"the landlord's daughter was not keen on protection"
Pretty sure there's a song about that in the Wicker Man
19 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Sep 2014
A newish but notable feature of the east-Glasgow landscape (or 'blight on' depending on point of view), Connie's approach to advertising is to get an old taxi or van, bolt a bathtub to the top of it, stick a mannequin in the bath, and park it somewhere. Not sure I'd ever hire them, but they're certainly the first name to come to mind when thinking of bathroom fitters.
I love the sci-fi covers their catalogues had back in the 70s.
(excuse the Google image search link, it's the only collection of images my work PC will let me access!)
I'm fine with all the special edition changes except Han not shooting first, as it messes up his narrative development. His was the redemption story - a rogue and a smuggler, you're supposed to think that this is a dangerous man that Luke and Obi Wan are having to trust here. The kind to shoot first, who's only out for himself and the money he can make to pay off the debts he owes to gangsters.
That's where he comes from, so when he shows up at the end to help save the day, after apparently taking his money and leaving, it's meant to be a surprise. If he wasn't a bit of a bad guy to begin with then it's no surprise when he shows up to play the good guy at the end.