I'd push for an argument that the third forbids this as well. The government is forbidden from quartering soldiers in times of peace, storing other government property in times of peace, without the consent of the Owner in the Owner's property, should likewise be forbidden. Eminent domain language in the fifth amendment further support the idea that compensation is owed by the government prior to occupation of private property, not after, which should definitely include storage on private devices.
Posts by Sierpinski
37 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Dec 2014
Koch-funded group sues US state agency for installing 'spyware' on 1m Android devices
Google deliberately throttled ad load times to promote AMP, claims new court document
Two can play that game: China orders ban on US computers and software
Halfords invents radio signals that don't travel at the speed of light
You'e yping i wong: macOS Catalina stops Twitter desktop app from accepting B, L, M, R, and T in passwords
Deus ex hackina: It took just 10 minutes to find data-divulging demons corrupting Pope's Click to Pray eRosary app
Taylor's gonna spy, spy, spy, spy, spy... fans can't shake cam off, shake cam off
Google logins make JavaScript mandatory, Huawei China spy shock, Mac malware, Iran gets new Stuxnet, and more
Does Google make hardware just so nobody buys it?
Nameless Right To Be Forgotten Google sueball man tries Court of Appeal – yet again
Conference alert: Think you can save money by going Serverless?
A fine vintage: Wine has run Microsoft Solitaire on Linux for 25 years
Re: Every single comment at least one D/V
If everyone approved of what you've typed, what would even be the point? A downvote means that, barring a script doing the downvoting, someone had to read and comprehend something that disagrees with their views.
<p>And back to on-topic..
<p>WINE has been a source of entertainment for me for the last 15ish years. Projects such as Everquest and World of Warcraft with frequent, incremental changes, and multiple executables almost almost always had workarounds, both on WINE HQ and the official forums for the games, available on patch days. Occasional fixes under Linux actually resulted in performance boosts that "mysteriously" found their way back into the Windows client within the next month or so. Both the monthly subscription and freemium styles of supporting game development played nice (pirating the client wasn't a loss to sales... up until 3rd party emulated servers popped up, but that's another story). Telemetry in WINE is opt-in, and makes clear to the user how to disable it at any time, and is auditable by anyone that cares to prior to opting in.
<p>Any application that really is a "must have" gets time and money thrown at it up to the point that the "must have" portions become usable. Anything that's known to be illegal due to software patents in certain jurisdictions is labeled as such, but still made available with warnings. It's a model that actually respects fair use and intellectual property rights, and doesn't begin with an assumption of guilt in the wording (the way more than a few digital rights management systems I've encountered have).
<p>WINE is like a figurative bridge spanning multiple cliff faces (Linux, Windows, MacOS, FreeBSD, and others). Lanes close for construction on occasion, but it has acted as a shield against lock-in and monoculture (no apologies for the pun, I regret nothing).
<p>I look forward to more of the cycle of frustration and elation any time something stops working and I read up enough to submit a bug report and live with the work around until some with more skill and patience than I takes an interest in fixing it.
Meet the Frenchman masterminding a Google-free Android
Re: It needs a catchy name ....
While H2G2 is a good source for a name, I rather suggest a name from a Heinlein source instead. Also 2 syllables, how about the "Holmes Five". This would make it the successor of Mike, the Holmes Four, from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Just be careful using it to make automated payments to janitors, that can lead to all sorts of funny business.
Yahoo! webmail! hacker! faces! nearly! eight! years! in! the! cooler!
Whois is dead as Europe hands DNS overlord ICANN its arse
Law's changed, now cough up: Uncle Sam serves Microsoft fresh warrant for Irish emails
Try our new driverless car software says Nvidia, as it suspends driverless car trials
FBI says it can't unlock 8,000 encrypted devices, demands backdoors for America's 'public safety'
Equifax execs sold shares before mega-hack reveal. All above board – Equifax probe

Shake some other trees
Insider trading might not even be the worst angle. Misappropriation of public funds would be a good one to look into if they were awarded any contracts in the affected time period on the basis of not actually meeting security standards as required. The IRS loves that kind of thing.