"But you don't understand - everything in the Appleverse is different!"
No, it isn't.
73 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Nov 2014
Sounds like another case of "If it's good for America, it's good for the goddam world!"
Case in point: liquid measurement. Not only do they reject the logical Metric system by retaining gallons, etc - but their "gallons" are a bit short of the real thing, leading to continuing confusion.
The other monopolist racket is to announce that Banana equipment is so superbly designed that nothing but Banana-made ancillary gear is good enough to use with it (so in fact, nothing else will work).
Translation: We've found a nifty way round the anti-monopoly laws, so we're making you pay double price for all the add-ons you need.
No - most families practice communalism. There's a world of difference between that and hard Marxism.
It's very true an early definition of Communism was the same as communalism, but brutal regimes of Stalin, Mao et al mean current definitions of Communism need to take account of the large Fascist element it now includes in practice.
Not really. The CCP's B&R "initiatives" seem much closer to the Balkanisation seen in recent history.
There appear to be 2 objectives with all those shiny new Belt and Road projects:
1/ Burden Pacific/Asian fiefdoms with costly B&R loans they can't possibly repay, then move in to take over the assets.
2/ Insist projects are built to military specifications, so wharves, airstrips etc can handle all PLA warships/planes.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
In our 'good new days' of glorious wokedom, opponents and doubters are digitally stoned to death with demands that they be deplatformed thus silencing their voice, and in many cases also that they be deprived of their livelihood.
But that's okay, because clearly anyone deviating from current groupthink dogma deserves nothing less than erasure...
And more 100% agreement. It seems news programme editors must tell presenters to prioritise colour and movement above all, in the apparent belief their audience has the focus and wit of a wayward waif.
So on top of the tabloid-traditional shock! horror! content, we now get over-exposure to anything that's in vivid motion - and often totally inane.
"Be a paying user, or a shaven sheep? I'll take the former, thanks."
Could we be sure about the either/or option possibilities there, though?
Big Zucker's millionaire lawyers, who've provided such [/outstanding/] advice so far, may already be working on proposals to now make us pay while we quietly continue to be shorn of our data.
Something odd about the reporting on this matter, with the person described as "Muslim American".
If another religion had been involved in this, would she then have been said to be Catholic American, etc, or described as an American Catholic? The point being that Muslim is not a nationality, so in other cases it would be the fact of being American that was the signifier.
£75k (or even a bit more) after delayed prosecution will never deter them, as others have noted.
One answer may be to start action earlier - and then have jail as an option for any further offences.
It would need a change in thinking, as well as the law, but might focus some wayward minds.