* Posts by Locomotion69

184 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2014


Datacenter energy use to more than double by 2030 thanks to AI's insatiable thirst

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

In NL, where I live, in 2021 datacenters took 3.3% of the electricity supplied. If that would double, it will be close to 7%. Which does not include the gap 2021-2024, which is probably >3.3%.

Houses cannot be build because they cannot get a power connection - and AI will make this situation even worse.

Time for politics to really set priorities. And stick to them.

Microsoft 365 price rises are coming – pay up or opt out (if you can find the button)

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

This is the only way M$ can monetize AI - by paid subscriptions to poor sods who do not need/want it but are billed for it anyway.

Hey, they do have to pay NVIDIA for all these AI GPU's in the datacentres, don't they?

Microsoft makes sweet, sweet music with Windows MIDI Services

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

I have a decent setup for my MIDI equipment, powered by an ancient Win98 laptop.

It has a decent driver for my Yamaha Interface, which works fine for the last 25 (!) years, and system latency is neglectible.

Fair enough, I will give it a try, but my expectations are extremely low related its "useability" for me.

Google torpedoes 'no AI for weapons' rules

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: Those are my AI principles

other principles or other stakeholders ?

Microsoft to kill off Defender VPN this month

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Dear Microsoft, now the hole is still open...

...could you please shove Recall in it as well ?

FuriPhone FLX1: A Debian-powered brick that puts GNOME in your back pocket

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: First question

Who is using a phone for _that_ these days ??

Even Windows 10 cannot escape the new Outlook

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: "We recommend you move to new Outlook or Outlook.com"

I moved away from Mail to Oulook on my Win10 box ages ago, just to find over time that for reasons unknown to mankind, opening mail takes ....forever....

I called Thunderbird to the rescue -> no such issues on Win10.

Therefore: We I recommend you move to new Outlook or Outlook.com Thunderbird.

Meta blocked Distrowatch links on Facebook while running Linux servers

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Let's face(book) it

You have to take your freedom of speech somewhere else.

Windows 10's demise nears, but Linux is forever

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

I agree with the majority of the article...

... but what Linux really needs here is a Linfluencer on TikTok to demonstrate how to do this to the cool kids, so they can adapt theirs (and their parents) computers.

Count me out, I am too boring for that (I have a teenage daughter, so this opinion counts).

Stargate, smargate. We're spending $60B+ on AI this year, Meta's Zuckerberg boasts

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

So this is how black holes are created.

For this amount of money, some AI Service Provision is made, which swallows data+money, and those providing that data and money are hopefully looking to the event horizon for something remotely usefull coming out....

Meta is the only winner here.

Icon to picture the Hope of the Customer.

VMware users gripe over 3-year commitment to renew licenses

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Looking for the magic number...

There must be some magic number representing the money you can take from your customers before they decide to take the risk and migrate to another product. Broadcom knows it and is now slowly moving towards that number with its pricing policy.

There has to be such a number as this applies to more products/industries/services.

Is this taught on an MBA course?

Tool touted as 'first AI software engineer' is bad at its job, testers claim

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Is it a payment option ?

If I pay twice the money, to I get 30% success then ?

OpenAI's ChatGPT crawler can be tricked into DDoSing sites, answering your queries

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Like many inventions, AI can be turned into a "weapon", although never intended as such.

Or being banned to be used by idiots.

And that's a pity.

Debian 12.9 arrives, quickly followed by MX Linux 23.5

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: MX Linux

Yet Another MX-32 bit fan here: works fine on my Samsung NC10.

Not the fastest in town, but fast enough to be usable and provides "up-to-date" compatibility given that its original software went out of maintenance ages ago.

UK businesses eye AI as the cheaper, non-whining alternative to actual staff

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

In my opinion there are two entities making money out of AI today. The first one is the AI service provider, the second one is the AI electronics manufacturer.

They make the most money out of AI today, but this is all "back-end".

I still struggle to find support for AI benefits in _any_ "front-end" application.

Europe hopes Trump trumps Biden's plan for US to play AI gatekeeper

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

My apologies for spoiling it for you, but China is not a member of the EU, and never has been.

Microsoft tests 45% M365 price hikes in Asia-Pacific to see how much you enjoy AI

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Too obvious

Microsoft recently promised to spend $80 billion on datacenters in 2025 alone

Did you really expect M$ would in the end pay for this ???

The latest language in the GNU Compiler Collection: Algol-68

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: "Why did Van Wijngaarden still call it Algol and not Mindfsck"

Because it would to hard to distinguish this Mindfsck with other languages referred to by the same phrase (Rust, Prolog, Lisp, gtl, every assembler, to name a few).

Microsoft preps for a year of enterprise-impacting M365 retirements

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Oh no

It is not the IT department, or its management, who decide the targets and goals for 2025.

M$ determines that these engineers have to find a way to keep these changes hidden for their users, only to repeat this effort in 2026.

Microsoft declares 2025 'the year of the Windows 11 PC refresh'

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

...and the familiar Windows experience they know and loathe.


Google's 10-year Chromebook lifeline leaves old laptops headed for silicon cemetery

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: Pick one, Google.

As if they care. See the investments in AI datacenters and the power requirements for those.

Eutelsat OneWeb blames 366th day for 48-hour date disaster

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Code reviewed by

a so called "senior" with has 6 months experience after leaving college.

Boffins carve up C so code can be converted to Rust

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

I appreciate the effort for Mini-C.

But "safe" subsets of C exist for decades, like the MISRA C standard that tells you what (not) to use.

That makes Mini-C "yet another subset" in my opinion.

It is good to apply Mini-C to changes, but before the full code tree can be "recompiled", there is a huge effort ahead.

Writing this, I wonder to what extend the "memory safety" issue is resolved by applying Mini-C by itself to existing code, so without moving to Rust?

Microsoft won't let customers opt out of passkey push

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: Better security doesn't just stop the scammers

Indeed it does not.

It will only redirect them to other targets you own.

Boeing busted by employee over plans to surveil workers, quickly reverses course

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Boeing has found the first "Workplace" application for Microsoft Recall.

Only had to recall it. Just like its airplanes.

Google DeepMind touts AI model for 'better' global weather forecasting

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: Hang on a minute

And the best short time forecast is just looking out of a window.

You will not believe the amount of people I see looking at their phone for the short time weather expectations, even sitting next to a window.

Win a slice of XP cheese if you tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next

Locomotion69 Bronze badge
Thumb Up

Have a life full of surprises

when having CoPilot installed in Elons self-driving cars.

You never know where you're gonna end - if the vehicle is there where you left it....

Microsoft reboots Windows Recall, but users wish they could forget

Locomotion69 Bronze badge
Big Brother

There are a lot of issues with recall ...

... but has anybody reported that it actually kindof ... works? ....

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: the storage packing up completely

Indeed they can't, as it is fopen_s() and fclose_s() in Windows.

Abstract, theoretical computing qualifications are turning teens off

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

I can understand why it is dropped.

No being familiar with the program I googled into it and found I could make some test - so I tried, and got some insight on the content and awareness to be raised here.

Why would you teach binary/hex representations to children??? That has zero value in "normal" life.

The program needs to have a change. One should teach kids what is what in the digital world, how to use it, and -very important- how NOT to use it.

AI ambition is pushing copper to its breaking point

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

A few challenges remain...

This is an interesing proof of concept, IMO not ready for "the masses" yet.

And next, there is the need for hardware capable in processing these high loads, which on their side require power, cooling, etc.

Security? We've heard of it: How Microsoft plans to better defend Windows

Locomotion69 Bronze badge


34000 fulltime engineers to correct eachothers failures. Impressive.

Now’s your chance to try Microsoft’s controversial Windows Recall ... maybe

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

One way or another, MS is going to shuffle this recall thing through your throat.

Unless you step away from using MS products. All of them, as they will soon find a way to integrate recall in Office365 (if not already present).

I fear the moment that I discover that recall-agents are coming to your PC as a part of a .docx file....

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 struggles to take off

Locomotion69 Bronze badge


Retries after failures extended load times and users who did get in were missing aircraft due to incomplete installations.

Best simulation ever! Under high demand, and limited resources, you miss your aircraft.

I'll get my coat....

Data is the new uranium – incredibly powerful and amazingly dangerous

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

And in the near future the problems with data only get worse due to AI learning efforts.

Not to mention the need for power to run -and cool- all the storage systems around.

Microsoft starts boiling the Copilot frog: It's not a soup you want to drink at any price

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Copilot gets more expensive - it must be good then!

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

that's called a prison.

Rust haters, unite! Fil-C aims to Make C Great Again

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

O dear

With all these initiatives making C(++) memory safe, what shall the ordinary C(++) developer use ?

In practice I am afraid they will settle for the environment with the least compile time errors/warnings (I would...).

It is clear now that Rust has is merits in addressing memory safety, but using it to convert existing code bases should be discouraged - this will not provide the desired improvement without (a lot of) redesign.

Mozilla's Firefox browser turns 20. Does it still matter?

Locomotion69 Bronze badge


Now go for the next 20 years!

Does it still matter? Yes, it does!

Marketshare is only about the choices you have, not specifically about quality and such:

My car brand has a market share in the EU that is <1%, does that make it a bad car? I believe not so - it is technically the best car I ever owned (and the most sophisticated). (FYI: I drive a Subaru)

Apple's PC market share is less then 10% - are those bad PC's ? No, they are not.

Pick whatever works for you. The freedom is here. Enjoy your choice!

AI PCs flood the market. Their makers hope someone wants them

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: No thanks

I will wait until the new AI PCs + Cancel button come out.

All bark, no bite? Musk's DOGE unlikely to have any real power

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

To the American readers: would Trump be able to change that in four years time?

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Is this the way Trump is telling Musk to get some "political" experience so he (Musk) can become POTUS #48 ?

The horror.

The US government wants developers to stop using C and C++

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

As time progresses, (AI) tools are going to be more powerful in detecting suspicious code -in any language-.

Once the Safe C++ spec gets done, one could make a lint (or whatever) version that supports checks to the specification. I expect this to happen in the near future anyway.

Abandoning C/C++ does not solve the problem today, or in 2026, or 2030. Some solutions architectures cannot 1:1 be applied given another environment. That is not just a rewrite - it is a fundamental redesign from the early lifecycle phases of a product, and it takes time, a lot of it, to catch up and overtake the mature level the product has today.

My bet is on better tooling supporting "memory safety" in the near future. It will cause a lot of headaches, but less than redesigning the product.

Single-platform approach may fall short for AI data management

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

I cannot bypass the thought this is one big marketing trick: As you settled for a particular solution (not being ours) please note that you should still benefit from our services!

Please send money.

Python dethrones JavaScript as the most-used language on GitHub

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

What ?? No Rust ??? After all the fuss ???

Softbank CEO says 'super AI' will arrive in 2035 and cost $9T

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Re: an artificial superintelligence 10,000 times smarter than a human brain

Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to pick up a piece of paper!

AI amplifies systemic risk to financial sector, says India's Reserve Bank boss

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

Finally somebody who understands

I think the opinion of mr. Das is spot-on except for one word.

He stated that ... AI .. could worsen systemic risk...

He might better have said ...AI... is worsening systemic risk ....

His suggestions make sense. But I am afraid nobody listens.

Windows 11 24H2 hoards 8.63 GB of junk you can't delete

Locomotion69 Bronze badge

I will happily accept 8.63 GB of junk.

Just ran a count on C:\Windows -> that 29,0 GB of junk alone.
