* Posts by Joe

4 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2007

Boffins dredge up oldest living animal


Boffins dig up oldest living animal....

....and then kill it.

I can't help but think that ther is some subtle nuance of irony hidden in there

Toshiba to field HD DVD-equipped Xbox 360?

Paris Hilton

HD-DVD / Blu-Ray = better games?

I own a PS3. I don't own an X-Box. I have however played the 360 a lot.

I like them both, They are both more or less capable of the same things. The reason I went for a PS3 was because of it having the Blu-Ray drive. My thinking was that not only can I watch HD films but also the games would be able to have much greater content because of the amount of space available on the game discs. Unfortunately, so far, this has not rung true. I think the main reason for this is that the 360 hasn't (as far as I know) been able to utilise the HD-DVD format to play game discs therefore developers haven’t had the amount of space that they possibly could have had for game content. Seeing as a lot of games are being released across both platforms, I think if they were both able to use the space that HD formats allow, games could be much bigger or just even better than they are currently.

So to summarize I own a PS3, I like the 360 and I want it to get an HD-DVD drive so I can get some better games for my playstation, if that makes sense.

Segway builders develop speedy swim fins



..in that video they even look like ACTUAL seals, those DARPA boys know what they're doing :-P

Sony says no to Euro PS3 price cut


Yes, it is expensive...

...but it's capable. I am looking to get one as a fairly comprehensive one-stop-shop media solution. It is soon to get some fantastic games (MGS4, GTA:IV, Colin McRae: Dirt) and there are some good games out there already (despite my scepticism, virtua tennis is actually good fun), it has a blu-ray player, it will play and upscale your DVDs, it can be used as a music jukebox, it is able to surf the internet, it will play SACDs (admittedly pointless as nobody bought into that), it has a compact flash slot with which I will be able display my photographs and if you are an audiophile I have been reliably informed by a Meridian employee that it makes a startlingly good CD transport. When I take into account all of this, I find myself at the (I think) not too unreasonable conclusion that actually this isn't BAD value for money. Sure we're getting bent over again on the price compared to the US, but can you remember a time when we weren't? At least this is not a case where the cost has been translated 1:1 GBP for USD