And who forgot the latest incarnation of the original smartphone, the nokia communicator, being the E90????
2 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jul 2007
Well FINALLY, after nearly 24 hours, our dedicated server is back up and running again. We have lost an awful lot of business inquiries
I need to get this of my chest. The reason we pay for a dedicated server in a server farm is PRECISLELY for this type of event - maintaining continuity nearly 100% of the time. This wasnt needed, or offered, I wouldn't pay £600 a year for it.
With this outage ALONE the uptime has dropped to 99.7%, whereas what we expect is 99.99%, about an hour a year downtime.
Come on Fasthosts, spill the beans, if you didnt get flodded or loose the electricity supply, then what kept the servers down for a day?