* Posts by whatevs...

59 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Aug 2014


Open source turns 20 years old, looks to attract normal people


Re: I think this comment section is a good example of why we still have a long way to go

Puppies are rubbish! Kittens are so much better than puppies it's laughable.

2017 tablet market trended towards torpor


Re: Bluetooth connections can be flakey

That, bizarelly, may be a battery fitting issue. Pad out the battery compartment and it will stop.

Remember those holy tech wars we used to have? Heh, good times


Re: HN?

“Hacker” News. A place to complain about Apple’s latest hardware, remind the world that Microsoft are still evil, and Google are the most altruistic and perfect organisation that ever did exist and everything they do is pure and perfect. It’s overrun with the FOSS Stasi.

Open-source defenders turn on each other in 'bizarre' trademark fight sparked by GPL fall out


Re: 'GPL - proudly, brashly, forcefully illiberal license'

Because it’s a partisan source...

Attention adults working in the real world: Do not upgrade to iOS 11 if you use Outlook, Exchange


Re: Full of nonsense as ever

Oh if we’re name calling (isn’t that against your own T&C’s) you’re an arrogant prick who is representative of a larger malaise within you’re organisation. The Sun and the Daily Mail are the most read rags in the UK, they’re still full of lying shites.


Apple gives world ... umm ... not much new actually


Man, chill out. Eventually you'll come to the same realisation as I have. The comment section of the Reg is full of keyboard warriors, whose actual IT literacy is that if a typical helpdesk drone. The majority of whom are Windows Fanboys by default, think computing was invented in the 2000's and more than likely basement-dwelling "gamers". They also like Android because it's "open" but don't really know what it means. Hygiene is also optional for most of them. When you next read a comment from one of them, adopt you best nerd voice and read it like that in your head, makes the whole thing much more fun! Remember also that the articles are written by journalists, whose job it is to get as many page views as possible so the adverts actually pay. This immediately negates any requirement for integrity.

Soz fanbois, Apple DIDN'T invent the smartphone after all


The term PDA was coined by John Sculley in reference to the Newton.

Apple Watch sales go over a cliff: Down 2.8 meellion per quarter in a year


Re: Battery, battery, battery.

Yeah, to hell with what physics and, to a lesser extent, chemistry have to say...

Did Apple leak a photo of its new Macbook Pro in an OS update? Our survey says: Yes


Re: What about VI users!

You don't need and Esc key to use Xcode.


" I use vim ..." And therefore represent a vanishingly small demographic for Apple to worry about. There are a metric tonne of decent text editors, some of them free (both meanings), on the platform. Time to learn a new one? Or you could learn a decent CLI based text editor, like emacs...


Or they think they can do a better job, than Lenovo. We'll See.

The exploding Note 7 is no surprise – leaked Samsung doc highlights toxic internal culture


"I had for some years naively thought that Samsung, not being Apple or Sony, was somehow better."

Whatever gave you that idea?! They've always come across as a vile copy-cat company to me. Never knowingly owned a Samsung product. Never knowingly will.

Is Apple's software getting worse or what?


Re: @Andy - The Macs in our office have been tossed aside for the past year

Are you still working in the 1980's?


Re: It's downhill all the way ...

"For around 10 years, dragging a photo onto the mail icon used to open up a new message with the photo in it..."

Still does.

Ladies in tech, have you considered not letting us know you're female?


Re: It's one of the most pervasive problems in tech: ingrained sexism...

I downvoted you.

You're not asking a "perfectly reasonable question". You're being a typical passive-aggressive WASP. Let's see some tangible figures instead of the blatantly pulled-out-of-your-arse conjecture you present here.


Argos tech team updates iOS app with helpful info on 'eleventy-billion toilet seats'


This warranted an article? FFS El Reg! I want those 5 minutes back.

The web is past peak innovation: It's all negative returns from here


Re: And yet...

Slogan for iPod; "1000 songs in you pocket".

First advert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE_bDNaYAr8

Geoff, you are wrong.

Touchy iPhone 6, 6 Plus chips prone to breaking down and giving up


Re: That's what people get

Yes. I am using actual facts. If you think that the component cost of a device is the only thing that should guide the sale price of a product is, I'd suggest staying away from any kind of commerce as a career. Also, you're not that bright, are you...


Re: That's what people get

Wow. A downvote each for the ACs that point out the bleeding obvious errors of tear-down-only pricing to determine what a companies profit margin is! You chaps should know that this is the only cost that exist when producing electronic devices. Shame on you. A regtard has decreed it!

New UK trade deals would not compensate for loss of single market membership


Re: Really ....

"...someone's face without wetting yourself are zero." Says another internet hardman. I have said that to peoples faces, and will continue to do do so. It's the rampant fuckwittery of people like you that make me enjoy it all the more.


Re: Really ....

"The job of ALL MPs is to represent their constituents"

Actually, no. MP's are not delegates. We elect them to parliament to make decisions for us based on what their political views are. They categorically do not have to do what we tell them to.


Re: Really ....

May is also well aware that she doesn't have to do "wot the people told her..." The results of the referendum aren't legally binding...


Re: Really ....

"Unemployment down

Employment up

Productivity up (that's the big surprise)..."

Construction industry in recession.

Hang on to your hats folks, this is the calm before the shit-storm...


Re: Really ....

"You lost. It's happening.

Get over it."

Thing is, you irreverent anonymous fuckwit, is that we have all lost. Yes, even "winners" like you.

Three owner Hutch lobs sueball at EU over failed O2 buy


Try using O2 reliably anywhere in London. Patchy at best. 4G rarely.

Samsung: You won't settle? Fine, we'll do this the Huawei


Funny how it's always Samsung...

Prominent Brit law firm instructed to block Brexit Article 50 trigger


Re: "No, No, No. Let me resign..."

"...his honesty over the EU" And you wonder why Bremainers are treating you as a fool?


Re: Reg readership

Just remember those "Capital based ponces" when the EU funding dries up and you are looking for your next handout.


Both China and America have told the UK, in no uncertain terms that the UK will be at the back of the queue on their own, trade deals or not. Will you Brexiters at least have the decency of getting your facts absolutely straight before ranting feverishly. Also, straw-man arguments ("...paperboy working hours to curvature of cucumbers") are categorically banned. Facts only please.


Re: And the house of lords?

Did you not think that having an understanding of the basics was a good idea before spouting this nonsense?

Apple Watch support spotted hiding out in iOS 8.2 beta


Hey, but bonus, we got the equally as trite "...stomach churning review of it by Stephen Fry." comment a few weeks early! /s

PEAK APPLE: iOS 8 SHUNNED by refusenik fanbois


Re: My first generation iPad Mini has been a bit shit

And had they not offered the upgrade, you'd have bitched and moaned about forced obsolescence and how Apple are forgetting their customers. Damned if they do...

Apple to unveil new iPads, iMacs and OS X Yosemite on 16 October, claim sources


Re: To quote, from memory, a Ms Bee riposte

Do you feel the need to write this comment on every article you don't care about?

Apple finally patches Bash Shellshock vuln that WAS NOT A WORRY, OK?


Re: Is this really relevant for OS X?

"I've heard reports, although no confirmation, that OS X uses BASH for DHCP request purposes, so a malicious DHCP request in a coffee shop etc. could cause problems"

You've got it backwards; unpatched versions on Linux work this way. The reason that it's not as pressing for OS X is because it is not vulnerable via DHCP, whereas Linux based distro are.

BENDY iPhone 6, you say? Pah, warp claims are bent out of shape: Consumer Reports


Re: Headline should read "Note 3 Twice as Strong as iPhone 6"

Yes Albert. For 9 devices, they should recall all 15 mEEEElion + devices sold so far. Even if you argue that is in the 1000's, it doesn't warrant a recall.

Apple 'Genius': iPhone 6? We've had NO COMPLAINTS about our BENDY iThing


Re: Most people realise

Are you suggesting that most people carry their phones in their back pockets. Genuinely, the stats on this would be very interesting. I don't think it's a typical use case. Happy to be proved wrong.


Re: Apple must be REALLY worried about this problem

RTFA. It was a "Genius". I'm not sure if they'd even count as Apple...


Re: Genius?

There'd 'clearly be a problem' if every other iPhone 6 was bending. They're not. It's a handful of fuckwits putting their new bling in their back pockets and sitting on them all afternoon, then complaining loudly on the internet when they find the device has been bent by their skinny jean clad arses. OBVIOUSLY it's not their fault. These are people who clearly shouldn't be left alone with safety scissors.

Oh, and can you show the class the MEEELIONS of iPhones that have bent. Didn't think so...

Ab phab: Apple is Britain's coolest brand YET AGAIN


"Every chav, his aunt, his mother her sister the absent father will now have one..."

Funny, you lot are constantly telling us that Samsung and Android have the larger market share. Which is it?

Reg bloke zips through an iPHONE 6 queue from ZERO to 60 SECONDS


Re: What losers, wasting their lives queueing up like that -

Says the anonymous coward posting on a 'tech' website.

First Irish boy band U2. Now Apple pushes ANOTHER thing into iPhones, iPods, iPads


"Apple does not have any "abusable" market position in any legal or logical sense."

Exactly! These are the very same people that will tell us in another post how little market share Apple has...


Re: Apple is the reason some stuff happens

So, Apple have clearly worked with mobile operators to make this happen. You have to as Mark, why haven't Google, or Samsung, or HTC, or LG, or MotoGoogleLenovo? No one has to wait for Apple. As pointed out, be pissed off with you mobile operator and Samsung or Google; they are the ones that failed to get this implemented before.


Re: Third-party app makers are frozen out of the party?

What?! Either they have a monopoly or they have a minuscule market share, they simply cannot have both.

iOS 8 release: WebGL now runs everywhere. Hurrah for 3D graphics!


Kristian, if you knew anything, you'd know that while a not insignificant number of web devs are indeed 'mac heads', they generally use Chrome for development - it has a much better suite of dev tools, with a faster release and update cycle. But hey, that doesn't fit your world view, where you can shake your fist in anger at those awful Nac people, so you just keep on keepin' on, m'kay? Your numbers are out too.

Oi, Tim Cook. Apple Watch. I DARE you to tell me, IN PERSON, that it's secure


"Apple of all people..."

Loving the projection from the more googly participants of the comments...


Re: Yup, back to normal soon methink. Although...

"El Reg now has considerably more clout than back then; it's recognised as one of the leading tech publications in the English*-speaking world"

It really isn't...

Bonking with Apple has POUNDED mobe operators' wallets


Re: Apple pay...

Yeah! Apple's whole 0.15% of every transaction is worthy of that moniker.

Apple Pay is a tidy payday for Apple with 0.15% cut, sources say


Re: Eh?

Truthfully? Because it's Apple.


"Then would you mind awfully explaining why you and your peers insist on telling us, over and over and over and over again, at tedious fucking length, how much you "don't care what others think" every bloody time there's a news story about Apple?"

Best. Comment. Ever.


"Do you mean in the same way that most iThing users are self-reflection-gazing tossers? I couldn't possibly comment."

Well you escalated that quickly. I guess that makes you a cheap, judgmental and sanctimonious prick. I wouldn't know of course...
