That is pretty FUCKED UP
If I attach a volume ( disk ) .. to an instance I expect it to be valid until I destroy it regardless of the underlying media type
61 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Sep 2014
Violin ran through $600m in cash since it's 2013 public offering and declared bankruptcy in 2016 with only $1.3m in cash .. barely enough for payroll for the remaining 50 out of 400 employees remaining in January 2017. I was one of the last to be laid off.
How does it manage to buy another piece of a company with 200 employees?
AIX started out as 32 bit SVR3 .. drastically modified to be 64 bit NUMA platform
UNIX/SVR4 was the merging of SVR3 and Berkeley UNIX that resulted in SMP platform now known as Solaris, SCO , UNIXWARE ,... and HP UNIX . All the big iron jumped on the band wagon : HP/Tandem/SUN/MIP in the mid 90's. I use to visit AT&T Bell labs in NJ to replace 3b2's with MIPS based servers running SVR4.
Linux is stolen 100% from SVR4 .. ok .. so Linus renamed some functions to hide the IP.
Anyone who has worked on the originals know Linus is a thief .
You need that new iphone ! You won't be the most popular guy in the cube farm without it ! You need a matching IWatch that beeps when your iphone ( that never leaves your hands ) gets a message . No woman ( in case you may be have never been lucky enough to have touched a real one ) will be interested in someone without all the latest iphones apps that track your every thought, emotion, location, eating habits , home entertaining viewing , and what times you jerk off ...
YOU NEED THAT $1000 phone ! and the $350 phone bill that goes with it ! What else do you need money for ?
admit it - virus and infections come from malware injected in porn and gaming sites , email trolls , and 3rd party tor based blobs .. you have been lucky so far ... but you are not 100% protected . I installed Panda AV ( free ) and use Google Chrome which does great black listing already on my wife's computer. Once these virus get injected into corporate networks they can seek out other machines to infect . You are likely a stand alone box at home.
Windows 7 has a long manual procedure released I had to do on my wife's machine .. it took an entire day
The aholes at MS have no idea how to release patches THAT WORK to cure update problems . It should all be automated