I call shenanigans
I'm a daily reader of registers, but today was the day that my knowledge was great enough to sniff out shenanigans.
Page two, "Logitech...lasts forever". Hardly. the writers is either trying to flog Logitech input devices or doesn't actually use them to have a valid opinion.
Myself, I've bought Logitech due to their forward thought in their products, but I've been incredibly disappointed in the quality and longevity. I'm on my second G15 keyboard, the first lost all of its paint off of the main keys in 2 months and the second one, though the paint is decent, can't alt tab more than once and only half of the keys light up on the keyboard.
I'm also a not so proud owner of a G500 mouse. It's nice, being cordless and wired but it can't hold any profile memory beyond the 6 months point, and the software suite often bugs out and requires restarting to get my additional buttons to remember what they were told to do. even deleting the additional profiles and leaving only default doesn't prove fruitful. This is well documented on forums and Logitech does nothing to address product short comings. Even though the software has auto update, there are never any updates to solve the issues.
I've had two mx500 mice, both of them had failures to the main buttons after 2 years of use.
I've had multiple Logitech joysticks including their neat wireless one which would never calibrate with any sort of accuracy and always pulled to the left. The increments were HUGE so you could never aim accurately.
The best mouse I've ever owned was the two button roller ball from Microsoft and then the two button roller ball with scrolling wheel. I used that thing for over 6 years before being suckered into Logitech shinny additional buttons and side ways scrolling, oh and that no longer registers as anything as well.
My thoughts on Logitech are: they make mid level peripherals, spotty software that doesn't support the peripherals capabilities, better than the straight from china junk, if you actually use the item it will just brake down, stay away from it.
Apparently I gave Logitech the benefit of the doubt, over 5 times, but honestly your hundreds of dollars are better spent elsewhere.