* Posts by Flippy

3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Nov 2014

We tested the latest pre-flight build of Windows 10 Mobile. It's buggy but promising


Re: "Cortana unfortunately adds next to nothing to the Windows experience"

I upgraded my N930 to Win10 mobile just because Stagecoach upgraded their website and I couldn't see the real-time bus arrivals (they also pulled their feed from the external providers at the same time).

Battery life - shockingly bad. It had been good on WP8.1. I've had to find my external battery pack again - last used on my N920.

Phone app - repeatedly press 'answer call' button for nothing to happen. Finally call is answered just as you're clicking again but now on the hang up button.

Edge browser - Always leaving tabs open; typing a favourite in the address bar occasionally leads to a search list but not the page being displayed until you try to close the tab when it suddenly appears.

Mail client (Outlook) - View email, click delete and go back to the inbox where it shows "message deleted" in red at the bottom of the screen except the message stays in the inbox for another minute or more.

Predictive text - 9 out of 10 times it just ain't working (in any app).

Website shortcuts pinned to the start screen -- Don't show the preview icon anymore (but oddly on my N920 also upgraded to Win10 and restored with the same backup, do).

Cortana - Can now work out my daily commute but doesn't/can't tell me if there are disruptions en-route.


50/50 on whether to roll back to WP8.1 or not.

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Shell shocked?

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"How can you die of a vision-related illness?"

Love it.