But they won't.
There's a reason why so many Musk fanatics are Trump supporters... very cult-like in their devotion.
48 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Dec 2014
... but a bit cautious about Doom Eternal. Mostly because it looks like they've just added in fluff for the sake of it. Personally, Doom 2016 but with minor tweaks and the new setting/story would have sufficed for me. But - I'll reserve final judgement until I have played it. Waiting for sales, as I always do. :)
On the reminiscing front, I was an Amiga boy, and I can very clearly remember looking on with envy at friends playing Wolfenstein and, later, Doom - which absolutely blew my mind. It was Doom actually that pulled me away from buying an Amiga 1200 into the world of PCs. I have massively nostalgic memories of late nights playing that game, and how atmospheric it was. I'm not sure if it would feel like that today of course, but, still - nice memory.
So you can't even use your existing VESA mount monitor arm on it without buying a 200 fscking dollar adapter??? I honestly had assumed at least if you didn't want the stand, you could just what you already have.
But of course, silly me - it's Apple.
God damn, you can tell Apple's iPhone and iPad golden era is over and sales are flatlining - first the double-the-cost-of-the-components base spec Mac Pro, and now this...
The problem isn't the income, it's the fact that Apple's shareholders are incredibly, incredibly spoiled and used to continuous record-breaking growth and profit etc... so if there is a hiccup like now, they all run around with their hands in the air and panic, and unjustifiably large amounts of value are wiped off the value of their stock in the market.
... who would have thought that sales might suffer if you're selling phones for the price of a good-spec laptop?
Here in Germany the XS Max top capacity model is 1650 Euro... I mean, come on, people complained about the Samsung Note 9 which can be had for 900 at the same capacity. And, for the record, the Note 9 IS overpriced, so what do we call the price of the XS Max?
I live in a very small town in rural Bavaria... and I have 500Mbps down, 50mbps up...
Having said that, it's up to the local councils whether or not to invest the money into upgrading etc. They do get a very large chunk paid for by the state, but still it's not an insignificant chunk of cash they have to find.
You moan about picking on Apple, then say 'back on topic', and then moan again that people are only picking on Apple, not Android.
The fact is, this article is about a letter written by shareholders to Apple - they are unlikely in the same letter to touch on the subject of Android, nor does the article exclude efforts to have the same controls and improvements added to Android. You're whining in the opposite direction. This is these days fashionably called 'Trumpism' - 'waaah, but what about what person X did??'.
An article focusing on one thing does not automatically mean that another is reduced in importance or relevance.
@ I ain't Spartacus
You're right of course... 2 hours may not cover it, but that's just the CVR anyway I believe...
Most modern airliners record way more than 2 hours of FDR but some limit CVR - not for technical reasons, but artificially. It was introduced to overcome objections from some pilot's representatives/unions that stakeholders other than investigators may (mis)use the data, such as airline management.
Some recent events though have forced a reconsideration of this, naturally.
Now, I'll freely admit I'm not an expert on this, but I would be rather nervous about the thought of having all those Li-Ion batteries in the hold. Granted, I'm sure there are always some there even now, but the more you have down there, surely the higher the risk of dodgy/compromised battery burning up?
We've all seen videos of devices flaring up in the cabin where things can at least to a degree be controlled, and deprived of other non-oxygen fuel, but in the hold - perhaps the built in fire suppression systems could cope. Again, I'm not an expert and it's just throwing the idea out there.
Also, I'm not sure about whether or not the device is in use or not in the cabin was the key factor, but I'm also guessing a lot of laptops in the hold would be in sleep mode, not fully switched off...
I travel a lot and I've noticed something similar in Eastern Europe and Asia. In a lot of areas there the fixed-line infrastructure simply isn't up to high speed internet, and so as a result they've invested much more heavily in mobile internet instead as this is a hell of a lot cheaper and easier than upgrading the fixed infrastructure.
It's much more common in a lot of those areas for people to have a home 4G router for example, instead of (V)DSL/Fibre.
So in that sense, it's understandable.
> And the myth about fbw aircraft being "uncontrollable" is sensationalist rubbish btw, don't pay attention to that.
Hrm... well sort of. 'Uncontrollable' is a bit dramatic of course, but then you yourself admitted to using dramatic licence to please the crowd, so... stones, glass houses etc. :)
Whilst the RAT for example would provide basic control, it is VERY basic - not uncontrollable, but definitely not ideal, and certainly not like suddenly being in a light aircraft as you stated.
Getting educated on the proper terms for things :D
I had the Kiwi one set up a while ago on mine just to have a taste of home, and whilst the phrases such as 'Chuck a U-y here bro, choice' and 'Mate, turn around let's go get us a mean steak and cheese pie' were hilarious in the beginning, it did get tiresome after a few thousand iterations.
For my parents I was just yesterday helping them to find a decent, large (desktop replacement) laptop which had a good FHD IPS screen, reasonable build quality and decent enough processor.
We're not talking high-end here, more like mid-range, but there was not a single AMD-powered example to be found which ticked even 50% of the boxes. I might have even been swayed by a good-quality TN screen at a push. Every AMD option however had a crappy screen and was a plastic fantastic.
I'd love to be able to support AMD - but I also don't want to buy tat.
Dublin sort of does, but even then it's just dividing the city up into regions, nothing very precise.
Having no postcode system is not that unusual in small countries with low populations - New Zealand is the same, Auckland has a few postcode regions but generally in NZ they're just not really used.
This is true - however the vast amount of normal users will not be aware of how to get around it, and that's the main point.
The comparatively small number of users who DO know how to get around it won't bother them at all, and those who legitimately require a higher number of searches, such as businesses, will hardly notice the fee they charge as part of their normal cost of doing business.
... it at least came with a couple of adapters INCLUDED.
The cost for a bog standard USB 2/3 adapter or an HDMI/VGA adapter is just eye-watering considering what they are.
If it came with a couple of adapters for that price, I'd say 'OK, fair enough'.
However, this is Apple we're talking about here...
... with which I was experiencing terrible throughput - approx 100Mbit instead of what I usually achieved, which was circa 750Mbit on average.
Upon investigation, I discovered that it had been heavily, but lovingly, gnawed upon by Snowy, our rabbit. The damage was so extreme that some of the pairs had wires that were completely severed - yet it still worked even if slowly.
And even with THIS cable, I certainly didn't notice any reduction in sound fidelity...
A fool and his money, etc. etc.
I agree with you for web browsing and magazine/book reading and the like but I use my tablet very frequently for viewing movies, and there a 16:9 makes MUCH more sense as you will get less of the black-bordery badness happening. Given Amazon are very much touting this as a movie/video content consumption toy, I think the 16:9 makes more sense to be honest.
But it's swings and roundabouts, and YMMV. :)
I have never, ever had anything but the most exemplary service from Prime.
Friends of mine when I was living in Ireland worked for Amazon, and they told me they had massive powers to keep Prime customers happy, whether it be waiving monthly fees or applying credit.
I've had to send back a few items in my time, and on every single occasion it was a joy to deal with Amazon.
I'll happily spend a few euros more to buy from them knowing that it'll be no worries if I have to send something back.
I'm not in the UK, but being a Kiwi there are several items I tend to order every year from the UK for 'cultural reasons'.
I ordered a pile of stuff this year, and it was all in one order. I DO have a Prime account in Germany, but obviously not in the UK.
All 8 items were shipped yesterday. One standard, not express, shipping charge of about 7 euro.
Estimated delivery time - oh, I don't know. Maybe this week, possibly next. Before Xmas anyway. Estimated says this Thursday.
So to those of you wailing and gnashing your teeth - seriously, get a hobby or at least a more vulnerable target for your vehemence because you're boring the shit out of me.
... who finds things a bit cliquey - I'm also an expat Kiwi but in Germany, not Norway, and compared to how things are in NZ, here it's very much more restrained/closed off. Hard to get accepted in a group of friends etc. Once it happens, you're golden though and they do tend to be much more likely to help you out with things, watch your back etc. rather than just 'people to go get wasted with'.