Re: Trade deals with the EU
#7 was 'zinch' - does anybody know why?
17 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2014
Releasing classified information is only a crime if your job depends on you not doing it, eg Snowden and Manning. But publishing little-known facts is not, in and of itself, a crime. It's what newspapers do all the time. Not one journalist from the Guardian was prosecuted for publishing Snowden's revelations.
They had a problem where if you had lights as well as heating, your heating would stop working. Here's the thing - they knew this full well, but if you called them they just went through the tedious process of reinitialising everything.This went on for months.Eventually I worked it out and took out the lights and waited for them to come up with a fix, which took a few more months. Amateurs.
> My story....I park at the station and pay monthly by phone.
In which case POPLA aren't involved as it is a station and so covered by bylaws. All you have to do is not name the driver (unly the driver is liable under bylaws, there can be no keeper liability as PoFA 2012 doesn't apply), you then string them along for six months, at which point you don't have to pay anything.
> when the bitcoin price falls below the cost of it's production.
Actually what happens is that the miners choose what transactions go into the block that they are going to mine - there are IIRC up to 2.400 transactions per block. Crucially, each of those transactions can specify a reward (in BC) to go to the successful miner. So what will happen is that the transactions that go into the block are those that give enough reward to the miner to make it economic for them.
> Before we joined we had space programs
No we didn't. When we joined we were a basket case (that's why we spent eleven years trying to join); since joining we have become the fifth largest economy in the world due to our close trading partners and the access that the single market gave us (a British idea by the way, Thatcher pushed it onto the Europeans and we have benefited hugely from it).
> Probably because the majority of vocal remainers were adamant that another referendum should be taken (presumably over and over ad infitium) until they got the result they wanted. Despite democracy not working like that
Erm, actually that is EXACTLY how democracy works, decisions are changed if the majority of the electorate are in favour of making that change. It is in dictatorships where decisions can never be changed regardless of the will of the people.
> If you are looking for who has trade deals with the EU then you will have a very short list. In fact it's a list that manages to miss pretty much all the major world economies.
That is completely false, the EU trades on WTO terms with only eight nations. You mention the US; the EU has over 80 trade deals with the US.
> Einstein comes to mind as the finest example of somebody who was not served well by such approaches to assessing ability, possibly because he was dyslexic.
Please stop with this urban myth. Einstein did very very well at school and was in fact top of his class in most subjects.
The main Google Play service battery killer is that it regularly checks your position and the Wifi networks that you can see. It then sends this to Google so that Google can keep its database up to date - and this doesn't help you at all. To fix this:
root your phone
install the xposed framework
install Amplify.
> it's trivial to sniff the master password you enter into one of those services to get to the other passwords.
It doesn't work like that, because that would be moronic. Instead the encrypted blob is sent to your PC, where the password is used to decrypt it in-app.