I work with them on a daily basis so feel obliged to chip in where they are mentioned: they are useless, the work is of the lowest quality and they form the low point of my working time.
19 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Nov 2014
At work I am responsible for ensuring the never ending stream of MS RCE vulnerabilities is taken care of. I resent Microsoft and what I perceive as their poor quality products for this.
I have been on friends and family duty dealing with the printer issue and have had money forced into my hand for dealing with it but still resent MS for it.
End of tether. Done with all things MS - they will never see another penny from me personally or professionally.
We use WVD at work for maybe a couple of thousand users. They get a black screen at logon sometimes. Seems to be pot luck whether the user profile loads correctly. It’s not been that great, YMMV. I’m not involved in the ongoing fixing, but the whole thing has the feel of a beta test.
I feel your pain.
We switched to a fleet of 'sheet of glass' phones (I've had em all personally too - iPhone to Nexus blah) and they're shit. MDM is worse. Typing is worse. Build quality is worse (9900 to S5 being compared. S4/5 are very brittle).
The only thing missing, which seems to be the main thing people complain about with BB phones, is the numerous stupid, infantile ways to waste minutes of your life that Apple and Android offer - what everyone refers to as 'apps'. When they say that they don't mean 'ways to work', they mean they want to play with toys.
Anyway, whatever - idiots always seem to win in the end. All hail the rise of the idiots with their handheld twit machines. I'll stick with my Passport. The wife wants a Classic. Blend is excellent BTW.
I'm really happy for you.
Every day I'm at work I'm firefighting a Citrix VDI environment that has reduced user experience and associated satisfaction massively. The users that used to have their own desktops have exactly half the CPU power they used to. Windows chewing user profiles at random (which it will do at some point, no matter what you do) registry files full of garbage that eventually brings down the odd server or two. All good fun. It's a perfectly standard ESXi/Citrix VDI environment. We're not doing anything wrong or anything particularly fancy.
I would never impose VDI on anyone. Anyone who says it's wonderful is doing so because it suits them. The end user experience tends to be awful.
No they don't. MS are nowhere in any of this.
FWIW we use Xenmobile to manage a fleet of Androids. Rubbish compared to BES, but the public (users) gets what the public wants (via hamfisted, clumsy consultations).
I agree with the US DoD - Blackberry are pretty damn good at security.
I'm curious and perhaps naive: who/what are these people? Are they really (and obviously very indirectly) employed by MS to post things like they have here? If so, what a sad life.
I would prefer to think it'd be some kind of bot, but the posts have too much context.
For the record: I'd use MS SQL if I had to. I would never trust it or the underlying OS for anything critical however.