* Posts by Broadwing

7 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Sep 2014

Sextortion on the internet: Our man refuses to lie down and take it


Re: Oh no! One of Vyvyan's socks has escaped!

It's been forever, but wasn't it 'psychology'?

Symantec swoops on Blue Coat in $4.65bn deal


Re: Does anyone know....

As for the proxy side, we switched from Blue Coat to Palo Alto to a fair amount of relief some time ago. We have minor issues after the switch, but that's mostly down to our organization's penchant for using years-old code.

Facebook's newest JBOF can be yours for Christmas


Re: Samsung SSDs?

Bet it can work with any SSD that'll fit. I think the author just quoted the Samsung models because they're the current 'giant SSD' of the moment.

Honestly though, Twitter can't do anything right


Only two percent?

Amusingly, when I went to turn off the algo-timeline, I found that the section of the settings page that does that not only requires your password - fair enough - but was also the only part of the site that actively thwarted browser-based password filling.

It's as if they don't want you turning it off.

Lights out for Space Vehicle Number 23: UK smacked when US sat threw GPS out of whack



This is precisely the scenario that SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS in this case, etc) were intended catch and correct. Any indication they caught it? I know support for that is pretty lacking, especially in phones, but WAAS has had a good record in previous clock runaway incidents.

It’s Adobe’s Creative Cloud TITSUP birthday. Ease the pain with its RGB-wrangling rivals


Re: Anyone have any opinions on Aftershot?

In most respects I'm also in the 'enthusiastic amateur' role, but I have several large-scale on-site portraiture gigs a year. I've been using Bibble Pro/Aftershot since it was the only 3rd party RAW game in town. I've tried others, and they have some very good points, but I keep going back due to some of Aftershot's nicer quirks:

-Pro's generous license terms (All your personal systems on all three platforms, last I looked) I've actually used all three platforms in my workflow once. The Linux version seems to work surprisingly well, it's only occasionally gripey about libraries, etc.

-Easy to use interface - for me it's MUCH faster to blaze through a thousand-photo portrait session with it than anything else. Closest I came with Lightroom was hooking up a MIDI slider controller to tweak variables quickly.

-In-filesystem XML storage of edit data. I LOVE this one. Edit on laptop, put the directory on a file server, do the final tweaks and JPEG output on the faster desktop, all seamlessly. Nothing else I've seen does that neatly. Works across sessions and platforms, no messy database linkups.

As you say, it's not Photoshop, but it's a good (not as pretty) Lightroom/Aperture competitor. It lacks a few of the advanced features of those, but makes up for it a bit with an interesting plugin API. Totally agreed that the one 'make it better' feature would be multi-monitor support - tool palette and grid in one window, output in the other.

Seagate's BUMPER State of the Storage Nation announcement


That Evault chassis...

Bog standard Supermicro, just like everyone else uses. Right, then.