Do you leave facebook running in a tab?
For the most part I find chrome nice and snappy ... unless I leave a tab open on Facebook for too long (or any site with ties to it, which include far too many). Looking into it in task manager, one chrome process can be commonly found to consume 500M to over 1G of RAM for just one tab .... kill that process and invariably the FB tab changes to a crash report screen, all other tabs ok, unless they tie into FB somehow, then they crash too. Weird part is I have plenty of ram (16G), but when FB is taking up so much memory, the system as a whole seems far less snappy. How many of you people having problems, do as I often do, and have a facebook window backgrounded in a tab? Have you kept an eye on its memory usage crawling up over time? I've attributed this to shitty programming on Facebooks part (seems to be a nasty memory leak), and not a chrome issue, although I would love it if chrome allowed you to set a per tab memory limit to mitigate it. I havent really used other browsers in years, so no idea if it is just on chrome that FB has memory leak problems, but I'd suspect it affected other browsers too.