caused me to quit browser application development. Never again, chrome seems like a replay of it.
It took a while but I finally got the twitching under control.
I keep saying basically the same think but it doesn't sink in. Programmers are by and large NOT database literate. They are not data literate. I've worked as a Sys. Admin, DBA, SQA, Programmer, team lead, Department Head, Business Analyst etc. I am sick and tired of developers blaming others, esp. the DBA, for their crappy code.
They think their code will do the job better than a database engine developed and optimized by people smarter than most of us over a 50 to 60 year period. Oracle was invented c 1977 before the web, the internet, ethernet, and other tech we are used to today. It has a clunky mainframe feel to it but the core tech. is solid. A smart person will NOT blame the DB before have overwhelming evidence.
Which is ridicoulously low. If you want more than that you need commercial insurance (which doubtless will go up now). ALso any insurance companies on the line to cover other accounts will probably start selling stocks and bonds to cover the expense.
Other limitations may apply.
First off +1 to @sudo-su and @Pascal Monett
A big chunk of the problem is most programmers are functionally illiterate when it comes database models. There is is trend to get rid of DBAs. In one case I commented on they got rid of the DBA and replaced them with a programmer on the team. Basically ending up with a programmer with possibly no background and/or interest in data who is actually and embedded DBA and bound to make all the same old mistakes and re-invent the wheel time after time.
Basically we have Graph Databases due to marketing. "Hey look at are new shiney shiney graph databases! Pay no mind to what the hot new shiney shiney graph databases were in the 70s".
Codd saw the problems with graph and hierarchical databases and defined the Relational Model that solved those problems and more. He also created the Mathematics to back it up.
I've worked with both Graph and (at least quasi) Relational Database models. Relational (at least quasi) wins hands down. But hey, if you want to waste your money on a Graph Database where things take longer to build than they should and they often require constant maintenance, then I'm happy to take your coin.
A Graph DB Model is a subset of a Relational DB Model because a graph is a subset of a relation.
Here's what I see graph DB are liked by those who:
1) Don't know databases
2) Don't understand graph DBs
3) Don't understand the relational model. Related: that SQL is a scripting interface to a DB API and NOT a way of modeling data.
Yes I sound like a cranky old codger. In fact I am a cranky old codger who is tired of seeing the same mistakes made over and over. Now get off of my lawn!
and possibly puts the procedure in context and what to do if something starts to go wrong. E.g. faced with a problem you basic Windows user will want to warm start the machine. This could be a bad thing. Instead you get a warning "DO NOT REBOOT MACHINE!" a trouble shooting procedure to follow and who to call if said troubleshooting fails.
Part of their play was hiring away talent from potential competitors. the basically gave the talent toy projects to play with to keep them happy while putting them under long term contracts to keep them away from competitors or starting up a company which might compete.