Look at the annual payment, not the debt
Very few graduates pay off their student loan before it's written off. Someone on £38k with a £50k loan will be paying about £1,500 per year, so they're still taking home more than a non graduate.
4 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Nov 2014
I have a pair of these, which are in the £60 range. I doubt if they are as good as Bose, but the active cancellation definitely works. They are also comfortable and have survived several years' use. You can detach the cable for noise cancellation without audio listening and they also work as normal headphones without their AAA batteries.
I know nothing about Singapore and its health system but I do know that frail elderly people account for the lion's share of NHS costs. It's easy to look after a young healthy population.
A useful comparison is the Elderly Dependency Ratio. This is the ratio of the elderly population (ages 65+) per 100 people of working age (ages 15-64). The UK's is 27.6% and Singapore's is almost half at 14.5%. This will make a vast difference to healthcare costs.
(source: CIA World Factbook)