* Posts by sarkster

2 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Sep 2014

Finally, a USEFUL smart device: Intel boffins cook up gyro-magneto-'puter bike helmet


Re: All that safety...

Again, I have to respectfully disagree.

relying on hearing in lieu of twisting your head around is bordering on gross stupidity. There's a reason they call it the 'lifesaver'.

If I make a move across a lane of traffic (small adjustments for road quality shouldn't count as, by rights, you really should be in the 'primary position' when riding), I value my life more than to ever rely on my hearing to inform me of any impending doom. Firstly, what if its a hybrid running on battery? (oh, the irony!) or another cyclist you are about to cut up?

Every turn, lane change, start, stop should be reinforced with a gander, and, where possible, eye contact with the following/relevant driver to assert your intention to do 'something'

Ill take your point on the cycle lanes though and, tellingly, probably wouldn't wear earphones on a cycle lane for just that reason. :)


Re: All that safety...

Ok, ill bite.

Assuming that the music isn't of a level that you cant hear anything but the music, can you explain how 'music stuff' ruins it?

I ride my bike pretty often. In fact, I commute on it every day almost. More often than not I am wearing headphones.

The two times I have been knocked off my bike I wasn't wearing headphones. In both of these events I didn't notice a definitive 'I AM ABOUT TO HIT YOU' tone to the engine noise as opposed to every other vehicle that passes me by without incident every day.

If a car is going to hit you from behind, hearing it in super high fidelity without any background music will not help.