and I'm not a fanboi.
If i had 10 grand It would dual boot for me too.
82 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2007
By then O2 will have stopped trying to protect the Iphone from being overtaken by 2007/2008/2009 specced devices that also come with copy and paste, and will actually stock it.
Rather than what they did with the N96 that they held back for so long for "network isssues" -read "contract with apple"
Using their own reasoning, why are the sun reporters (I use the term loosely) not outraged at wikipedia?
Plenty of explosives and weapons info, details of bases, and plenty other sensitive and less defended areas. For example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Richard_Montgomery
If someone decided to blow the ship up in the Thames it would cause a lot of damage.
Don't get me wrong, I think the info should be there, part of being an open society (or at least one part the government havent taken away YET) . It just annoys me that the suntards really think that censoring google maps/earth will stop terrorism.
I have just started using my old 8210, Its a classic design,
I forgot just how good the trusty little handset is. Just got a brand new 1300mah battery for £3 and a new cover for £2 Off ebay. I might even get another 10 years use out of it.
And the call quality beats my N95 hands down.
"difficult to explain the secret trials to customers"
Black helecopter: For the legwork Phorm and BT are doing on behalf of HMG and Whacky Jaqui in controlling us all.
Tried buying a crate of Tuborg at ASDA,, these were £10 exactly before the VAT dropped
I was asked for ID and didn't have any, (im 26), i just left the £10 on the till, picked up the crate and walked out.
No laws broken, I paid, I'm over 18 so they can't be fined. what can they do?
Stupid fuckers!
Biofoam, in HALO does exactly the same job.
If its good enough for the Master Chief maybe darpa should have a look... hey wait, why not just make a 7 foot tall insurgent busting guy in a suit, possibly green, complete with frikkin' (boeing - not spartan) laser and "darpa" foam.
Mines the mark 5, Recon armour.
Is this for training your kids in the ways of the force? "Fighting your sister leads to the dark side my young sprog, who's turn it is matters not"
The new Scientologists E-meter 2.0? *gullible fool moves ball* " Wow Sir, ever thought of battling Xenu?, and can you setup a direct debit"
Why are el reg being so sensitive about the word *Pikey* is it possiby because once thier little pikeletts get online they'll tell all thier possible fathers to "cume an beat yer".
I do applaud the giving laptops out, finally they can bring daddies' "tarmuck yer driv" business online.
Many a true word said in jest....
the web 2.0 that the reg is always deriding.
My sister is studying media GCSE, even she can make a better looking site.
Oh and nice black and really faint grey, Not really accesible to visually impaired users, Comments about glasses, are NOT welcome, they don't make 'em strong enough for some peoples conditions.
(In best Arnie voice)
On August 29th 2011 at 18:17 eastern time, Google becomes self aware, at 18:56 it launches an all out attack on its rivals in Redmond and Cupertino.
The counterattack destroys the remaining opposition. skyn- *ahem Google then rules the planet, installed on every machine. A few survivors running ubuntu on EEPC's with 3 mobile broadband start a resistance, the plan is to send a BOFH back in time....
Duh-du, duh ,duh, duh, Duh-du, duh ,duh, duh, wahwawahhh, wah, wah, wah....
To the internet thought police via their handy homepage.
Save us from record covers you can buy in the shops!
Or a better plan would be save us all from the STUPID FUCKTARDS that censor 30 year old, publicly available content, on wikipedia.
Where the hell are we? China??
"Whatever prompted the split, the pressure on CEO Kent Ertugrul now is immense. Phorm's last set of financial results showed it lost £13.8m in the first six months of 2008. With only £24.9m in the bank and a third trial with BT still ongoing, time isn't on its side.
Further fundraising in the current economic environment is likely to be difficult."
The first positive effect of the credit crunch!
Long may the losses and lack of funding continue (for Phorm)
For everyone else, happy Christmas and a prosperous, profiling free, new year.
Quote-The law enforcement operatives identified "a 750mm** jar around his penis" and said Weatherley gamely insisted on continuing to pleasure himself "between bouts of wrestling".
A search of Weatherley's motor uncovered "pornography, a homemade sex aid, women's stockings and a Jack Russell terrier".- Unquote
I laughed so much I could hardly breathe after reading that!
"Bouts of wrestling" *chuckle*
"homemade sex aid" *chuckle chuckle*
"jack russell terrier" *die of laughter*
IT? who gives a fuck?!
Damm you sir, you beat me to it, I had same thought here as soon as I read:
We had a firm and binding funding agreement with a UK based African-born family," Seybod began. "Unfortunately they never followed through and left us high and dry."
Although the boys from Lagos would probably like a cheap low power machine to scam people on.
All regtards must do thier duty....
"More details from petition creator:
The Communications Data Bill would give the Government the legal authority to collect a database of every phone call, e-mail and time spent on the internet by the public. Even though the Government insists that this bill would reduce terrorism (which it probably will not), this is an intolerable intrusion into the privacy of free citizens and a step towards a dystopian "Big Brother" state. The Bill must be quashed to protect civil liberties and halt the slippery slope towards an Orwellian 1984-type nightmare."