superb game
admittedly if you're an Alien/HR Giger nerd you can pick minor holes in it all day long:
the creatures head carapace isn't semi-transparent at the front so you can see the human skull inside like mr gigers original
the creature has six individual fingers where originally it had only four - the middle two were double boned but fused together
the creatures central fifth exhaust pipe at the base of its neck seems to be missing
the creature didn't inherit raptor-style dinosaur legs until 'resurrection'
but these totally petty niggles are so far outweighed by all the other lovely touches that are in there, including:
the DLC mini-missions on board the nostromo with everyone apart from ian holm stepping up to re-voice their characters
a flashback sequence halfway through the main story that takes you to the original planetoid for a 10 minute mini-mission that is just so well done it's worth playing the game purely to see it
when you distract the creature by throwing a flare or a noise-maker down a corridor and it stoops to investigate, its tail starts whipping around like an angry cat - sooo sexy!
really there are only two things that imho would have helped give the game a touch more immersiveness:
a huge message from the devs at install stressing the importance of adjusting the gamma level correctly, because the wet-look fresnel shader used on the creature starts to look more like velvet if the gamma isn't dark enough
at the beginning of a survivor mode game there should be a huge ghost train style klaxxon go off as soon as you've geared up and opened the door - just to give it a bit more 'here we f*ckin' go!' vibe
if you can play this on a firepro w7000 your eyes will love you forever ;-)