* Posts by mrtimzo

3 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Aug 2014

The last post: Building your own mail server, Part 3


Good option appliance Linux Distro

If you *really* want to run your own on-premise "appliance" version of (Linux for example) to make this sort of thing "less fuss, less muss" and still retain control (ie, physical access,ownership) of your box, maybe take a look at "ClearOS" Community edition:


ClearOS is based on what used to be called SME server / E_Smith server. ie, it has been around for a while; it has a good history of "stable, well maintained, works, and not bleeding edge".

I use ClearOS as a variety of SMB sites and it is super solid. Pretty much all the admin stuff can be done from the web-admin GUI. CLI via SSH is there and available if-when you need/prefer it.

It is free (community version) but you do need to register (free) with them. If you don't like that you may need to look elsewhere. But in terms of a very well built, well thought out, mature "appliance" distro - you can add roles:features as needed (Mail, anti-spam, anti-virus, greylisting, SMB:Domain controller, etc etc etc) - boat loads of options.

Highly recommended.


Post-pub nosh neckfiller: Uitsmijter


OMG also not listed yet ?

after skimming comments more, I realize nobody has yet said a word about Huevos Rancheros. Classic day after fare or just big breakfast with smattering of interesting leftovers.

good basic build: (there are plenty of recipies online for variants, obviously):

some corn tortilla, or flour ones if you have no corn ones available


decent selection of: refried beans, salsa, sour cream, cheese, suitable veg (avadados, cilantro) to your taste.


Soften / warm up tortillas in pan or microwave

pan fry the eggs sunny-side up, so still runny

heat up refries

assembly: Put 2 tortilla on your plate, then a blop of refries smeared around, then one egg per tortilla. Blop of salsa, a few slices of avacado, some grated cheese, blob of sour cream, some chopped cilantro, anything else you feel like on top, and bingo you are good to go.

It is meant to be messy when you eat it, and it is good.

Brit Sci-Fi author Alastair Reynolds says MS Word 'drives me to distraction'


Re: @BongoJoe: Word isn't the best tool for job

I used to use OpenOffice as my go-to for years. Earlier this year I started using "FreeOffice" and then tried out the full version ("Softmaker office pro" free 1 month trial) - I happily paid the (very modest price)$ after my trial ran out, and I could not be happier. The apps have a good solid no-nonsense interface. They work well (really snappy to open, run, etc - way faster than openoffice). They are easy to use. They don't interfere with me in the process of doing stuff. And they are (very!) compatible with Microsoft formats as icing on cake. What the hell. I wish I had found these things years ago. I realize I probably sound like an advert, but I really like this software. (Heck, there is a linux version as well as the windows version). Yup, it isn't open source, nope, it isn't free. I've come to realize, this is not as important to me as having a tool that works really well and does what I need, and is priced very fairly. So. Give it a whirl if you are even remotely curious. -Tim