Bad losers and no winners
shocking to read some of the moronic posts in this thread, democracy has had it's say.
so we have these
1. remian lost because the vote leavers are stupid
2. I voted remian but dont actually know how the EU works but it is a great thing
3. hey I've done really well from the EU, so what if others haven't
4. I'm going call people racist biggoted and stupid just because I didn't get my way.
Some people need to re-asses their thought process.
1. leave voters are entitled to their opinion.
2. having a different opinion than yours does not mean people have lower IQ's (what next people with different skin colour )
3. the UK more affluent section of the populace and the business world has prospered in the EU, where as others have most definitely not.
4. Immigration from outside the EU was not the issue, it was freedom of movement within the EU which has set back race relations to pre WWII levels, the influx of cheap labour has decimated the construction/factory/service industry with no options for lower skilled Britain's to go elsewhere.
5. Multi Nationals, large organizations have played the EU card and layed off thousands of UK staff because it is 30 euros cheaper to hire staff in Bulgaria or hungry.
6. We bailed the Financial world out , only to be dictated to by a banker from the European bank who has no mandate from the people of the EU to govern them or set policy but he did and then being put through austerity because of the failure from the exacty same people that are forcing countires fiscal policy beyond common sense.
there should be no legislation without representation and the current EU setup is only concerned with business and market interests and the people of the Europe are second class, I mean what a sterling job the EU did with.
3.Middle East
5.Migrant crisis
4.Financial meltdown
5. Greek issues
Yeah the E.U is great place can keep it.
There are no winners here, but at least the road I travel will be one of my own choosing through a democratic process, and that is a word the EU has forgot "democracy" .