* Posts by rpark

34 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2014

Brave, DuckDuckGo to unplug Google's AMP where possible


“Bypassing the AMP cache goes against the choice sites have made to deliver a fast, high-quality experience for their visitors." - uh-huh, Google generously provides 'choices' for a free and unmonopolized internet, primarily where it benefits Google's monopoly- what a 'swell' company !

Facebook may soon reveal new name – we're sure Reg readers will be more creative than Zuck's marketroids


Re: Social And Transcendental Activity Network?

...'SATAN' is good.


Re: Z?

...Alpha & Omega.


...Jar of Hearts.

Another Windows 10 patch that breaks printers ups ante to full-on Blue Screen of Death


Re: "in some apps"?

...40MB, holy smokes ! - I still 'pine' for the Iomega 10MB (8") cartridge and 'side by side' drive days, or the IBM Tempest PC System w/10MB Syquest removable cartridge drives (that mostly never worked well)- they were a particular favorite at the Pentagon.

Boeing brings back the 737 Max but also lays off thousands


Re: "more than a dozen initiatives focused on enhancing workplace safety and product quality"

...nah, a little more like the RT footage below:



DC-10 humor

...reminds me of a popular joke during that time -> 'There's a new cocktail called the DC-10 - drink just one and your nuts fall off.'


Re: Reservations outpacing cancellations ...

...not to mention fatal air crashes.


Not our fault

“Our industry will come back, but it will take some years to return to what it was just two months ago.” - particularly when you keep reducing staff due in part to your own self-inflicted quality control failures, and the FAA's inability to protect/ cover for your egregious failures resulting in the death of 100's.

That this AI can simulate universes in 30ms is not the scary part. It's that its creators don't know why it works so well


Dark matter

...Shirley Ho believes Dark Matter is an entirely separate category from the particle simulation (dogs, cats, elephants) leading to her confusion. The particles originate from the Dark Matter and resolve back into the 'Dark Matter' - DM isn't separate from 'regular matter' it originates it.

Could you just pop into the network room and check- hello? The Away Team. They're... gone


DataCenter UPS

...watched while a Data Center UPS (size of a large freezer) w/ batteries simply run out of power (due to Maintenance Dept. error), and the entire Data Center was plunged into (crickets chirping) silence ... the next sound heard (from me) was a blood curdling scream for the site Senior Network Engineer.

Holy moley! The amp, kelvin and kilogram will never be the same again


Holy Moley Batman !

...more accurate article title would be ...amp, kelvin and kilogram will always be the same again.

Fukushima reactors lend exotic nuclear finish to California's wines



...glad its back down to 'healthy' levels.

Kernel-memory-leaking Intel processor design flaw forces Linux, Windows redesign



...and we're all still waiting for the power of the Pentium to be 'unleashed'.

Munich council: To hell with Linux, we're going full Windows in 2020


Yuuuge mistake

...father forgive then, they know not what they do.

Lightning strikes: Britain's first F-35B supersonic fighter lands



...shiny- hope it doesn't kill too many RAF pilots.

Republicans move to gut FCC and crush its net neutrality crusade with paralyzing budget rules



...Chomsky's recent comments can generally be applied to the entire republican party- they are now a socioeconomic danger to the US and the world.

Microsoft now awfully pushy with Windows 10 on Win 7, 8 PCs – Reg readers hit back


Registry Edits

...link to article for several registry edits to eliminate upgrade and system tray icon:



WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


Intel Inside

♫ Intel Inside Outside- Livin' la Vida Loca ♫

Config file wipe blunder caused deadly Airbus A400M crash – claim


...I think their new number one priority is solvency.

Quantum computers have failed. So now for the science


Re: quantum vacuum is a superfluid,

...'quantum foam'.

Windows 10 build 10041: 99 bugs on the wall, fix a bug, add a feature, 114 bugs on the wall


another swing and a miss

...if they screw this one up, they're done where much of corporate america is concerned ... the only thing corporations worship more than technology is profit.

Mom and daughter SUE Comcast for 'smuggling' public Wi-Fi hotspot into their home


Re: Hope they win.

...and keep selling you up, for just another $10/mo.


Re: Is suing someone the best response?

...we're rather behind the times compared to Europe, UK and France had ISDN Minitel phones in the 80's-- the US didn't get ADSL until the 90's.


Re: @cyke1 Hope they win.

...My Techicolor TC8305C router is an 802.11n (single band Wi-Fi 802.11n - 2.4GHz 3x3 with optional 200mW high power) but, if you have the TC8717 (dual band concurrent high power Wi-Fi - 802.11n 2.4GHz and 802.11ac 5GHz 3x3) then your bandwidth dilution will be minimal. I TOTALLY agree with you though, because its like being raped in your sleep and then finding out about it later-- you were still violated (but you apparently agreed to being raped, in your sleep, when you signed the disclaimer).


Re: Hope they win.

...logins are automatic, when you come within range of an available hotspot.

This week it rained in San Francisco and the power immediately blew out. Your tech utopia


Re: Surely the headline should be

...switching, with quick slew rates is what we do !


...just another plug in the wall.

...lets hope in those darkened board rooms some decisions were made to embrace non-power grid electric technologies (other than diesel generators) -- the local power companies, are the single point of failure that ALL of silicon valleys technology depend on.

Tor takes off the gloves after sustained staffer harassment


Gloves Off !

Word UP !

Antares apocalypse: Orbital points finger at turbopump FAIL


Low bid

...hope the collective savings on those low bid engines was worth the disastorus results.