* Posts by cantankerousswineherd

6 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Oct 2014

The future health of the internet comes down to ONE simple question…


short form

internet to fragment in the next ten years.

NSA approves Samsung Knox for use by TOP SECRET g-men


totally owned then

no problem if the NSA can hack the g men, good news, they can hack everyone else

beware govt agencies bearing gifts.

Scientists skeptical of Lockheed Martin's truck-sized fusion reactor breakthrough boast


electricity too cheap to meter.

Wide-ranging UK DATA SHARING moves one step closer


just to be clear, I'm against data sharing, whether or not there is recourse for the victims.

'Cops and public bodies BUNGLE snooping powers by spying on 3,000 law-abiding Brits'


Re: Suddenly the Daily Mail sees the benefits of Human Rights.

strange, but I think the objection is to human rights for other people, they're OK for us.


they've certainly got blackmail dossiers on cabinet ministers and anyone else.who's been through developed vetting.