In other news...
World still a sphere.
No but really, it's like the big energy reality no-on wants to face is that we need to use less energy per person. We've been high on the hog of cheap oil for so long that we can't face the comedown.
What's the alternative?
Renewables? Probably can't supply us with all our energy wants.
More nuclear?
Yeah right. That'll be the one with fuel and by-products that remain toxic for 50,000 years. Or, to put it another way 10x older than Stonehenge, which is already unimaginably old on a human scale.
Sure I trust BNFL and the French, to have made adequate provision for keeping us safe. <wets myself laughing>
Inter alia, mate of mine was stopped by plain clothes coppers in rural Wales last week for taking photos. Turns out he was near a nuclear power station and they get twitchy about people with lenses.
Seriously, we have plain clothes cops permanently hanging out around our nuke plants due to terrorism fears. Well yes, makes sense. Highly vulnerable, tempting target, very toxic materials.
So: Vote nuclear for the surveillance society!
I bet half the people saying 'go noo-klear' on these pages are the ones objecting so vociferously to Phom.