Re: Wikipedia
Please put them up somewhere. That’s what indieweb was created for.
I personally would love to read about them.
129 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2014
PC design is still stand-alone.
It is possible to create secure client devices that dynamically verify through a chain of authority.
We have smart brains, and banks have the money and an incentive to resolve this.
Clean slate. Build on ideas like Secure Mobile Architecture.
Just don't use stand-alone thinking.
BT has an amazing portfolio of properties, mostly empty.
They can (re) introduce telecottages. Staff select a site close to them, so short commute.
It’s then up to managers to tour the locations where their reports are working. As if they ever would.
Telecottages are well provisioned for conference calls.
And hints to a far more rational team building strategy. Hire locally to allow face to face meetings with white boards.
A few commentards mentioned the applications. Or how we control the infrastructure.
As each technological advance introduced a new infrastructure we made the same mistakes; initially we tried to control the infrastructure with a hierarchy.
As the volume of data overwhelmed it someone introduced a distributed and sometimes autonomous way to control the infrastructure.
Mr Lord thinks this fibre is going to support the centralised internet.
But we already have the edge. And applications will be distributed. Don't try to control that with your PON thinking.
I don't have the answers. I think I know where we have to look and it's not in the mega-corporations controlling technology.
True. Competing on price is a sure indication that a market is saturated. The product has become a commodity.
It's also incredibly wasteful of resources.
It is possible the "cambrian explosion" will not happen in data centres, but where the data is being generated; IoT.
Every comment appears to be about feature selection.
Intel has WCS -
It might be they are coy about this because they are using this feature internally to create their application oriented chips sets, like the blockchain mining processor.
Just saying.
Ooh, back to the point.
I think these projects are disasters. And they are the government’s fault, subtly.
Large projects like these can’t be delivered by a single supplier in case that supplier takes advantage of naive departments. And the multiple suppliers sabotage one another.
that bug report is not major and with updates happening as frequently as reported, it's probably fixed by now.
here's a novel idea.
instead of sensationalising the failures, why not be responsible.
this pandemic is something we all should be working to bring to an end.
an obvious question after reading the bug report was : What is the update frequency of TempID?
Could there be a failsafe mechanism, as well as change the keychain access parameter?
we read the Reg because we know, like and sometimes trust technology. please don't duplicate what other journalists do.
good description of what needs to be done:
* content providers
* hardware manufacturers
* open source developers
can I add a fourth?
* open source OS support organisations
We now have red hat, canonical as big boys and a few independents pushing a "distribution".
I think all four are needed to support a supplier of ready built machines. I recently loaded Mint onto a Chuwi LapBook. now having new problems trying make all the hardware work on the same laptop using nomadBSD.
I'm making notes but the concern, as you point out, is that no one entity is taking responsibility for helping any change stick.
And that's sad considering the internet is at our disposal and has been such a catalyst of change.
there is a single protocol.
It's called the internet. And it enables a rich and diverse OTT market.
don't you think that the mobile network operators have already lost?
They have spent far too long plotting to stop the inevitable. Trying to maximise their investment in their stupid Mobile Networ Architectures.
That is Internet and edge processing.
Stop whining.
You're comparing a legacy power connector with a multi-function connector that has improved on the original USB connector based on experience.
All (four) of my portable devices have USB-C charging, and I've just bought a couple of USB-C memory stick.
It's already here, accept it.
Teams allows you to have subtitles. That's particularly valuable in one meeting we have in work where a participant is deaf. The AI/ML engine (a descendent of [Tay][1], no doubt) is being put to a good use because it also does a good job of interpreting this person's speech.
Now then, if only the Indian politicians had known about Kuhn's [structure of scientific revolutions][2]. They would have realised that they need to navigate to the [blue ocean][3]. Not to compete but to leapfrog.
We have speech recognition, we have still and video backdrops, we need total avatar synthesis. With translation. What a coup that would be for India.
I want speech to be voiced by [Peter Sellers][4]. Or perhaps like [this][5].
It's impossible to stop because most hirers or their agents want (or pretend there is legislation that requires) proof of identity.
My driving licence and passport both have my date of birth on them. Ironically my free senior bus pass doesn't have DoB.
With age should come experience and as far as i am concerned the most important is the experience of failed projects. Actually, in IT, most people older than 25 will have plenty of those experiences. The older you get, the less you get fazed by crashes caused by off-by-one, OOB, uninitialized variables, permission errors. You will smell problems and you know KISS works.
There are disadvantages to age, which can be compensated for by better use of practices and tools like...
What was I talking about?
Read about WASM as much as you can. It is the future of mobile devices. Look at this bit from the article:
"Without Apple, Google, and Microsoft on board yet, it's difficult to guess whether wasm will soar or sink for lack of support."
They all make proprietary mobile operating systems, or pretend they are open source, or failed to make a dent in the market. They know that a micro-environment is a replacement for their OS. And WASM is safer than the dominant mobile device makers telling us they are policing their app stores.
I agree. HTML and the DOM are legacy artefacts that should now be allowed to die. They are holding back another step change in society's adoption of technology. It's like high priests of the SQL monsters have done all they can to block enterprise adoption of simpler and more efficient data storage and retrieval systems.
YAML is better than XML (an exercise left to the student, but it's to do with functional decomposition), but let's not stop there. Scene description languages will allow us to describe all audio-visual actions from static pages to full motion immersive three dimensional imagery suitable for Augmented Reality displays.
Even if we get the specifications wrong the first six or so times we can fudge it with edge code. We have web assembly that provides an order of magnitude improvement in client processing performance. Why allow a pedestrian interpretation of a simplistic marks on a page description language to bind us?
Drop HTML, drop CSS, XSL, and most important drop any pretense that we live in a two dimensional world.
Let's face it. The reviewer was never going to *read* the whole spec. I did it for version 1 and it took 10 days of two hours a day. I remain deeply scarred by the experience.
As originally specified, Bluetooth was meant to be a point to point solution. It was only when the specification was merged with Motorola's "Piano" piconet protocol that the problems began. It adopted "big" networking and was only saved from implementing IBMs SNA by adopting OSI.
Actually removing some terminology might be useful for changing design thinking. In a nod to Mel Conway seminal article "How do committees invent?". If we can remove any reference to "master", "parent" or "manager" we could avoid command and control thinking pervading designa that should be as autonomous as possible.
> clunky web interface with no simple export
There’s a reason for that. The suppliers know NHS IT procurement is naive so they only sell a web front. They can charge more for “integration” with other systems.
The main reason NHS IT is a mess is because patient data is under control of primary healthcare providers; the general practitioners. Until patient data is wholly owned and controlled by patients themselves we can never have multiple operating models, such as gp->consultant, independent service provision, hospital@home.
Anyway, hospitals are just hotels with attending physicians. Best to separate out the services.
You had to be reasonable otherwise you would appear needy:
"you can only reasonably do so via an up-to-date XCode, which usually needs and up-to-date MacOS"
Macs are the only machines you can work on to develop software for any device.
Admit it, deep down, you would love to own a real Mac. Not a hackintosh.
Look how much your well meaning comment has been voted down.
The commentards here wouldn't know what team working is. They are, by their own proud admission, the loner in the corner. Not wishing to pair up with less experienced developers to help them with insights. Not wishing to participate in model storming sessions with customers. Refusing to refactor other people's code. Hoarding code until they have crafted an over-engineered monolithic lump that only they can maintain.
Agile is a way to classify a number of development frameworks or methodologies that mostly exhibit the principles of the agile manifesto. They are usually founded on the theory of constraints and software is development using XP techniques.
There is not one specific Agile methodology.
Just like there is not one specific Waterfall methodology. Just a set of specific, clearly defined phases.
Unlike the Agile haters here, I know when waterfall phases are needed and when Scrum will be ambushed.
There's a success story bubbling away with Fuschia.
Get a touchscreen Chromebook that runs android apps and you'll glimpse the future.
Android apps on Chromebook give you low footprint yet functional and offline capable improvements over browser based services like email, office apps etc.
If you look carefully at the Fuschia documentation you'll find an OS that is all about data flow.
Ledger allows data to be offline with sync.
Flutter, according to the Fuschia glossary:
"... is a functional-reactive user interface framework optimized for Fuchsia and is used by many system components. Flutter also runs on a variety of other platform, including Android and iOS. Fuchsia itself does not require you to use any particular language or user interface framework."
Fuschia, providing some simple Android porting tools, will replace Chromium.
I agree. Eventually there will be one. Interactive add-ons are a disaster.
Each mobile platform has its own way of describing the page and then its own way of updating the current display when things change.
Eventually we'll recognise HTML/XML to be the descriptor equivalent of a programming language without sub-routines, functions, or even gotos. How insane are we? There are better descriptor languages, even now. YAML has the descriptor equivalent of functions.
This kludging HTML is just the last deathroes of an irrelevant UI framework.
A crap implementation!
The light won't come on if the fridge is not up to temperature.
Most OS have a "Big loop". All the events get tested in that loop. Trust me, even interrupt driven systems use an event loop to dynamically change priorities.
This article is about UIs. They need high update rates so screen interactivity appears smooth. Sliders for example. Or how I'm writing on this tablet using a swiping keyboard.
With embedded stuff it's all about the non-functional or system qualities.