Wow, so the film is that crappy. Not even to DVD but straight to streaming. How long before it shows up on a torrent ?
Posts by kainp121
27 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Dec 2014
Sony releases Nork flick The Interview straight to DVD (digital video download)
Google sues Mississippi Attorney General 'for doing MPAA's dirty work'
Judge spanks SCO in ancient ownership of Unix lawsuit
Nork-ribbing flick The Interview AXED: Sony caves under hack terror 'menace'
Europe rubber-stamps IBM Lufthansa outsourcing gig
Apple WINS iPod antitrust fight, jury nixes BILLION-dollar payout bid
Re: copyright violation = theft
"a : The act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it " Thats true in the UK but in the US theft is taking some thing you don't have the right to. Intent to deprive is not worded in there.
Senator: Backdoor for the Feds is a backdoor for hackers
Sony Pictures email hack: The bitter 'piracy war' between Google and Hollywood laid bare
Yes, Obama has got some things wrong on the internet. But so has the GOP
I'm surprised that it's that little. In my state we have sales tax at the state level which is set. Then there is tax at the county level. not all counties have the same tax rate. Some cities have sales taxes.
Just for shits and giggles when it comes to income tax you have federal in come tax. Some states have state income tax. If you happen to work in the wrong city you get city income taxes. That's right you can get taxed three times on your income.
A nation of CODERS? Yes, says, and have some cash to do it
Identity thieves slurp Sony Pictures staff info – as CEO sends 'don't sue me, bro' memo
Sink your teeth into OCZ's ARC 100 SSD sizzler with tasty home-grown chips
MP caught playing Candy Crush at committee meeting: I'll ‘try’ not to do it again
What a pity: Rollout of hated UK smart meters delayed again
Re: assoles
First of Santa Clara County is nit hicks ville USA. If you have a problem with my statement debate that instead of personal attacks. Believe it or not I am a bright person, but to do dyslexia and brain damage from car accident things don't always come out right. So what I put to pen and paper does not always sound grammatically correct. Some days are better than others. But hey if you get you kicks off by insuring other and correct grammar who am I to stop you ?
Re: assoles
In the US the meter are called globe. There is a locking ring on the globe. pull the locking ring of and you can pull the globe out. OF course pulling the globe out disrupts the circuit. Every thing in the house turns off in-till a new globe is put in place. Rapid power shut off. Rapid power turned back on.
'We're having panic attacks' ... Sony staff and families now threatened in emails
"The message – included below – threatens harm to staff and their families unless they show support for the GOP activities."
You just crossed the line into domestic terrorism. The Alphabet boys are going to get involved.
"Boo hoo. I'm sure the grandmas and preteens sued for thousands of dollars by RIAA were also having panic attacks but the likes of Sony didn't care, so I'm not about to care what happens to them."
If it was just Sony I would agree but they are threatening third parties that had nothing to do with Sony.
Just cause your brother is a piece of turd does not me you should get you ass beaten,