* Posts by Previn

5 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2014

Google leaves STUPID vuln on Nest devices


What a brilliant story

Is it a coincidence that we are getting close to the launch of a new batch of iDevices? The number of Android bashing stories seems to have increased in the past few days, all of them focusing on device security.

It's hard to imagine a scenario where this would either happen or be a serious problem. This could be the plot for a new Austin Powers movie, where Dr Evil threatens to turn up everyone's thermostat by one degree to make them slightly uncomfortable unless they pay him 'One Million Dollars'.


Re: And what about that dumb tube ad?

Probably commissioned by an American who doesn't realise that people don't commonly have air conditioning at home in the UK.


Errr neither post was criticising El Reg

Neither of my posts criticised El Reg.

You have chosen to censor my comment because you don't like what I said.

Both censored posts comply with your guidelines.

I did not blame El Reg for anything.


Why are you not allowing me to comment on this story

Two perfectly reasonable comments have not appeared.

Gov.uk's broadband boast: Superfast fibre piped to 1 million Brits


Statistical Smoke & Mirrors

Far more would have access if BT actually commissioned the cabinets that they have been promising some people for several years. It seems that once an exchange is enabled a few cabinets are commissioned then rollout at a local level grinds to a complete halt. One cabinet near here has been put back 5 times, missing its original estimated availability date by coming up for three years.