* Posts by ckdizz

71 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Sep 2014


Cheap as chips? Not for much longer, analysts reckon, after rough year for memory makers


Re: Where was the 32% drop

In November I rebuilt all three workstations in my office to move to the new Ryzen chips and 128gb DDR4 cost less than half the price it did 18 months prior when we bought first gen Ryzen. The drop in end consumer pricing was much higher than 32%, and not only that but the RAM were got was rated faster and used Samsung B-die chips instead of the Hynix in the old modules.

In fact, because RAM was a secondary reason for the upgrade and made up so much of the cost, the low prices were one of the main reasons we did it then.

We don’t even need that much, but 128gb was cheaper than 64gb back when we did the other builds. So what the hell.


Oh my God, Samsung only made $23bn. What ever will they do?!?

Want to learn about lithium-ion batteries? An AI has written a tedious book on the subject


Also this could be used to write a passable Tom Clancy novel.

Apple in XS new sensation: Latest iPhone carries XS-sive price tag


Woah everyone. I understand that sentence wasn't properly claused there, my bad - I don't check texts or emails while I'm driving. :) Thinking about it, if I didn't care about having my eyes on the road and my hands on the wheel, I probably wouldn't be bothered with having to hold the phone up and use FaceID.

But I do use the phone for maps, traffic alerts, music, radio when I go out of antenna range, etc. I can make and receive calls via the steering wheel, and move between songs, but that's it. Most things Siri tells me I need to unlock my phone for - or the worst one, when she tells me I can't ask about traffic alerts while I'm driving so I have to unlock the phone and check manually (this is me, asking Siri to tell me about traffic on SH1 and she tells me she can't do that while I'm driving). Right now with the iPhone 7, I can just lean over and do that stuff like I would on the car stereo's LCD. With the iPhone X, that was impossible - I'm having to enter in my passcode instead. It went back because that wasn't a safe situation.

The text and email thing - that's me walking down the street and losing the ability to discreetly pull the phone out of my pocket to check text and emails. I turned off screen lock screen previews for those for privacy reasons. iPhone 7, I can pull it out and press TouchID; iPhone X, I have to pull it out of my pocket and hold it up to my face.


I don't understand the fetish for FaceID, which is annoying at best and absolutely useless when I'm in the car and Siri tells me she can't do something because my phone is locked (so yeah, thanks Siri, you know it's my voice but you can't unlock the damn phone based on that). I had the iPhone X for about three days before it was returned because it basically became useless while driving and I was having to pull the thing out of my pocket and hold it up to my face for three seconds to check a text.

I don't care about the price, or the size. I care about "technology moving on" (that's a quote from Apple sales) when it's not really moving on. So instead of just pressing my digit against the sensor, that old technology has been dispensed with, and we've moved on to make my phone more useless in the car, and more difficult to use on the go.

My iPhone 7 Plus is probably good for a while longer, but if TouchID doesn't come back next year I'll be going back to Android.

Forgetful ZX Spectrum reboot firm loses control of its web domains


Re: Sinclair Microvision

Was it Raymond Babbitt?

Post Unity 8 Ubuntu shock? Relax, Linux has been here before


"Since the news that Unity 8 was being abandoned and staff reshuffled or cut Canonical did happen rather abruptly it is worth asking: What now?"

You're right. "What now?" was exactly what I asked when I saw this grammatical kernel panic.

Linux Mint-using terror nerd awaits sentence for training Islamic State


Re: New and dangerous breed of cyber terrorist

> It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man without a girlfriend, must be in want of a project.

Not sure about that. I'm 8 years into my relationship and I'm pretty sure that most of the tension around here relates to the several grand's worth of new but unused PC equipment for my 'projects' lying around the house.

> Also the 'terrorists' are generally sponcered by some organ of the state.

Doesn't say, but maybe he did draw his salary from the DWP...?

Flatpak and Snaps aren't destined for graveyard of failed Linux tech yet


As a long time Ubuntu user who's embraced things that the Linux community usually hate (systemd, GNOME 3, Windows 10), I can honestly say that I haven't ignored something as hard as I've ignored Snaps. I just haven't found a good use case for them yet. They haven't filled a niche that Docker isn't already consuming with it's wide load arse.

SPY-tunes scandal: Bloke sues Bose after headphones app squeals on his playlist


Did it say that stuff about sending data to third parties before the lawsuit or did you just download an updated version that says it now?

Anyway, regardless, the extent of the slurping is a problem because of your playlist being linked to your identity. I think the problem here isn't that it's sending usage data, but that in combination with your registration details (needed for the "warranty") it can personally identify you and your listening habits (which add the lawsuit says, can link you to podcasts that determine your interests and even your personality).

Dishwasher has directory traversal bug


Still can't figure out why half of all Reg stories have comments apparently written by my grandad in the throes of complaining that things aren't what they used to be.

Oh happy day! Linus Torvalds has given the world Linux 4.10


Re: Linux didn't invent CRAP.

I think you're confused about how you create an operating system, and the licence for MINIX. Linus didn't steal anything: he worked on MINIX to write the Linux kernel and cross-compiled GCC versions for Linux until he had a usable version of Linux to work on. It was intentional that MINIX components could be used in the first versions of Linux, but seeing as Linux has always been open source, and seeing as MINIX was intended to be used in educational scenarios, the accusation of stealing from MINIX is far fetched and utterly wrong. He would have been caught out pretty quickly.

The irony of accusing Linus of copying SVR4 is hysterical, seeing as System V throughout its history has lifted features wholesale from a whole bunch of other OSes - SunOS, BSD, Xenix. There's a reason both Linux and MINIX are UNIX-like - they deliberately emulated UNIX.

AMD's had a horrible 2016: Never mind, it lost slightly less than half a billion this time


I'm buying the shit out of Ryzen when it lands. Actual 8 cores rather than this bullshit lite hyperthreading or AMD's previous hash up? Sounds like a good idea to me.

Penguins force-fed root: Cruel security flaw found in systemd v228


Oh my God! A vulnerability in software that can give ab attacker root! This validates everything I knew about the software in question, and I'm fully justified in being against it and avoiding using it!

Apply that principle universally instead of just to things you can't be bothered learning. You wouldn't even be using pen and paper because someone could look over your shoulder. There have been many more much worse vulnerabilities in software you all no doubt use every day without complaint. The great thing about Linux is that if you don't like something, you don't have to use it. Feel free to exercise that power, but get off your high horses in your fictional world where root level vulnerabilities only exist in things you hate.

British banks chuck smartphone apps out of Windows


Re: Well even though my bank has an app

"But impulse purchase? Really? Either buy it on your debit card or use a credit card and sort it out later. Or do you really log on, transfer cash and then use your debit card? I struggle to find that easier to be honest, regardless of the app.

A few banks offer 2FA anyway with a text code buzzed to your mobile should you want it."

I actually don't take my personal credit card out with me regularly. That's one reason. But also I manage money better spending "real" cash. I also don't, for security reasons, because my cards are PayWave enabled, routinely keep more cash in my current account than I really need.

I mean, we can generally agree that using something so fundamentally insecure as the internet for financial transactions is insane in the first place, so once you get over that hurdle and accept that you do use it, and it is insane, the better way is to do it with the app. Provided it's a good app, and provided you actually have a use case - like managing your money on the move. Of course, I'm lucky in that respect and I also know a couple of the iOS developers by chance, so I'm confident that it does a better job in general front and back end than the web.

Although the more you get into the arguments the more having that sandboxed app for your bank transactions makes sense over using a computer, without going to extremes like VMs or containers just for that.


Re: Well even though my bank has an app

"So how do you respond to the fact fingerprints can be lifted (gummy fingers), and any security measure presented in Android seems to get bypassed routinely, even fingerprints and passwords/PINs? And that true paranoids run their banking runs on virtual machines?"

I'm not a true paranoid. I don't know of any open exploits with the fingerprint reader on Android or the phones I use. But it's still true that if you're targeted you can't do anything about it. Like locking your doors in your car and home, those measures can prevent casual or opportunistic crime, but you can't do shit if someone really wants to get that information. I do enough to prevent theft without everything becoming inconvenient and unworkable.


Re: I used to work for RACAL secure payments.

"When we found out they wanted Micro$oft in ATM we all giggled out loud."

Yeah, and you got Java instead. How's Oracl€ working out?

Two things. As a former auditor, I know that most accountants know way more about security and risk assessment than your average dev (who at the end of the day usually isn't a security specialist). It's a pillar of the CA qualification worldwide. I don't want to get fussy about this, but risk assessment is based on balancing risk, the fact that risk cannot ever be completely eliminated, and the cost of taking one route compared to another (cost measured in money, but also time, and social costs).

The other thing is that like your lawyer, accountants don't make technical policy decisions. They make decisions about their own department, but they don't make decisions for other departments. They present financial information and other people make decisions based on that.

But let's be honest here. Chip and pin has dramatically reduced fraud and is far more secure than the magnetic strip and signature. I don't know what went on during the development, but if it's like any other large interorganisational project I bet it was a mishmash of tradeoffs and bargaining between a whole bunch of different agents. That's never going to produce a perfect result, but it's certainly produced a result that's achieved a measurable drop in stolen card fraud.


"I have assumed that this is to allow the banks to track what you do beyond what can be done in a browser."

Because access to all your financial information, your address, phone number, ability to crush your credit score, holding all your money, your mortgage, knowing your location via your purchase history, knowing your purchase history - all that is fine, but tracking you on your phone? That's the line!

Not tinfoil hat enough mate. You need to be stuffing your gold reserves under your bed.


Re: Well even though my bank has an app

Here's why I use it. I don't know about the generational thing; I'm in my late 30s, but I'm also an Android developer.

First, I can check my balance instantly on the login screen without having to log into the app (I also use the fingerprint reader on the phone so if I lose it, no one can access that information unless they have my finger, or, if they reboot the phone, the phone's pin). I use my cards a lot, far more than cash, so knowing how much is in there before I go to the checkout is really important.

Second, if I do want to make an impulse purchase, then I can transfer between accounts right there and then. In addition, if I want to send someone money I can do it right there and then. I could even - although I don't do this - bump phones for the NFC high five.

Third, the UX is far better than the website. They put a lot of work into the UX, and when it's in an app it's not browser dependent (so Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc. which could all render in different ways are replaced by a uniform app).

Fourth, my sixteen character website password doesn't have to be typed in, because the device has a pin (up to six digits), and I don't need to enter my username/customer number. All I need to know and type in is my pin.

Fifth part one, it's far more secure than the browser - any browser. There's extra layers of security you can't have in the browser, even on the computer. The app doesn't depend on the security of other applications (like the browser, or plugins for the browser). It's sandboxed (and all others should be too) so no other applications can open it, and it can only connect to one site. It's never completely secure because you could still bypass it with (serious) user intervention, but it's far more secure than the browser.

Fifth part two, it's linked to my phone. So only that device can use it, and all devices have to be registered with online banking in the first place. My bank gives us a maximum of three devices, and if anything changes substantially in the device then the app needs to re-register. So you can only use it on that phone; you can only use new devices after you've done a couple of 2FA routines, so people can't just register new devices without having access to your online banking, your email and your phone.

tl;dr it's really fast, convenient, makes managing my money so much easier, looks pretty and more secure.

Petulant Facebook claims it can't tell the difference between child abuse and war photography


I don't want to point out, yet again, the folly of allowing the method of distribution to belong to one company who provides a service in exchange for selling your information to advertisers and possibly other companies, but I just did, so I suck.

Perhaps it'd be better for everyone if we just ponied up a couple of bucks a month to belong to a P2P social network and got to decide what happened on our accounts and took responsibility for our own content.


Strict liability means there is no defence except statutory exceptions. It doesn't mean that a naked photo of a child is indecent - it's not the definition of the image that matters, but the culpability of the offender. In other words, is there mens rea, or is there enough to prove a guilty mind.

Distribution of indecent images of a child is a strict liability offence with only a couple of statutory exceptions (from memory, it's good cause to distribute and lack of knowledge of the contents), but what constitutes an indecent image isn't defined by the fact that distribution is a strict liability offence.

Pope meets Zuckerberg


I wonder if God needed some tips on how to watch what people are doing.

Adblock Plus blocks Facebook block of Adblock Plus block of Facebook block of Adblock Plus block of Facebook ads


This is an awesome war over the minds of cretins who use Facebook.

Kaspersky so very sorry after suggesting its antivirus will get you laid


Re: Stop "Criminalizing" Everything Male!

I know most of the things you think are happening are fictional, because they never happen to me. But then again, I never go around trying to offend people. Not even casually. But at the same time no-one really tells me I shouldn't say anything.

Now, you might say that it's because I've been castrated and I'm a victim of the gynocracy. But I'm pretty sure that every day is awesome, and it's mostly because I'm a white man.

So instead, I would like to counter with the idea that rather than other people removing your rights as a man, you've voluntarily castrated yourself in your head.


Re: Diet Coke Ad

George Carlin was funny, but he's a comedian, and he made his living by saying offensive things in the right contexts. Unfortunately, he missed a massive part of why we have social norms, and why some of them need to change: sometimes you can say something, and it's fine, but in other contexts, it's not okay. I can watch Louis CK make a rape joke on stage, and that's fine, and it's actually funny. But you make the same rape joke in the office, and that's not okay. Of course, nothing is stopping you from dropping the n-bomb in the office, or referring to a woman by a vulgar name for her genitals, or making a rape joke. But you can't blame other people's sensitivity if you clearly did something that was going to offend, perpetuate a stereotype, or just plain piss them off. You can't run to free speech when you're merely facing the consequences of using your free speech: other people have the same right to tell you to shut up. And you can complain about social media pile-ons, sure. But that doesn't ever invalidate the two way nature of free speech.

People who tend to complain about things being too PC, or who complain about their freedom of speech being restricted, or who complain about how we just can't say anything these days, these are the people who are never the target of these things. These aren't the people who've spent the majority of human civilisation being marginalised and excluded, or sold into slavery, or told they have only one role to play, which involves squirting out babies. Or any combination of the above.

So Carlin was right, in a sense. Silencing people or forcing them to alter their speech isn't the best method for solving our inherent stupidity. But if we didn't do something, dropping the n-bomb in the office would still be the norm, because otherwise a minority of people wouldn't stop doing it. And we know that's the case, because it's been made perfectly clear that's not okay in the past, and people still do it. When you give them a cloak of quasi anonymity, they do it more.

It's a start. FWIW the Diet Coke ads aren't okay. The Lynx ads aren't okay. They are a simple example of the lowest common denominator in advertising. They're what you get when you strip creativity, and they're what you get when you try and create a target market of sex-starved middle aged women and sex-starved teenagers. I'm pretty sure there's more ways you could sell those two particular headaches in a can, but I don't watch broadcast TV, and I don't work in advertising.

Debian: s/Chairman/Chair/g


Re: Wrong usage

Chair is the correct term in the UK parliament select committees, and the Australian Senate and House committees. Chairperson is the correct term in the NZ parliament select committees. They refer to them in all committees in all three countries as Mr Chair or Madam Chair, or usually, in the third person, the Chair.

Are you concerned that the person sitting in the chair might confuse your address with the actual chair? I'm pretty sure this has happened at some point in at least one movie. But following the literal path, addressing them as Mr Chairman means you actually have to find the guy with the surname Chairman. Or maybe the person who made the chair. Or who lists the chair as an asset in his cost code? Where would you like to stop with the literal approach? It could be the modern day Who's On First, although knowing boardrooms, taking that approach could be just as productive as anything else that happens in there.

So, in lieu of giving in to a surreal form of literalism, regardless of how hilarious it could be, the correct term is whatever the organisation decides it is. I'm sure organisations across the world are replete with designations that confuse and disorient people such as yourself with a rigid approach to boardroom etiquette, but the easiest and most respectful way to handle these tricky situations is to address people how they want to be addressed, and use the designations the organisation has decided they want to use.


Opposing efforts to emasculate the Debian project, huh. Well, that is a great concern. Maintaining Debian is, after all, a task on par with felling giant redwoods, repairing punctured truck tyres using only your teeth, and ghostbusting.

Software bug costs Citigroup $7m after legit transactions mistaken for test data for 15 years


Re: One of the simplest checks of all

Yeah, that's what should happen in the FMIS. But first, you're talking about reporting, not accounting, which although it uses some of the same data, doesn't do the checks that accounting does. You might have the reporting function do double entry checking, but why would you when the FMIS does that.

Secondly, you're talking about a bank that implemented a new coding system and didn't bother checking if it worked properly. For 15 years. That kind of precludes them from even thinking about doing a redundant check on the reporting data, let alone being able to implement it without sinking 30% of the world's cargo ships at the same time.

Salesforce bins all Android phones bar Nexii and Galaxies


Yeah, I agree with this decision. It's pot luck whether or not your data are missing or incomplete when you use Salesforce, so when you do fail to retrieve it from their crappy backend it's really important that you send me your snarky support emails from a recent device. If you're out with your client and all the work you did that morning has gone titsup, then at the very least when you pull out your flash phone to blame the wrong person they'll think you're making someone, somewhere some money and stick with you.

Reuters flogs IP for $3.55bn


Someone just overpaid for stuff that governments are seeking to put on open databases that interact with each other. As it's a private equity firm, you can only assume this is another shakedown and selling off the best of the bunch, rather than deciding to get into the IP business and consolidate TRIP with CPA Global.

A big part of our government's new business number and IP and patent reforms have been to have a database that's natively interoperable with other systems, which spells BANJOED for IP specialists (although that project is a mess right now, obviously). Meanwhile, over in the sciences, the EU is probably going to pull the rug out from underneath the academic journal cash cow, which has the other companies in this area worried, and which has meant they've been unwilling to make these kinds of purchases lately. REXL didn't want it, either, because they don't want to spend big, and the have a genuinely valuable LexisNexis. TR want to concentrate effort on the legal division, which they think will grow.

TR are getting out while they can. All the others that rely on their academic and IP portfolios will be moving out soon too. So long and thanks for all the fish.

Facebook deleted my post and made me confirm pics of my kids weren't sexually explicit


Re: Interesting

"Besides nearly all black shooting victims are shot by other blacks, and that rate is far higher than for any other race."

Cool, okay. When those black people shooting other black people are also responsible for the protection of the community at large, and paid for by the taxpayer to do that job, then I guess we'll have a fair comparison. Otherwise you just compared the actions of criminals to the actions of people who are supposed to protect the rest of society from criminals.

"It's okay for police to shoot a black guy because some of them are criminals, and black people shoot each other all the time anyway" is a stupid argument. It suggests that because some black people commit more than their fair share of crime, it's fair to say all black people should expect to be shot by cops when they meet them. That's almost the dictionary definition of prejudice.

I don't normally participate in these kinds of discussions, but that line of reasoning needs to be shot down. Maybe if we give it a driving licence and put it in a car with a busted tail light the police can help us out.



...is still using Facebook knowing everything you knew before, and still know now.

You're an informed consumer, right? More than that - you're a technology journalist. And you know you have no intrinsic right to Facebook other than what they allow. And you know they ride roughshod over the definitions of fair and reasonable by taking action before they take review that action. And while they're doing that they sell your information, your friends' and family's information, and even information from people who aren't on Facebook but who still associate with you, to third parties of all kinds, mostly likely without proper vetting procedures. Because they don't have to do any of that stuff, because you have no right to use that service other than they allow.

And still, you use Facebook, mostly for the reasons everyone else uses Facebook, and the other services: because it's convenient and you actually get some benefit out of it. But when these things that happen to other people happen to you, you then complain like it's unexpected and unfair.

So who's actually the idiot here? Facebook, for announcing in policy what they do and how they do it, and then following up that policy with actions on the network that they own and that you are allowed to use? Or you, for knowing all this, balancing it against the convenience you get from Facebook in terms of communication and exposure, using Facebook, and then getting bitten on the bum when the stuff that happens to Facebook users all the damn time happens to you?

BMW web portal vulns pose car hack risk – researchers


So basically it's like a BMW. Flashy, expensive, looks great but won't last a year and might kill you.

Google licks Android Nougat


I'm disappointed they didn't go with Shit Sandwich.

Bloke flogs $40 B&W printer on Craigslist, gets $12,000 legal bill


Jesus Christ.

Microsoft's Universal Windows Platform? It's an uphill battle, warns key partner


My Windows 10 keeps telling me to "touch here" to do things.

I dutifully follow those instructions, both nothing happens because I don't have a touch screen monitor.

Systemd kills Deb processes


It is illogical. It's an issue for people who hated that Debian moved to systemd. It's actually a default behaviour for systemd (it's discussed in the bug report on Debian), but seeing as some people don't see why they couldn't carry on using SysV, any excuse to point out flaws in systemd is used. The reality is that if you're expecting processes to run after you log out, you're not using systemd right - and indeed, you're not using your *nix system right at all. You've got used to lazy, insecure ways of working that SysV tolerates but systemd won't. If you want a process to carry on running after you log out, you have systemd look after it as a daemon.


It's not a similar argument at all. I can write a unit file without breaking systemd. If you can't, then the problem isn't with systemd, because I'm a veritable suckfest at my job. So if you're routinely breaking systemd, I'd look elsewhere for the source of the problem. Also, systemd is actually entirely modular. So if you build it from scratch, to a good extent you get to choose what you want to integrate. Arch's systemd is way different from Debian's, for example. Hell, it's even more advanced than Fedora's.

The difference is in the tools you use to do the job. My grandad's hatred of metric was based entirely on the fact that the Germans and Japanese used metric fasteners, and that he had to buy new tools to use the job - his AF were less used, and his Whitworth were almost entirely obsolete by the 80s. People's hatred of systemd is that Poettering is an author, Red Hat have championed it, they have to learn something new and their knowledge is becoming obsolete.

If some people had their way we'd be using a bicycle powered smoke signal generator instead of a phone.

(As an aside, plastic fastenings in engines are extremely uncommon, as the heat and vibration in an engine will destroy them fairly quickly. If plastics or resins are used, it's usually as an adjunct to metal, or in components where it's necessary for strength and security to replace the fastener after it's been taken apart. Your dad was, in a sense, right about things being glued or riveted more these days, but that's largely because the ability to service complicated parts that started appearing in cars in the 80s and 90s has meant that even experienced mechanics don't have the tools to work on them - the dual clutch solenoid units spring immediately to mind. Nevertheless, the source code for systemd is available for you to hack away at all you want.)


I love systemd discussions on El Reg. It reminds me of hearing my grandad talk about how metric bolts were going to end the world.


Re: you'd 'nohup' them to keep them running when you logged out

I think this is exactly the point. While it's not immediately desired behaviour, it's eminently sensible behaviour and should be expected if you're trying to run processes as an unprivileged user. After all, most systemd processes when started from unit files are daemonised, even those run as unprivileged users. And that's the way the (terrible) systemd manual says they should be run. I'm going to guess the problem is somewhere in the middle of Polkitd and systemd.

I can see there's a need for it, and I'm a Debian user, but personally if I have background processes to run that I need to stay running I make sure they're going to carry on running after I log out. That's probably why I haven't encountered it.

I'm on the fence as to whether or not this needs to be fixed or the requirement for a persistent process needs to be specified in some other way. Otherwise users could be left with a bunch of processes running simply because they didn't explicitly stop everything in logout.

123-reg email goes TITSUP


Who the hell has their email service hooked up to those gimps.

Got a Fitbit? Thought you were achieving your goals? Better read this


One of my friends, who does absolutely no exercise and is what you'd call skinny-fat, bought a Fitbit and was proudly demonstrating how his heart rate (sat with me in the office at that moment) was just over 50. I had to explain to him that considering his lifestyle, either the Fitbit was wrong or he had a medical problem causing brachycardia, because the only person that should have a heart rate of 50 in the middle of the day is an endurance athlete, which he is most certainly not. I measured his HR myself with my watch and a finger - it was over 70.

Fitbit's CEO James Park has said that: "People need to use common sense. It’s not a medical-grade device; it’s a consumer device. In that setting, it works incredibly well." This echoes what they said back in January when the suit was first filed: "it’s also important to note that Fitbit trackers are designed to provide meaningful data to our users to help them reach their health and fitness goals, and are not intended to be scientific or medical devices."

In other words, for Fitbit, it's fine for getting a baseline and seeing how much your heartbeat deviates from that during various activities, but you shouldn't use it to accurately measure your heartrate. Which is a bit bizarre, because they say it's better than, for example, the HRM on the machines at the gym, which measure continuously. A deviation of even 10% is a massive difference when you're trying to get fit. If Fitbits aren't able to measure to any degree of accuracy except by using a previous baseline, they're useless and potentially dangerous.

Australian Federal Police say government ignorant of NBN raids


"Jason Claire" (should be Clare), "NationalB Network", "Drefus", "sized documents".

Thanks Dirran and Teh Ragistrar, but you should probably stop writing articles on your iPads.

Google tries social again


Just buy Twitter and put Dorsey out of his misery already.

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff tells Reg data loss 'minimal'


I'm not using any cloud solution whose CEO looks like he should be sitting under a bridge drinking Brasso.

Microsoft phone support contractors told to hang up after 15 minutes


Re: rubbish @ecofeco

No. I worked for a cable company in faults, and we used scripts up to that point. We would be doing great if we got 60 calls each done in an 8 hour shift. On one occasion a contractor severed the fibre cable serving a major city, and even on that day, when literally all calls were answered with, "A contractor has severed the main cable serving the city. We can't do anything right now and they're working on fixing it", we didn't individually take more than 90 calls in a shift.

Linux greybeards release beta of systemd-free Debian fork


FWIW you can downvote me all you like. Just because you disagree with what I said, that won't affect either the truth of what I'm saying, systemd's market share or its position as the default init system, Red Hat's popularity or massive contribution to FLOSS, or the fact that no other init system - not OpenRC, Upstart, Runit - has garnered the support or gained enough inertia to take SysV's place as the standard.


BSD isn't a great example of how an OS should progress. It has neither the market share or manpower to even maintain the kernel for new hardware, let alone make a change as drastic as an init system. Let's face it, Linux rules the server market, Red Hat rules the Linux server market, and as much as you might dislike Poettering or systemd, Red Hat aren't going to start taking something as drastic from upstream as an init system change without it benefiting their core market. They know where the majority of their money comes from.

Most of the problems with systemd stem from not knowing or not caring about how to use it. I don't have issues with the amount of information I can get from journalctl. I haven't not been able to debug any issues with systemd. In fact, it's been a lot easier, because I only have to look in one place, and I get relevant targeted information.

There's actually about 70 Linux distros that don't use systemd. But they will all have key software in common to which there is no alternative. And even if a distro does use systemd, that's just the init system - and a lot of work has gone into backward and cross compatibility. Look at the way Debian has implemented it. It's actually awesome. It'll only be like Windows when a single company maintains a single solution incompatible with other distros that uses only its own closed source, proprietary software to do the job.


I love Linux, but I hate the boring, predictable responses to changes major or minor that pervade the mindset of a whole bunch of my fellow enthusiasts. Systemd is a positive for me. Sorry (not sorry), but it is.

I'm not a massive fan of Lennart or his attitude, and I dislike the tendency toward feature creep (but I turn those features off), but a supported init system that has at least the intention of integrating well, and which has support and inertia is a good thing for Linux. Sorry (not sorry), but that's how I, and obviously a majority of maintainers, feel. Let's face it, systemd isn't just popular because of Red Hat. It's popular because it works better than anything else.

From my perspective, the systemd situation exemplifies one of the major advantages and two of the major problems with Linux and other FLOSS. The major advantage is that anything can be forked. Which is great, and how it should be.

But then, moving to the problems, anything can be forked, and people use that freedom to try and fork things at the slightest provocation (like LibreSSL, which was founded with a stated purpose and has arguably failed to live up to that intent). Alright, an in init system is a big change and therefore not technically "the slightest provocation", and Devuan will probably just fall into the category of minor distros that have crappy maintenance and flounder for a while before failing. But the failure of a minority to get on board with changes that distros have made because the maintainers see the benefit highlights the other problem with Linux and other FLOSS: the almost Luddite resistance to change that we see now, and we saw in PulseAudio, that has you banging your head on the table and wondering if everyone who refuses to use anything new still walks around with a Nokia 5110 in their pocket and has a rotary phone on their landline. You know what I put this down to? I don't want to change and I don't want to learn.

But yeah. Enjoy your "freedom".

Priceline CEO scandal


Unless the relationship was either stalky or otherwise non-consensual, I'm thinking we should infer from this that Huston was at best an average CEO. Considering the phenomenal bullshit some of them pull and still remain in their jobs and optioned up to the neck in stocks, this seems like a crappy leader with a board looking for a minor infraction to relieve themselves of his contract.
