Re: Should be pretty easy to see if it is fake or not
Most of us photo-astro-geeks are stuck on Earth but I can tell you that in this domain the word 'fake' gets a little blurry in order to sharpen the images.
The moon is a very bright object and it moves pretty damn fast relative to us. Not a big issue because you can properly expose it at 1/100th second depending on your ISO settings and atmospheric conditions. But....if you want details from the foreground on earth then you need a second photo with often a much longer exposure. Combine the two images and you have something the human eye can easily perceive.
The stars are another matter entirely. They are not bright and they are moving. Any exposure greater than a few seconds and your stars appear as lines. If you don't use long exposures then a single shot will not be enough to produce a workable image.
What many of us do is take multiple shots of the same area of space. We then use a piece of software that 'stacks' the images. This way we get stars that are not even visible to the naked eye.
This is one of the methods used on the Hubble and why those gyros are such a big deal.
Its very likely that this image is a composite and why the Earth and moon are ( more or less ) properly exposed. The only way to know for sure is to go there and see for yourself......