* Posts by meqaniqal

1 publicly visible post • joined 30 Oct 2014

Linux systemd dev says open source is 'SICK', kernel community 'awful'


Re: Your stuff is crap but it's free so I'll take it.

This is spot on (and apropos). Especially the lunacy of suggesting newbies using `man -k` to find answers. Shows a complete lack of empathy, in the sense of being unable to comprehend different and valid perspectives (in other words, an inability to put oneself in the other's shoes). Sadly, these are the same people suggesting that people who are asking real questions are the broken ones -- the askers don't have thick skins, and they aren't worth answering if they can't weather some abuse.

The people who already know `man -k` are not usually the ones asking the questions. (If they do know, and they should know better, well, I understand ....)

On the other hand, I've spent a lot of times answering questions (and sometimes asking) on forums and the like. It isn't a paid position, and sometimes those who are replying are having a bad day, month, or whatever. I know I've been rubbed the wrong way by something in a question that's probably really innocuous....

But for those who are on forums asking questions honestly and who are basically decent ( -- not the troll-y, disingenuous, the boorish with a sense of entitlement....), we should try to be as efficiently helpful as circumstance and our natures allow. I kind of see where Torvald's comments as to his own disposition apply, but it is sad that the followers emulate the same kind of behavior when they don't have to. It's probably that they don't want to take time to work on being more flexible and empathetic human beings. Sometimes, it isn't in our nature ; but when are we just being lazy?