* Posts by deconstructionist

86 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Sep 2014


Elon Musk: I'm gonna turn Mars into a $10bn death-dealing interplanetary gas station


to die for ...wish he would

the man's mental

50 % percent of all missions to mars have failed usually in fireballs.

The Apollo missions to the moon took one third of the American budget for 10years ...way way more than 10 billion in todays money.

Isn't he happy with people dying driving his not so autonomous cars now he wants us to do the same in space.

nice pictures though..shame about the lack of real science


Virgin Media costs balloon by MEEELLIONS in wake of Brexit


eh we are still in last time i checked

Thing is we have not exited so how are any costs related to brexit .....because the pounds dipped ! nice spin ....try routing my broadband correctly and by that I mean not using cheap teir Europe connections that pool VM users with Russian isp's .

It Does not matter if you have the fastest runner if he has to run 3 times the distance to get anywhere.

Microsoft thinks time crystals may be viable after all


Re: My. Brain. Hurts.

Our that you can get funding based on fairy dust it seems or that smart people sometimes think they are smarter than real Math's and observation , although this seems just another story about boffin's with wacky ideas it is another lets pull science out my ass and ignore core tenants.

I am sorry but I understand this and it is still bollocks.


"The significance of our work is two-fold: on one hand, it demonstrates that time-translation symmetry is not immune to being spontaneously broken," said co-author Bela Bauer, a researcher at Microsoft Station Q.

Really Nobel incoming then .......it demonstrates nothing until proven or at least until you submit a nice paper for peer review.

@ El Reg you are missing a word from this sections title looking at some of the recent articles " fiction"

Star Trek's Enterprise turns 50 and still no sign of a warp drive. Sigh


Re: Random thoughts

Actually quite a lot of space craft use ION propulsion like deep space one


the long and short of it is the universe is to big and to dangerous not to mention GR and SR ,all make travel to other planets Disney channel fodder...if we ever go there will be no coming back and it would take generations and you may find the 2nd or 3rd generation of space travelers might want to head back home instead of keep on heading into to the darkness.

Sorry but truth is it wont happen.


Re: It is all wishful thinking

Got a myself a PHD in Physics (non linear optics) does that count , Einstein and bohr both agreed warp drives where not science and just wishful thinking. maybe I have burst your sci-fi bubble so sorry.

It is all about energy potentials and there is just not enough of it is the universe to do the thing suggested here, it is all about the maths ...the language of the universe and it say "not you don't"


It is all wishful thinking

Unfortunately special relativity , general relativity, distance and scale mean the man from del monte he say "no".

FTL travel not happening there is not enough energy potential in the entire universe just to get my little body to the speed of light ....Strike 1

Even if you could say travel at 10x speed of light and traveled to a star say only 40 light years away yeah you get there in 4 years but 38000 years would have passed here on earth go to the other side of the galaxy which 110000 -120000 light years across then 4.5 million years would have past . strike 2

Warp drives even though energy potential does not exists or exotic matter if you could get it working you would sterilize where every you stopped for a very very large distance strike 3

Forget Khan and Klingons, Star Trek's greatest trick was simply surviving


Star trek was never science and it always bemused me there nothing of merit there but then again so was star wars but it didn't dive down the utopian wonderland the federation was and only after gene stop writing did it change.

But to you all trekies ,sci fi fan alike around the world the sad fact is warp drives/ ftl travel/ hyperspace are all utter nonsense as the universe has unfortunately "made it so"

Making us pay tax will DESTROY EUROPE, roars Apple's Tim Cook


Re: Will the real APPLE stand up

what are you on about !.... I am talking about the slave labour practices of apple which even greedy swines like Amazon, Adobe, IBM, microsoft, Google, Dell would not dream of doing, still would not want to get human suffering in the way of your snap chat or twitter.

And Tim cook says apple always do the right thing ...they never have.,

I buy product's from companies that don't destroy other people life's for a profit...don't know about you


Will the real APPLE stand up

What a low life company apple is and Mr. cook is a veritable skank , the living and working conditions of workers in their eastern plant are nothing less than criminal, some of the moves with app developers have been nothing less than theft , it bullies anyone in it's way and makes scientologists look left of liberal.

Why you people buy these products is beyond me like mr cook I hope you sleep well knowing your helping to destroy life's.

Never buy Apple .

BT boils over, blows off Steam, accuses Valve of patent infringement


fly on the wall

BT head Office's

director one : shit we wasted tons of cash again on shit that no one wants .

director two : yeah ..but I was speaking to legal they've got a plan

director one : oh ...really

director two : we'll sue

director one : brilliant .....eh who will we sue.

director two : this fat guy with glasses, should be easy he makes valves..

director one : what are we suing him for ! he stole our ideas that didn't work and where not ours in the first place.

Lawyer : open and shut case

director one : why's there sticker on your case that say's Vegas or bust ..

director two : he told you it is open and shut case we will be minted

lawyer : on phone " hello is that the Bugatti dealership "

VirusTotal invites Apple fans to play in updated Mac malware sandpit


Re: Apple fud

LoL Yeah so they can brick the device and force you to buy the latest model by using all your free space and hogging resources so it runs john candy on crouches...thanks alot

League of lawsuits: Game developer sues cheat-toting website


fix the game

Riots client is shocking and piss poor and they know it , all they will do is push it underground or somewhere else this wont stop the music ...so the dance continues until they man up and fix the client glad I am dota player.

Don't want to vote for Clinton or Trump? How about this woman who says Wi-Fi melts kids' brains?


Re: Now That Bernie is Out....

LOL actually Trump is looked apon by the right wing in the republican party as to liberal , the republican tea party movement hate him with a vengeance and those are the back stage players trying to stop him from within , Clinton is another cuckoo in the nest and to be honest I don't see her as any less worse or better than trump .

1. both have less than stellar pasts.

2. both are no stranger to corruption and failure.

3. both would be a security risk trump through stupidity and Hillary through negligence.

Still Mr. trump never had one of his advisers steal documents from the national archives like Samuel Berger.

Trump might destroy the future but Hillary will rewrite the past so she makes sure she does not get the blame.

SO although many down voted you for suggesting TRUMP is the best bet , using Donald and best in the same sentence precludes putting Trump in there ...maybe Duck.

But there is no best option both are equally scary as a president

Nope, we can't find dark matter either, says LUX team


Re: "Scientists named it dark matter as it did not seem to emit any light"

Actually dark means we "don't know" just like dark energy or dark flow , Dark relates to effects witnessed in the real world to which we have no clear definition to what they are.

It's about "not understanding" not about "not seeing" or "does not emit light", and this is another experiment which re-enforces that.

But a negative is sometimes as good or better than a positive, as it removes veils of theory that sometimes obscure the truth .

Star Trek Beyond: An unwatchable steaming pile of tribble dung


Objectivity Lost

Looks like you guys need tranquilizer dispensers at EL Reg...or to stop letting fan boys write reviews the film was ok not great but it was miles better than this review.

Star Trek is so out of step with the reality of the present world it is absurd , nobody is interested group hugging anymore or fantasy notions of a societies in harmony. TOS barely holds it's head up plot wise, TNG well is just canned mush DS9 was just a jump on the B5 bandwagon and V well best avoided for IQ loss and lets not talk about Scot bulkas quantum leap into boredom.

Yeah all that stellar stuff was miles better than this new film......really is that what you are saying !

time to back away from your knee high boots, lycra and communicator skin for you phone

The Great Brain Scan Scandal: It isn’t just boffins who should be ashamed


sour grapes

bad science is just that bad science and we have it by the bucket loads with fMRI and it would seem that leaves certain champions of a technology based on hope and dare I say it sophistry a tad red faced, so it is no surprise it results is some hot air when exposed to the shiny bright concept of reality.

PM resigns as Britain votes to leave EU


come on really ..lets not let the facts get in the way.

1. the pound rose to abnormal highs the day/night before the vote as speculators and the market believed their would be a definitive yes vote.

2. so the pound was miles higher than it should of been because of all the currency and market nonsense.

3. so the record fall is fake.

4. we will run the country as we did before the E.U like we did for 1000 years before it.

5. we elect the government to run the country , now they will actually have to do that rather than blaming the E.U and sitting on their ass,


something else that is rather absurd is David Cameron's , "why should I do the hard shit"

eh because you are the fool who decided to go all in on a horse without a jockey, "you should do the hard shit because you covered the rest of us in " , acting as If he is doing the noble thing falling on his sword come on.

He is just a little boy that doesn't want to play anymore because the other kids don't want to play his game....uh the poor wee soul.


Bad losers and no winners

shocking to read some of the moronic posts in this thread, democracy has had it's say.

so we have these

1. remian lost because the vote leavers are stupid

2. I voted remian but dont actually know how the EU works but it is a great thing

3. hey I've done really well from the EU, so what if others haven't

4. I'm going call people racist biggoted and stupid just because I didn't get my way.

Some people need to re-asses their thought process.

1. leave voters are entitled to their opinion.

2. having a different opinion than yours does not mean people have lower IQ's (what next people with different skin colour )

3. the UK more affluent section of the populace and the business world has prospered in the EU, where as others have most definitely not.

4. Immigration from outside the EU was not the issue, it was freedom of movement within the EU which has set back race relations to pre WWII levels, the influx of cheap labour has decimated the construction/factory/service industry with no options for lower skilled Britain's to go elsewhere.

5. Multi Nationals, large organizations have played the EU card and layed off thousands of UK staff because it is 30 euros cheaper to hire staff in Bulgaria or hungry.

6. We bailed the Financial world out , only to be dictated to by a banker from the European bank who has no mandate from the people of the EU to govern them or set policy but he did and then being put through austerity because of the failure from the exacty same people that are forcing countires fiscal policy beyond common sense.

there should be no legislation without representation and the current EU setup is only concerned with business and market interests and the people of the Europe are second class, I mean what a sterling job the EU did with.



3.Middle East


5.Migrant crisis

4.Financial meltdown

5. Greek issues

Yeah the E.U is great place ............you can keep it.

There are no winners here, but at least the road I travel will be one of my own choosing through a democratic process, and that is a word the EU has forgot "democracy" .

Physics uses warp theory to look beyond relativity


Re: The Current State of Physics

I understand what you are saying, but the reason we can't reconcile the big with the small is we really don't understand either realm, even the land of the big we have so many "Dark" things Flow, Matter and Energy, dark really just means "we don't understand" and nothing to do with "we cant see it". and in the quantum world we have more theories than particles , so there is a long way to go before we can sit both of them at the same table.

So we have a long way to go before we understand how to actually ask the Question, and that's the problem so jumping into FTL research is a like trying read a book when you don't know what words are , learn to read first.

To much research these days is aimed at what is sexy and stir's wild imaginations, rather than the practical issues of things we know we don't understand that we know are real.


what is this common sense in a reg forum post

Well said, the article is just a cut paste which I dislike and there is no validity here only assumptions and in parts based on faith , it is not even a conjecture. it is akin to Victorian sciences attitude towards basic space travel , quaint and charming but more based on want than on Science.

Theory is great , discussion on theories are better ...but "what if's" I will leave to Disney and hollywood.

Florida man, Chinese biz fined $48k, $35m on mobe signal jam raps



Having survived a rather nasty accident on the Florida turnpike a few years ago I beg to differ, one of the drivers of a pick up involved only survived by luck, and that was that a surgeon was in one the cars behind he quickly called it in with a correct diagnoses , that gentleman would require blood plasma onsite as he was badly trapped in a mess of crushed vehicles, that man is alive because of one mobile phone call.

So some silly little tin foil hat wearing idiot war driving with a jammer is absolutely absurd, and the hammer that should fall on that crown of aluminum should hurt

Ouch! Microsoft sues recycling firm over 70K stolen Office licenses



Having worked for Micro Spanner in the past I can assure you they have no idea on the licenses none at all they couldn't even tell you how many copies they sell per year , because of how they actually release product to them market, channel/partners/oem etc etc ..I am surprised they even they even noticed (which must mean someone stuck these greedy lads in )

Because anybody thinks Microsoft found this out by their selfs well that's tinfoil hat time.

DARPA adds 'sense of touch' to robot hand


the ghost of the machine

Imagine if we could connect to a robot hand over the net and get real feedback , I would have it installed in all our engineering sections so I could smack'em hard every time the push out rubbish.

But think of this in the corporate 2.0 society we live in , doctors doing remote surgery over the net with a real sense of touch and feedback, artists, musicians the possibilities of remote performance would be endless, the robot is dead long live the net bound Cyborg. don't fear A.I 2.0 ...we are it.

The future of IT is – to deliver automation. Discuss


Actually it's 2 - 6 days according to most users and the forums, as long as you put the proper info in the ticket, so you got banned/pished/trade banned/hijacked or bought something 6 months ago and now it is on sale and you want a refund, or you bought something even those the minimum specs told you not to...yada yada

Their is no response on Vac Ban or Ban's due to trade exploits. and that is great thing about automation it ignores all the morons and doesn't care(not saying you are).


Or maybe you have a problem entering the correct data required for a prompt response and having rant at a automated systems because you can't read seems the usual. and considering the standard agreed SLA for support responses is 3 days.


As I am a consultant in EVA/IF in my company which could be mistaken for a famous fruity sauce , we have in most instances reduced incident and events by72% across the board in under 12 months , which means the headcount goes down so not a popular role with fellow staff members, but the ethos of automation is not new but it is the main driver at the moment and every thing our hackers do is just that hacking away at a keyboard and mouse to make the damn thing do want you want it to do. nearly all of this can all be automated using everything from PS scripts/workflow or bespoke automation application platforms.

I mean take valve software everybody quotes their flat world model as to why they are so successful but its more like total automation processes they use provides the ability to have a flat world model.


2nd biggest digital distribution platform on the net

increased profits by 50 % every year since the company founded

3rd biggest user of bandwidth on the internet

bigger BO hardware footprint than HP and dell combined

70 million users world wide

support system for 70 million users

over 1600 back office applications and the hardware for 3rd parties

support system for onboarding new client and existing clients

Now designs hardware also .

designs own OS and software

and all this from 350 staff from one office in Seattle...now that's why automation is king .

All aboard the Skylake: How Intel stopped worrying and learned to love overclocking


Re: I've NEVER understood the opposition to overclocking.

Chip manufacturing Has always been a mad business the failure rates etc, but the real reason for Intel's hostility to O'Cing is not as you think, for instance take the Intel PII 200/333/450 where all actually the same chip just the lower speed versions where clock locked at the factory , it was just cheaper to make only one version and lock the speeds rather tool up for a range , the chip runs with damaged caches became the Celeron range.

Also People would O'C chips in the past without Water cooling or all the modern O'C designed kit which just didn't exist back then so people would be tampering with Stock kit not really designed for operating out with it's intended limits.

Yeah it is a bit different now , but another seller for the Chip manufacturers is Clocked chips never last as long .

Would YOU make 400 people homeless for an extra $16m? Decision time in Silicon Valley


and the good fairy will save them all

Love all the rubbish about making the right choice ?...so after years of mismanagement on housing by the state he should lose 16 million because of poor choices by less than stellar politicians ..Disney channel fairy tales......take the money and run.

Assange™ is 'upset' that he WON'T be prosecuted for rape, giggles lawyer


eh the rape charge still stands the assault charge is dropped because the limitations on charging him has passed and they must interview him before charging him. so he is not off the hook as their is no limitations on an Rape case.

He is a moron who thinks he is above everyone else and the rules don't apply to him , he'd make a fine politician

Reddit: Gonna SCRUB these TROLLS right outa my hair


this parrot is a dead parrot

For me I have left reddit as have a lot of friends , add shadow bans because you happen to downvote something you dislike because of how linked to that thread is mental, it is like a trip to a some backward mid west puritanical backwater where anything consider negative ..like an opinion is frowned apon ...goodbye reddit.

Ugly, incomplete, buggy: Windows 10 faces a sprint to the finish


Re: looking for apps

odd most used function in a enterprise environment, type 3 letters and it presents most thing like type SSO for the sso admin, type bi for BizTalk saves so much hassle don't know any of the other consultants or architects in my team that don't use it as a first point to start up an app.

Another odd thing about this article is about how it works on a tablet like MS has corner the market in tablet...wait that's right it has not , so who cares how it works on a tablet that why 8 failed like Eddie the eagle Edwards as in not really suited to what was required , MS has a truck load of work to convince the Enterprise market that it has shed all of Ballmer's madness, 10 needs to be enterprise ready from the get go this one OS for all is narrow band thinking(straight buzzshit from ballmer)

Tesla S P85+: Smiling all the way to the next charging point


electricty is so clean right

You are all mad , it is like the hand dryers in toilets with their 2300 watt blower " saving the environment one hand towel at a time"

Really how much FF did you burn to get that energy, the long and the short of it is we cant store electricity on a large scale, it is the bad we actually pay wind farms not to produce electricity 35% of the time.

Electric cars are just stupid yeah save the oil but burn the coal and gas the infrastructure required for mass electric cars is not economical nor is it environmental sound

Star Wars: Episode VII trailer lands. You call that a lightsaber? THIS is a lightsaber


reality bites

actually as an Iiado junkie of many years lightsabers where always poorly designed as pusdeo swords, most sword fighting between two individuals ends up in sword dancing with both swords locked reverse or side on (kendo,kenjitsu,Iiado) one should always block with the reverse of blade, the cross guard(TUSBA) is vital as is the without this you will loose one on one in close quarters.

the scenes in star wars with clash of sabers close would be extremely simple to lob of the fingers of your opponent or wedge your blade deep in a shoulder.

So really this is the first proper light saber .

Hollywood's made an intelligent science vs religion film?!


deal a hand of cards to five people turn them over and ask a mathematician to work out the odds for each player getting those exact cards , he give you a astronomical figure.

Now ask a second mathematician who doesn't know that the hand that was just dealt , how likely it would be for those cards to be dealt they will always answer the same highly unlikely you might have a better chance winning the lottery.

Deconstruction after the fact always lead to stupidity.

This film is vapid and horrid in every aspect, it seems Hollywood just can't do it , be objective that is 2/10 never even tried.
