As a great American (Ronald Reagan) once said "the most frightening words in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you' ..." and he was right when he said those words and he is still right today. Each and every time the government (ANY government) expands it's control and influence over any aspect of the public (or private) sector, the results are (to put it nicely) "less than optimal". The fact is, the more government is involved in something, the more probable it becomes that the 'something' will end up monumentally fuqked up beyond all recognition.
This power grab by the FCC headed by it's little Nazi Tom Wheeler, directed by the big Nazi (Barky O'bama) has two and only two true objectives: the first: to squeeze more tax revenue out of ISP's, internet services of all varieties, and of course, the end users. The second: control and censorship of political speech on the internet, which is the bane of leftists and liberals all over the planet, especially in the U.S., where the righteous (and justified) fury directed at the impudent little dictator in the White House is a never ending stream of vitriol and the Obamunists want to stop it at any and all costs.
Thomas Jefferson said "when the government fears the people, there is liberty, but when the people fear the government, there is tyranny".
Tyranny has made another major step forward in what was once a free and democratic America.