![Fanboi Gimp](/design_picker/fa16d26efb42e6ba1052f1d387470f643c5aa18d/graphics/icons/comment/gimp_48.png)
Re: You can also fix with Group Policy
Much obliged.
Will be implementing on my home domain now.
(Yes I have a home domain, don't judge)
94 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Dec 2014
Well This CoC would lead to a lot more productivity, and good behaviour than the one the Rainbow Hair'ed NPCs keep pushing on every other project.
You'd spend more time coding, and being nice to each other, and less time in flame wars about pronouns and which of the 7 million genders is the most oppressed.
So we get all out official release stuff 6-8 months behind everyone else, and they wonder why we pirate?
Even if we do wanna watch it legitimately, local streaming / pay TV services are prohibitively expensive, where you have to sign up to 3 different streaming services @15AUD / Month Each, and Foxtel at 60AUD / month
Even then, all the crap they have is on repeat, and with the new stuff being played with that 6-8 month lag, during peak ratings season.
Just means that everyone will just start sharing sites via other means, or like me invest in a VPN proxy service, so I can just search as if I am in a non insane country.
All the major parties are utterly inept at this sort of stuff, so I can't even vote for the "other guy"
Sadly the local chapter of the pirate party has been taken over by the Rainbow hair'ed pronoun crowd, so they are effectively an extension of the Greens now.
Now that the rainbow hairs have taken over the project, Linux will be stone dead in it's current format, and just be maintained by the likes of Red Hat, and other corporate forks.
The FOSS community will be too busy in flamewars over the proper use of pronouns, to produce anything useful.
I don't see this catching on though, organisations would have to re write / replace FAR too many wheezing internal apps for this to be worthwhile.
I have had this experience with;
* CNC machines
* Industrial truck scales (Running Win 2k. $500K to fix, as we'd have to buy a whole new scale)
* Hospital HVAC & Medical gas control systems (Win2k again, multi million $$ upgrade cost + Hospital shutdown to fix)
I could go on...
This solely lies with the vendors, who are trying to force companies to do complete system replacements, and make a profit off it in the process.
It's a complete joke.
In no particular order;
1. Usability sucks
2. Massive capex required to replace incompatible kit
3. No real business case, when everything is sitting behind a thumping big NAT / NetScaler.
4. The additional cost of making sure every wheezing business app is IPV6 compliant
5. The cost of MAKING all those wheezing old business apps IPV6 compliant.
6. General business inertia to resist change, and avoid risk.
Because expressing certain opinions with a name attached, can get you a visit from the HR department, at best, and at worst, kicked out of your job and black listed, never to be able to work again.
Or you're a contractor like me, who has skills that over ride any sort of HR bias, to a degree.
The easiest way to address this would to be give each Aussie an IPV6 Allocation range, and any devices you own must be registered in your range.
I am SO happy Boomers are dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to this stuff, because IPV6 could be used to ID every man / woman / child on the planet, for the next 1000 years and still have plenty of space left.
Morgan Stanley doesn't know their arse from a hole in the ground..
Seriously... people got paid to come to that idiot conclusion?
Only way that businesses are going to back to on prem iron is if the economics of Cloud become horrifically bad, because they would have to rebuild all their on prem infrastructure from scratch.
That would mean re hiring a LOT of IT bods, and spending a LOT of money, plus the disruption, risk etc.
Yeah... not happening.
Now of the Australian Govt would close the same damn loop holes here, life would be a lot better here too.
It's better than it used to be, but there is still a lot of cheap "fly by night" contractor mobs out there who keep trying to flood the market with cheap imported labour.
H-1B's in the US were a joke, and just a way for companies to depress market rates with cheap, expendable labour. It was terrible for everyone but American big businesses.
I have no issue with importing labour but it should be as a last resort and the imported labour should not be treated like indentured slaves and payed half as well as one/
"Nevertheless, it faces a decision: should it spend time and money fixing the problem, or should it kick the can down the road?"
In my experience, companies almost ALWAYS choose the latter unless the problem can be fixed quickly and easily. I have got into metaphorical "knock down, drag out" fights with previous companies regarding this sort of thing, and bone headed design decisions.
Decisions that cost them 20% more now, vs costing them 200%+ later (later being within 2 years) and almost without fail they choose the former.
So when the Titanic finally hits the massive Iceburg I warned them about, I get the emails and phone calls about how they can deal with it.
When this happens I give them a fair and honest assessment of what it will take to fix, and quietly add 30% onto my consulting fee as an "idiot tax"
As a Windows Admin, I have to say nice job Social Justice warriors!
At this rate, you'll have completely killed Open source by 2020, having them devolve into bickering pie fights over respecting peoples pronouns, and driven all the quality coders and app devs over to the dark side.
Doing a better job of destroying OSS projects than Sun, MS and Apple combined!
This will render the locally hosted cloud services, that were explicitly created to AVOID this sort of crap, moot.
You host anything, with a US based company, regardless of where the physical iron sits, Uncle Sam can Go Shoulder deep into your data and pull anything out he wants.
Or I just go the 3rd which is blacklist the site, and never go there again.
I am not letting them run Crapware on my PC, that's just asking to get yourself infected with plague.
Did they already raid the employee lounge courch for loose change?
This sort of stuff should NOT be encouraged.
On the bright side, I hope this means Salon is about to go bankrupt. Nothing of value will be lost
Why would you outsource something THAT important, to THAT pack of clowns?
I am in the process of re certifying a bunch of IT stuff, and my experience is that about 25% of the time I rock up and their systems are down or having issues and I have to re schedule my exam or sit around waiting to see if they can un F**k things so I can do said exam.
Complete clown show.
(El reg, we need to update the icons. We need a "bozo the clown" on for stories like this
This just means the market is saturated with wannabe hipster coders, learning web based languages.
Couple that with the UK and the US either offshoring code to places like India, Vietnam, Phillipines etc while also importing masses of H1B type coders.. no wonder the pay scale is in the toilet.
While I disagree with what TDS says, I will defend their right to say it.
This is a terrifying development that domain registrars are acting as censor, and stating that certain types of content can not even have a domain.
This is the beginning of the slippery slope, because in every other realm of the Internet, we have seen this behaviour. It starts with "Hate speech" but very quickly the scope creeps and we have all manner of things being banned, usually by a very narrow and vocal group of far left / Marxist / Social Justice types.
Unless registrars are presented with court paperwork demanding they take down a domain, they shouldn't be touched.
PR / Business reasons is just a cover for censorship.
I am uncomfortable with domain registars pulling sites for political reasons. Unless I haven't paid my bills, or your have a court document... you shouldn't be pulling my domain for ANY reason.
This is one of those "Slippery slopes" where the big domain hosts are going to be pressured to pull domains of anyone the ruling political class doesn't like.
This is a bad thing, regardless of your political alignment.
I just want a nice amoral registar and host who will keep my site up, in return for the money I give them. Politics of the day be damned.
This is just another push by the Rainbow haired "Diversity" crowd to take over Open Source communities, and make them into Tumblr.
The Tumblr community, not the website.
The survey is vague designed to divide. "Rudeness" is an idiotic metric for example, as it's completely subjective.
Github is slowly being strangled by the same "Diversity" crowd, who only believe in diversity of hair colour, not actual diversity of thought or ideas.
Sooner Github dies, the better.