Re: Wow
Does rather beg the question as to what IQ tests are actually measuring.
23 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2014
Amazon still appear to be making deliveries as are DHL amd others so warehouses are still operating along with their staff - so its not a full lockdown. What they've done is shutdown shop type retail and banned public gatherings. If you're working in a warehouse or fullfilment centre its not clear what the picture is.
The germans kept quite good records and the numbers are not inflated. The denial thing is only a crime in Germany as far as I know. Personally I think people who deny it should just be forced to listen to the testimony of some of the people who survived and spend some time watching the some of the programs explaining what was done at places like Sobibor - then they might understand why denial is considered offensive by so many people.
Well Hungerford and Dunblane spring to mind (thats 100% more than your estimate) so clearly you haven't done your research.... There have been others as well. Also how do you know we're no safer than we were before, not a very logical argument, that assumes that without the changes there wouldn't have been more massacres an interesting premise.
It rather depends whether you think facebook is a publisher or the equivalent of a shop owner, both of whom would be done for publishing iffy material or selling iffy goods. Apparently facebook is neither (presumably because it would cost them money to admit as such). As far as hate speech is concerned its a tricky point - there should be limits however.
Try this bit "I’m simply stating that the distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes" this is in relation to the Tech industry so rather than thinking that maybe the differences might be cultural (female participation in India and other countriesin coding is at least 50%) - he suggests that its biological. There is absolutely no evidence for his statement. So I would suggest that he's trying to back fit what he thinks of "evidence" to fit his own prejudices.
I get your point but 2 sets of my neighbours use this - we're withing 10 minutes easy walk of the local sainsbury (full size supermarket) - One half of either couple only works part time all their kids are at school and being frank who couldn't use 20 minutes exercise a day......
That would be why the Pro Russian rebels who had shot down planes in the weeks before with missiles tweeted that the they'd done it (later deleted when they found out it wasn't a ukrainian plane) and the photographic/video evidence of a buk launcher in rebel territory - but we should discount that and the half arsed russian explanation that it was brought down by a ukrainian jet whose service ceiling was lower than the commercial jets altitude - but apparently its a western plot...
A bit of a comment on the state of IT systems in that part of the civil service really and I guess the training/awareness of the staff (that it went by post in the first place). Although to be fair when I had to send data to the DTI for the company I worked for there was a secure repository where I could drop of the files - which worked really well and that was about 12 years ago. I guess if you could start from scratch..... some company would make a huge profit and the project would fail....
having lost a stone+ in the past year the easiest way is through diet - exercise helps but you need to do a lot to burn off say 500 kcals (Circa an hour).There is I believe evidence that gut flora has an impact. But as an earler poster said there is no miracle cure (though eating less pocessed food made the biggest difference for me). The hard part is sticking to a healthy diet when there is so much rubbish out there - if you have the time (and to be honest if your organised it doesn't take much time) make your own food because then you can control what goes into it.