* Posts by Emty

2 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2014

Is uBeam the new Theranos?


Look at the non-functional requirements: efficiency and safety

YouTube has uBeam demo from 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoHxyweJcZI

It shows power transfer, but measured in Volts, not Watts. A phone is connected but "currently not charging". The claim "we have 8 Volt and that is enough because you only need 5 Volt" could be misleading if there is no load attached to the receiver (you need at least 2.5 Watt @ 5 Volt).

The wireless power industry has a history of exciting demos that don't lead to commercial products. The article https://www.wirelesspowerconsortium.com/blog/246/dreaming-of-power-through-the-air has more examples that show how hard it is to transmit power safely and efficiently.

LOHAN tunes into ultra long range radio


Nice new complications

Fascinating to see the project gradually change from garden shed engineering to something that starts looking like real work. A couple more steps down this slippery slope and Lester is heading a bureaucracy that will make NASA look like amateurs. You can do it Lester!