Re: Sleepwalking Into Disaster
Yaaaaaaawn. Even here? <sigh>
122 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2014
Even if you are innocent, when blokes with guns start shouting with you, best make no sudden moves and act as submissively as possible. Unfortunately Mr Menezes had no such opportunity. He was wrongly identified in advance and executed spontaneously on the basis of that identification. Or to frame it another way, Jean Charles de Menezes was murdered.
I don't see that is is very different from CCTV, particularly with facial recognition applied.
There is also a very simple opt out, turn phone off or place in flight mode when not in use.
Note that your newer EU car is also now tracking you, although they say the emergency call system is not tracking you it's a SIM. It's tracking you!!
When asked "minorities" tend to quite offended anyone should assume they don't have ID. It tends to go with a home, a job, transport (personal or public), a bank account, a passport, social welfare. If anything they may be MORE likely to be able to present ID.
The simple truth is that anyone a nation should want to vote has ID or can obtain such with trivial inconvenience
Almost certainly people with no presentable means of identification or who refuse to obtain such should not be voting!
Long overdue in the UK as well. Media companies shouldn't item cables and cable companies shouldn't be media companies.
Note well, BT and Virgin.
As for:
"would bar anyone offering broadband services within the state from throttling traffic, offering paid prioritization, or blocking lawful content. The bill also requires ISPs to post their policies on traffic management within their networks online for all to see"
Is why America is so important, particularly to the internet.
Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
"They argue it might stop migrants seeking medical help" is missing a crucial word. ILLEGAL.
It's a national health service, not INTERNATIONAL. For those who pay into it.
The NHS urgently need to reign itself in or collapse in the face of infinite demand.
Got a problem, shouldn't be here? return home and seek help.
Your country won't help? go into politics or lobby, at home.
Pax Brittanica was a long time ago.