The! More! Yahoo! Exclamation! Marks!, The! Merrier!
Anyway! it! was! Yahoo! who! insisted! on! their! use! Don't! believe! me!? Check! the! archives!
22 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jul 2007
"The problem is road safety so reduce the traffic by using trams/crossrail"
1) There is only 1 tramline in London and no more are planned. For some reason traffic engineers in England hate trams even more than cars.
2) Crossrail is STILL in planning after more than 25 years and is likely to remain in planning if the government continues to insist on "Business" paying for the inevitable cost overruns.
The exploit reported a year ago is in Quicktime, however Firefox was meant to prevent URI exploits like the FF exploit. On the bright side, at least Mozilla are trying (not very well, it appears) to do something about URI exploits, instead of pretending it is not their problem, like Microsoft. However perhaps they should put a little more thought into the fix next time. 3 patches in 3 months for effectively the same issue is not good.
A better analogy is if you then deployed your GPL software based "Super Banana" webserver to 10,000 servers in 20 seperate locations worldwide, offering a variety of commercial and free services, hosted on "Super Banana".
That is at the very least stretching the meaning, if not the word of the GPL.
As for the rise of Word and Excel, The original versions were crap compared to Wordperfect and Lotus 123. They gained market share by MS basically giving them away with large orders of DOS and later by MS continually fiddling with the Windows API's, thus causing the early Windows versions of Wordperfect and Lotus 123 to be almost unworkable.
Your "solution" would also require everyone to personally audit every line of code that they download and compile on their "unique" hardware. What else is to stop them downloading and compiling a new game or media player which also just happens to turn their computer into part of a botnet? Perhaps that handy tool you downloaded to automate the code auditing? Well, that has just root-kitted your computer.
Tom said: "... And it should be considered common knowledge that MS Internet Explorer as we know it today was born in the courtroom, not from quality or even legal programming. It is, in point of fact, and by design, a security risk because it had do be integrated into the Windows OS to comply with the guilty anti-trust verdict.
Anyone who argues otherwise is biased and stubborn as a mule."
IE integration into Win95 was touted as one of the "great features" of the OS BEFORE the antitrust suits saw light, you numpty.
To John Styles and Anon, I grew up in Southern Africa, I did some work for an NGO and knew several people who worked fulltime for NGO's. I KNOW how desperate many schools, particularly rural ones, are for the most basic supplies. And you idiots want to give them computers when some don't have enough pencils and workbooks or even teachers, let alone textbooks! Get your priorities right.