Re: Shock news. Startup pins whole business plan on single big order and gets screwed.
I can't comment with any confidence on the American position but in the UK simple "inequality of bargaining power" is not a reason to set aside the terms of a contract. There are high standards of protection in business to consumer sales in the UK but for b2b contracts it's not quite the case of "you agreed to it, your bound by it" but it's pretty close, the law doesn't protect you simply because it was dumb to agree to something. This said, the position in UK law and possibly the position in the USA is that if any of the clauses about breach amount to a "penalty clause" (where the penalty is so big it's just designed to scare you and isn't a reasonable pre-estimate of loss) then they would be unenforceable - but that's about the clause not about the relative strength of the parties.