* Posts by mark.d

11 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Nov 2014

If at first you don't succeed, you may be trying to install that Slow Ring Windows 10 build


Re: Does anyone bother with Windows anymore ?

That certainly hasn't happened for me. I have some of the affected games (Rainbow Six Siege in particular) and have been getting all the updates pushed out. I have been able to play some modes which don't require the anti-cheat software (Terrorist Hunt Lone Wolf) but any of the multiplayer modes will instantly fail. Some of these were green screens, others wouldn't even let the game start, others would have the match start but instantly crash the game with memory access exceptions. This has been happening since before Christmas.

Now you, too, can snoop on mobe users from 3G to 5G with a Raspberry Pi and €1,100 of gizmos


Ettus Research USRP is usually the go to product for this type of use. Another might be the Hack RF One but that is around a quarter of the stated price.

Honor phone for paupers goes upmarket, assails flagships



after experts at this sort of thing predicted Westerners would never be able to pronounce "Huawei".

and the pronunciation is?

Missile tech helps boffins land drone on car moving at 50 km/h


Re: Wasn't there

Renault had a concept car with a drone called the KWID

Blighty flings £4m to help n00b games devs level up


Re: £4 mil?

You missed the Service Handling Fee, and then the added VAT on top, so that will be £1.31

Turbocharged quad-core Raspberry Pi 2 unleashed, global geekgasm likely


Re: Awesome

Lady Ada says that the pibow has a problem with some cases as the processor cutout is differently shaped, so expect a new revision shortly.

Under the "what to watch out for" section https://learn.adafruit.com/introducing-the-raspberry-pi-2-model-b?view=all


"This means that 99% of cases designed for the Raspberry Pi Model B+ will work with the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. This includes the Adafruit B+ Pi cases

One exception is some Pibow cases which have a layer that has cutouts for the specific location of the processor. Pimoroni has informed us that they will have a new case design that is compatible with both. Check the description of any case to make sure it is compatible with both Raspberry Pi Model B+ and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B"

Super Cali's futuristic Tesla batt swap focus – even though car tech test is an expected bonus


Re: Three minutes is fine

The tesla battery swap video from last year, demonstrating the swap against filling up a tank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5V0vL3nnHY

Orion 'Mars' ship: Cosmic ray guard? Go. Parachutes? Go. Spacerock shield? Go!


Re: Anyone produced it in Kerbal yet?

Saw a Scott Manley vid a couple of days ago where he launched using a bajillion (technical term) physics-less components. After constant acceleration towards mun it hit and bounced back along its arrival path.

The craft exceeded the speed of light.

Google Chrome on Windows 'completely unusable', gripe users


discontinuing certain compilation optimisations and heartbleed

I could have sworn that parts of the slowdown occurred because they globally disabled some accelerated math functions that in particular have huge impact on SSL/TLS optimisations, as well as that of the chrome pepper flash player plugin. I think that removing the compilation switch for SSE and possibly SSE2 was one of them (or at least that I've noticed on an older machine) so a whole bunch of relatively slow machines (because they don't have AVX/SSE3(x)/SSE4(x)) have become extremely slow. The only problem is that I've tried to find confirmation on this but have not tracked down through either release notes, or bug tracker, and I can't remember where I read this.

It was also roughly at the same time of heartbleed and some client side SSL/TLS safety checks were included.

In some cases where I've deliberately crashed chrome, I have gone from a usable 100 tabs across 10-15 windows under Chrome 30 and re-opened in 60 secs to a completely unusable mess that requires closing multiple windows to get down to a total of 15 tabs capable of running in less than 5 minutes.

People who have AES-NI or similar will have next to no problem (if there is any will be un-noticable because of the operation speed) as the slow down on non-AES-NI capable machines. This CPU capabilities flag as well as that of maths accelerations should be noticeable in the problem reports - that is if they are collecting it. This may explain why some recent intel chips fail, whilst older ones work as stated in the story..

It should be relatively simple to determine, go to portableapps, get all versions from 30 onwards, load up several tabs each of facebook, gmail, twitter, tumblr, pinterest, etc amongst others with mind numbing amounts of ads and flash and crash it (kill chrome.exe from task manager it should be the process without any flags/switches if you have command line column active.) Restart and open chrome task manager (Shift-Esc). If you are really committed some debug/profile software may help.

Clara goes to the dark side, with dark secrets revealed in Dark Water


sub par Peter F Hamilton Lite.

It is pretty much The Doctor shoveled into PFH's Night's Dawn Trilogy with Al Capone replaced by Cybermen, written by sub-par fanfic writers. And bureaucratic death (which has never, ever, been done before.)

And because it is the end of the season lets throw in The Master...

I cannot believe the relationship between Clara and Danny, it is just really extremely badly written. No love, no passion, just meh. Pretty much the definition of a relationship that is doomed to failure, through either falling apart or Danny throwing toys out of pram with regards to Clara's continuing association with The Doctor (particularly after the "as you say, SIR!; as you wish SIR!") - Amy and Rory's relationship was much better defined and realised.

The confrontation with the Doctor at the beginning (did we forget the finger-snaps?), it is all just really bad, bad, bad.

Capaldi and Coleman have had some seriously poor writing to deal with this season - the next episode and Christmas special could seal the fate of Doctor Who under Moffatt...