Re: Flying While Blonde
i'm rather impressed with the co-pilot's actions. Considering he managed to help save the plane from the cockpit ceiling while being injured with a fractured back and a prolapsed disc.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Sep 2014
using a rolls royce/merlin V12 shoehorned into a 55 chev.
The shoe horner in question is Rod Hadfield in Australia, who was able to engineer it well enough to have the vehicle road registered, albeit with some special dispensations. (I seem to remember hearing that one of the conditions was that after the year registration, Rod had to sell the vehicle to an overseas buyer).
A youtube of the car appearing on an american show is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIj2GVfua84
I tip my hat to anyone who takes on such an engineering venture.
"While the report charted Australia in verdant green due to its comprehensive pubic sector whistle blower coverage"
I'm curious to know what constitutes comprehensive pubic sector whistle blower coverage? one pubic whistle blower per 10 workers? 50 workers?
I must say this is one of the better typos I've seen.