I'm sure that nice Mr Sajid Javid won't like this either
Going to all that trouble to reassure us his nice Conservative party is going to block a third of the internet in case it shows those dreadful porn pictures which he assures us he doesn't want his four children to see (although evidently he has a good working knowledge of the mechanics of it himself vis his contribution to overpopulation) and now he has this to contend with?!
Its just so unfair. Just when people were starting to forget David Cameron's proof the Conservatives haven't a fricken clue about things IT, internet or personal security........ Those nasty porn sites just keep posting those naughty pictures so Javid falls in the hole Cameron just slid slowly out of by assuring us 'We'll require Porn sites to prove age of viewers or we'll demand ISPs block them'.
(Ahem) "Dear reader - to satisfy Mr Javid and his hand wringing nannyish friends, please submit your full credit card details in the box below to prove you're old enough to be the victim of identity theft and blackmail".
No wonder half his mates want to take us out of the Europe and our committment to the Human Rights right to Privacy laws.
Financially I need to vote for them - But how can I vote for clowns like this - More concerned with chasing the long vanished and not coming back Mummies' vote than with common sense security?