seagate drives
I was at a tech conference not that long ago where seagate had a booth - all of us were complaining about drive reliability - and they pulled the same line - how the drives were desktop drives not enterprise drives...maybe I'm showing my age but even desktop drives USED to carry some sense of reliability...
I still have numerous old ata and scsi drives from seagate that are still working reliably (old system needed for archive purposes but we can't be bothered to try to upgrade it to new hardware - only referenced occasionally for historical data) - and these drives are now over 15 years old...
On the other hand we've got a whole box of dead seagate drives that all failed just after the warranty period...many of them while under warranty and we just couldn't be bothered to get them replaced...
we've even seen some drives that appear good - yet they corrupt the stripe set of the raid array they're in...
I sometimes wonder whether maxtor bought seagate or if it was the other way around - as drive quality has slipped big time ever since that purchase....
We've now shifted over to WD drives where we need any sense of reliability....and avoid seagate wherever possible...