* Posts by my fingers stuck

34 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2014

Nokia licensor HMD Global scores $230m from Google, Qualcomm, and, er... Nokia

my fingers stuck

HMD Global scores $230m

i was enjoying thw article about HMD Global, but my reading ended when i read " The backstory here requires some explanation." why o why is everyone following like sheep and dropping the word " history"

Pwned with '4 lines of code': Researchers warn SCADA systems are still hopelessly insecure

my fingers stuck


in Greek SCADA means "shit "

Apple tells GitHub to fork off: iGiant steps outside DMCA law in quest to halt iBoot leaks

my fingers stuck

This is way too late.

will it affect the price of mature chedder in my lical supermarket, if not i dont give a f.....k

UK competition watchdog: Fox's takeover of Sky 'not in public interest'

my fingers stuck

Re: Mickey Mouse?

at least with Disney we will get mickey mouse news instead of fake news

Beer hall putz: Regulator slaps northern pub over Nazi-themed ad

my fingers stuck

anyone seen kelly

the point that everyone seems to be missing is, the UK is being led by the nose by the PC gestapo rapidly towards an intolerant society, on the pretext that we are becoming a more tolerant country..

my fingers stuck

dont mention anytbing.

i like most easily led people nowdays am very open minded regarding the views and opinions of others, so long as they agree with mine...

my fingers stuck

Don't mention the war

i refuse to express my opinion in case someone somewhere finds it offensive

Fujitsu imagines adjusting your rear view mirror for better hearing

my fingers stuck

magic cars

i want one of those american cars you see in many films and tv progs, where the driver can turn round for upto a minute to see if a car is following..

ps. the talking mirror will be a great boon for girlies.. " mirror mirror in the car whos is the vainest of them all "

Mythical broadband speeds to plummet in crackdown on ISP ads

my fingers stuck

broadband speeds... never larfed so much

went on a telecoms site enterwd my phone number then up pops a box showing my download speed at 8mbs -12mbs to double check i put in my address, got the same results, so i then checked on their covarage map, they dont even serve my area...

Donald, YOU'RE FIRED: Rogue Twitter worker quits, deletes President Trump's account

my fingers stuck

viva freedom of speech..

if all you whingers agreed with Trumps comments, you would now be fuming at the deletion of his account... free speech is ok so long as you agree with what is said...

Facebook's freebie for poor people under fire again

my fingers stuck

zuck, wake up and smell the poverty

sod the internet, sod facebook, sod google, why not buy back all the water rights that were sold by corrupt governments and just give them back to the poor,

John McAfee plans to destroy Google. Details? Ummm...

my fingers stuck

google cash cow.... time to be slaughtered

i am not a number, i am a penquin

Facebook is abusive. It's time to divorce it

my fingers stuck

aaahhh facebook, i love you so!

thats why everything i have on facebook is fake,

That YouTube ad boycott had square-root of sod-all effect on Google's insane cash machine

my fingers stuck

google cash cow.... time to be slaughtered

there is only 1 way to make these greedy badtards stand up and oay attention...DO NOT CLICK ON ANY AD LINK.. job done

Germany to roll out €100bn gigabit internet network

my fingers stuck


i live in rural France my average speed is wait for it, wait fir it... 0.47mb

Mr Angry pays taxman with five wheelbarrows worth of loose change

my fingers stuck

mr angry 2

i once paid a disputed parking ticket with a cheque written on a paving stone. ran for weeks in local paper, eventualy council gave up... another victory for the smaller man

You have the right to be informed: Write to UK.gov, save El Reg

my fingers stuck

grumpy old man

as i have said before in other postings... the uk is running at abreak neck speed towards 1984, yes george orwell was right... he just got the year wrong

Brussels cunning plan to save the EU: No more Cookie Popups

my fingers stuck

i live cookiez

me no bothered. i always clear history and cookies after every session..

Huawei Nova: A pleasant surprise in a 5-inch phone

my fingers stuck

huawei nova

sounds luke a good phone, but why would anyone buy it, only, only a few weeks ago The Register exposed Huawei phones as being one of the " fone home ' gang

Tokyo man arrested for selling jailbroken iPhones

my fingers stuck

i had a dream

isnt it time we consumers got jail broken devices as standard. and not preloaded with crap no one evwd needs or uses

Google-funded group mad that US Copyright Office hasn't abolished copyright yet

my fingers stuck

woop woop a copyright free for all

cant wait for it to happen, gonna get some snippets from windows, android and ios, then gonna create my own super dooper operating system...

How Brussels works: if you can’t beat them, join rewrite an EU directive

my fingers stuck

wats next. part 27

how about a smart meter that logs mileage, then sends out a monthly bill, the proceeds are then divied between the rail operators...

my fingers stuck

wats next

so using their logic how about a extra tax on car users who dont use crappy rail services thereby reducing the profits of train operators, and those nasty people who make their own travel arrangements thus affecting travel agents and tour operators wallets.. where will it end

my fingers stuck

wats up

this is all about telcos wanting more profit, nothing else, they still get their hands on our hard earned pennies because we have to use them to access the free services, and who gives a f.....k about them any way.

Movie industry's evil plan to destroy the internet is going precisely nowhere

my fingers stuck

isp's are at fault?

hold on, isp's are being blamed for what their clients do whilst using their services,

by the same logic I am going to sue the toll road company who took money from a user of their services, who went on to break into my home and remove my property.

Apple patents autographs. Checkmate, eBay

my fingers stuck

screw apple

as an author of ebooks, I will from now on add my signature on first page of all future works.

Behind the Facebook DRAG QUEEN CRACKDOWN: 'Anonymity soon!'

my fingers stuck

wats the fuss

i dont use facecrap, but just for a larf i created 14 accounts using fake names

i generated with a app.... lucky i have my own server so setting up fake email accounts was easy..

DVLA website GOES TITSUP on day paper car tax discs retire

my fingers stuck

it's the same as it is now

in France road tax has been abolished and is now part of fuel tax, works very well indeed, no need for a large overpaid and bungling gov department, and no one escapes, as a byline, tv licence fees are included in council tax. those damn clever frenchies

Smart meters in UK homes will only save folks a lousy £26 a year

my fingers stuck

we make millions but you pay for us to do it

in all the hullabaloo thats being shouted by all, the most important thing has been overlooked,

for many years now the utility greedymiesters have been reducing the work force that knocks on your door to read the meter, now they have the means to totally eliminate them, thus making them extinct, this will save them quadrillions of £'s and we will pay for them to install the devices in our homes that will achieve it, but will we get any of the money they save, more chance of finding rocking horse shit.

spelling misteaks are deliberate...

Govt waves stick at pirate-friendly Google search

my fingers stuck

Re: Theft

you paid out how much, and why when no actual physical loss was incured, so if someone steals a copy of my website i can get a pay out, sign me up please and how much are the premiums?

Facebook, WhatsApp sit on cold steel table as Euro Commish ponders painful probe

my fingers stuck

Re: mandatory service disable.

go into settings, applications then force stop ' watsapp' then just click on the icon when you want to use it, bit of a pain as you have to repeat everytime you dont want it on...

my fingers stuck

facebook, what facebook?

only sad morons and jeremy kyle candidates use facebook.

Apple, FBI: YES we're, er, looking into the NAKED CELEBRITY PICS. Aren't you?

my fingers stuck

and the morale of this story is?

dont use cloud storage, why not get a cheap domain with hosting setup a ftp account, voila! your own private cloud stage, not at the mercy or control of a an american behmoth.

Pay to play: The hidden cost of software defined everything

my fingers stuck

This is real "free" software

as with all sales pitches, the one who has the greatest need loses, be it the sales person needing a commission cheque, or a buyer needing a new gizmo thingy.