This vulture was 16 years, 8 months, and 15 days old On December 20, 1968, and was getting all excited about the Apollo 8 mission, and his new Country Joe and the Fish album.
Posts by Contrex
124 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Oct 2014
The latest language in the GNU Compiler Collection: Algol-68
Crack coder wasn't allowed to meet clients due to his other talent: Blisteringly inappropriate insults
Muppet broke the datacenter every day, in its own weighty way
Re: This kind of semi-random, intermittent error is such a pain to diagnose
In 1985 I had an add-on 3.5 inch floppy drive in a case, for a Sinclair QL, that used to malfunction (Disk read/write failures) after you moved it until you tapped it in one particular place. Turned out the one-man-band making them had not actually soldered the connector onto the power cable properly, just dabbed the terminals and bared wires with the iron.
I also had the same types of problem (bad solder joints that flexed) 20 and 25 years later with two different models of Shuttle small form factor PC.
Magnetic personalities at Tokamak Energy form separate division
A nice cup of tea rewired the datacenter and got things working again
Where the computer industry went wrong – the early hits
VMware giving away Workstation Pro, Fusion Pro free for personal use
The update server is still up, and you can download a tar archive of the Windows installer for 17.5.1
I just did it, and in the newly installed Workstation, clicked 'Help' in the menu bar, then 'Software Update' and was offered 17.5.2 build-23775571 which downloaded and worked fine, along with drivers, etc.
By the way, I suppose we won't now be needing the free licence serials that bloke on Github has been allowed to give away for a while now?
Screwdrivers: is there anything they can't do badly? Maybe not
Re: Not screwdrivers but...
I don't know if it's a thing about plumbers' merchants, but my local one in Bristol is like that (willing to rip open a pack for one washer to help a customer out). I'm sure a lot of the reason is that they are nice (it's a family business) but also they probably, and rightly, reckon that any time someone in a 50 mile radius asks that customer if they know a decent plumbing supplier, that's the name they'll remember and pass on.
Bad vibrations left techie shaken up during overnight database rebuild
Techie saved the day and was then criticized for the fix
NASA, Lockheed Martin reveal subtly supersonic X-59 plane
CLIs are simply wizard at character building. Let’s not keep them to ourselves
Veteran editors Notepad++ and Geany hit milestone versions
Lawyer guilty of arrogance after ignoring tech support
CompSci academic thought tech support was useless – until he needed it
Arm grabs a slice of Raspberry Pi to sweeten relationship with IoT devs
Excel Hell II: If the sickness can't be fixed, it must be contained
Before I retired, I worked in a large public sector finance office, that paid fees and expenses to thousands of individuals each month. The payroll process consisted of emailing Excel spreadsheets monthly to the outsourced payroll provider. The emailed spreadsheet was made by copying over rows & columns from individual spreadsheets maintained by different sub teams. I was responsible for the final upload. One month I was on leave and came back to turmoil. My line manager, the office leader, who was always banging on about paying attention to what you are doing, had managed to paste the amounts payable to each of 6,000 people one row below where they should have been. Everybody got the amount due to the person above them on the sheet. Not to mention the tax and NI. What fun. How do you think the matter was fixed? Yep, another spreadsheet!
Raspberry Pi 5 revealed, and it should satisfy your need for speed
I have a Pi4 4 GB running Libreleelec (Kodi) and connected to a TV via HDMI. It sees a mounted drive shared using Samba by another Pi4 NAS on my home LAN. The NAS is connected to the router with Ethernet; the TV Kodi one uses wi-fi. I can stream even 1080p x265 material stored on the NAS with NO glitches or any noticeable problems at all. I get a lot of stuff by putting on an eye patch and going -oo-arrr me hearties'.
Chap blew up critical equipment on his first day – but it wasn't his volt
Polishing off a printer with a flourish revealed not to be best practice
Netflix flinging out DVDs like frisbees as night comes for legacy business
UK health service has £1.5B to put toward Digital Workplace Solutions 2: Electric Boogaloo
Nobody would ever work on the live server, right? Not intentionally, anyway
Family-owned aerospace biz throws a wrench in Boeing IP lawsuit
Re: Using the right tool for the job..
In the 1970s I worked for a motorcycle dealer that sold XXX brand machines made in Japan. It was one of a network of XXX Main Dealers, who were the only ones allowed to sell official XXX branded spare parts, everything from complete engines, frames, down to headlight bulbs, brake cables, gaskets, etc. Even screws, nuts, bolts and washers were listed and stocked. The contract with the XXX Motor Company (UK) Ltd stipulated that only genuine maker's spares were to be sold, and any infraction could lead to withdrawal of the contract. XXX company inspectors could in theory arrive unannounced to perform inspections of the warehouse and retail stocks. They never came on Sundays when the whole business was closed!
A big seller was brake shoes for a number of smaller motorcycles. The official XXX Company margin on these was not enough for the company owner. Unofficial Sunday overtime was sometimes available to unload the truck bringing 'pattern' brake shoes round the back of the warehouse, and to discard the incriminating packaging. They were stacked along with the official versions, and sold at the same high price.
At the time I just thought (I was young) how devious the very self-important owner and founder of the company was. I now strongly suspect that the potential 'inspections' would never come, and the reasons might have been contained in brown envelopes, and also that the brake shoes were exactly the same as the ones that XXX Company wanted us to sell.
Techie wasn't being paid, until he taught HR a lesson
Posing as journalists, Pink Drainer pilfers $3.3M in crypto
Raspberry Pi production rate rising to a million a month
That old box of tech junk you should probably throw out saves a warehouse
An important system on project [REDACTED] was all [REDACTED] up
Psst! Infosec bigwigs: Wanna be head of security at HM Treasury for £50k?
I used to work for a UK government ministry and the guy in charge of a very important system came to visit us. A lovely bloke. Beforehand we had been told by a very hierarchy minded manager that he was a 'Band A' grade and we should mind our Ps and Qs. I told him that when we were alone, and he rolled his eyes and said 'they had to give me that grade to make me stay - I'm no different from you'. A band A was on around 50k at the time.
How Arm aims to squeeze device makers for cash rather than pocket pennies for cores
Don't worry, that system's not actually active – oh, wait …
Re: pizza is the perfect food
People who sarcastically write 'Elf N Safety' or variants thereof really grind my gears, having seen or heard of accidents resulting in injury, disability and in one case, death, all from ignoring H & S requirements in some way. Most safety rules are written in peoples' blood.
Texas mulls law forcing ISPs to block access to abortion websites
Service desk tech saved consultancy Capita from VPN meltdown, got a smack for it
PC tech turns doctor to diagnose PC's constant crashes as a case of arthritis
Re: South don't work in the North
Sony Trinitrons came first, around 1968 but generally colour CRTs with the 'delta gun' arrangement were displaced by 'precision in line' (PIL) tubes during the early 1970s. RCA introduced theirs in 1973 and Thorn marketed the design in the UK. Philips/Mullard had their 20AX around then too,
Learn the art of malicious compliance: doing exactly what you were asked, even when it's wrong
As I get on well with my line manager, and her line manager as well, I would ask, in a constructive way, whether she really meant what she had just asked for, and outline what I thought the drawbacks might be. I would regard it as silly and unhelpful to compound the foolishness by just blindly charging ahead, and might expect, if I did, at a subsequent post-mortem, to be asked why I hadn't said why it was a bad idea, considering I was paid to use the material between my ears, and the tongue in my head. This sort of this has happened, and I regard navigating such obstacles as a a key skill. I'm sure, given the tendency of toxic management to take credit for underlings' sucesses, and to blame them for management's errors, that I'd come off worse. If the management was toxic, I'd be off anyway.
No more free love: Netflix expands account sharing restrictions
Software engineer accused of stealing $300k from employer was 'inspired by Office Space'
Re: Code review is for wimps
I also read about such a case, and that it was detected when bank staff wanted to demo a search function to some visitors and chose to see the first and last accounts (by some metric) and the thief had created his fractional-cents-dump account to be the last one, and the transactions looked distinctly odd.
Non-binary DDR5 is finally coming to save your wallet
Miniature nuclear reactors could be the answer to sustainable datacenter growth
FCC calls for mega $300 million fine for massive US robocall campaign
Tesla driver blames full-self-driving software for eight-car Thanksgiving Day pile up
Epson zaps lasers into oblivion, in the name of the environment
Re: Oh sure, inkjets are "green". Pull the other one, it has bells on it.
In 2015 I decided I wanted a colour laser printer. My Canon inkjet needed a set of replacement cartridges that cost £50. The printer only cost £80. I found that my local Staples branch in Bristol stocked a budget colour laser for £100. I rang them to enquire about stock. The guy said 'Sorry, they've all sold out. Did you want that particular model, or are you just after a colour laser?'. I said 'Why do you ask?'. He said 'We have an HP ex-display model you can have for £50. No packaging, manuals, or driver disks, but it has unused starter cartridges. You'd have to collect it.' I asked 'What model?', He went away and looked and came back. 'It's an m251nw'. A quick Google... List price £200. 'Hold it for me, I'm coming down!'.
It's big, heavy and black, and wife didn't like it until she started her OU course.
With our usage the original cartridges lasted to May 2020. I bought a set of 'compatible' full-capacity replacements from a smelly-sounding UK supplier. Showing 80% remaining.
You would expect a qualified electrician to wire a building to spec, right? Trust... but verify
Re: Socket Tester Plugs
About 60 years ago, my uncle, who worked for a Ford main dealer, told me about a visit to their factory at Dagenham, which had its own steel rolling plant. He said that he was told about an incident not long before his visit. A man needed to get in amongst the rollers, so he removed the fuses for the motors and put a note on the cover. The shift changed, the new operators replaced the fuses and started up the mill, rolling the poor guy flat. They were made to join the crew that had to dismantle the equipment, get all the bits out, and clean everything.
LockBit suspect cuffed after ransomware forces emergency services to use pen and paper
I just uploaded a picture of myself to PimEyes, and it returned two images, one of me, and one of someone who looks a bit like me. The one of me shows me holding up a bit of paper with my partially blurred out name on it!. I think I know when it was taken. I would have to fork out for a subscription to see the full url. Not happy.