Fond-ish memories of my Dragon, which was my first computer in I think Christmas 1982. The other alternatives I considered were a Spectrum and a VIC-20, but the Spectrum had the horrid keyboard and the Vic was getting a bit long in the tooth by that time. The Dragon was a great programmer's machine what with its 6809E and interesting operating systems, though the reality was that the latter in particular needed deeper pockets than my family possessed. So I had to make do with Microsoft Basic (yeah, I really felt the burn from people who had access to the much more advanced BBC Basic) and games that ran in a choice of two rather nasty 4-colour palettes. Some of them were awesome though, such as the Cuthbert games.
It got me on the road to computing, so it was a good investment. My attitude still hasn't changed, I manage to remain entirely ambivalent about whatever I'm using, which probably says more about me being an eternal malcontent than the pros and cons of the Dragon!