* Posts by Gil

22 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jul 2007

Sony wins case over pre-installed Windows software


This is not going to be a popular opinion on here, but I kind of think the court made the right decision here. At point of purchase, there was nothing deceptive going on - exactly what was promised and sold for that price was provided.

To use a car analogy (shudder), if I buy a car and I don't ever listen to the radio in it, instead preferring to install a different model of stereo of my choice, would I be entitled to go back to the manufacturer and return the original unit and ask for a refund of the value of the original stereo?

Android on Windows is disruptive because neither Microsoft nor Google can stop it


Re: A testament to Google's expertise

I have the same problem - brand new Nexus 6P. Lightning quick out of the box, a month later it's started lagging, pausing and generally being slow. My HTC One M8 did the same thing.

Yeah, I know it's most likely down to some app I'm using and when I have the time, I'll put the work in to figure out which one it is. It kind of defeats the point of having a smartphone if you can't just install apps with impunity though.

Cesspool 4chan sold … to former owner of Japanese cesspool 2ch


Re: Liberals

He's using Liberals as a catch-all to refer to the Authoritarian Left I think


Re: Free speech, so long as you're not an SJW

Oh do fuck off, Linehan, you tired shill.

Google makes Opera bloggers an offer they can't refuse: Use Chrome


I think the real story here is that somebody out there still uses Opera!

Welcome to 1999!

Ten... dual-band wireless routers



I see from the browser bar bookmarks in those screenshots on the last page that the author is a regular visitor to torrentday.

That's an interesting, albeit controversial, choice of 0s and 1s to test out those fancy new routers........

Pre-Pet Commodore micro up for grabs on eBay


If I ever get a job working for The Register, do you think they'll allow me to increase the price of my eBay auctions by posting up "news" about them here too?

Ten... crowd-funded games from veteran devs


You missed one!


Our first priority has always been to transform a space combat game into the hot action that fills the player with adrenaline - the most important feature, lost in most games today. Playing other space sim. games we were always left wondering "why?":

why can't I fly inside of the space station tunnels?

why can't I use different methods of flight?

why can't I do controlled asteroid collisions?

why can't I destroy separate parts of an enemy ship to disable it?

why can't I use other ships’ pieces to create my own craft?

why can't I play the bad guy?

And finally, why can't I reach and land the planet in front of me?


YouView: You're delayed - Sugar



So with ANOTHER youview delay, and the demise of Fetch TV, what other serious IPTV options are there that aren't affiliated with an ISP?

Adam Sandler's cross-dresser shocker is Razzies stonker


A little harsh, methinks. Watched it with the kids. It wasn't *that* bad - I've seen a lot worse (ie any Wayan Brothers "pardoy").

It was never going to be Citizen Kane, and delivered what it promised for 90 minutes - ie a brainless, at times entertaining diversion.

Homeland Sec., RIAA Torrent lists published


Erm that's the whole point of it.

It demonstrates just how flawed the current system of linking piracy to an IP address is.....

Mac security update leaves users open to ugly Flashback


I think the difference between Microsoft and Apple here is that Microsoft weren't the ones to create a condescending "I'm a PC" commercial insinuating that their operating system was virus free...

With the amount of braindead Apple fans who claim that Apple Virus / Malware is an oxymoron, that 30 second spot could turn out to be some of history's most damaging tech-related FUD.

Powerline network radio interference debated in Commons



Why don't the beardies just start using Skype instead? Then everyone's happy!

More iPhone 4 angst: fanbois howl over head sensor


Works Fine for me!

Absolute rubbish! I have one, so does my boyf...uh.. girlfriend and my gim...uh best friend. It works fine for us, we've had no problems whatsoever. This is just more typical bias from the regi.... *click*.... 'bip bop bip the other person has cleared. bip bop bip the other person has cleared. bip bop bip the other person has cleared'

Google Chrome 4 lands (Windows) extensions on world+dog


Re: Fanboi

Shut up, you fanboi

Space firm to send Christmas Day tweets to dead people


Just into the sky?

Alternatively, for those whose relatives were slightly less saintly, I will be simultaneously lobbing my wireless router down the bog and broadcasting any tweets you may have....

BT opens wallet to send fibre to the home


Re: It does seem a bit odd ...

@ Anonymous Coward:

I think the difference is that BT's network was originally built by the state, but Virgin's network was financed entirely using private capital.

O2 says 128Kb/s is all its 3G customers need


3 mobile + laptop = 384k cap?

Maybe someone can answer this to me:

When I use the internet on my 3 N95, I get a very reliable 3.5G connection, far in excess of 384kb/s. However, when I connect my N95 to my laptop using the Nokia PC suite, it never connects above 384 kb/s, and the connection drops every now and then.

Would anyone care to speculate if this is a deliberate cap that 3 are imposing, or a limitation of the PC suite software?

SanDisk prices up 32GB SDHC memory card


Maximum writes?

Are these still fairly fragile in terms of maximum read/writes? I can see the appeal of using one as swap partition, but how long would it take to die under such durress?

Wikipedia COO was convicted felon



@Chris C:

I think the "Point" is that unlike "IBM, Microsoft and Mozilla", Wikipedia is financed from public donations, and regularly indulges in anything ranging from mild pan-handling to "we won't be here anymore if you don't pay" threats.

To be honest, I'd say the story holds a lot of interest to any poor saps who have actually handed over their hard-earned cash - wouldn't *you* like to know if your contributions to knowledge actually ended up (legally or, possibly otherwise) in the pockets of a murderer?

Warner puts 'Glu-ray' disc on hold - again


People Come on!

Are you all seriously arguing amongst each other about FORMATS?

I can understand the time honored Coke vs Pepsi, Christianity vs Islam, Spitting vs Swallowing, and even Trek vs Wars arguments, but arguing about the best format for reading little pits from a piece of plastic when nobody (unless they work for one of the involved companies) actually has a vested interest either way? You geeks have sunk to an all time low.

Crazed NZ fanboy mows down churchgoer


Mental Illness

Apple fanboys in mental illness shocker!

In other news, the sky is blue, the iPhone sucks, and the Israelis and the Palestinians fell out a bit.