* Posts by RandiO

5 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Aug 2014

Microsoft vacates moral high ground for the data slurpers' cesspit


What a vicious cycle security and privacy has become.

It is like job security and planned obsolescence rolled into the same ball.

You come up with a spiffy new OS, and you are forced to give it away FREE like everyone else. Then you try to monetize it by flushing all of the previous versions' security and privacy hooks down the toilet. Then when each new hook is found to be insecure or they each get hacked, you try to put fixes to repair them until the netizens start screaming bloody murder. Rinse, flush, repeat over and over again!

Wait now, what is this: wsqmcons.exe? Oh, and what the heck is SIHclient.exe?

WinPatrol just told me these 2 programs wants access. I blocked both of those mofoz!

I think I may just go back to Win8.1 and be done with this crap that are way over my head and pay grade!


I am so glad that I am still holding out on owning a smartphone!

Edward Snowden's not a one-off: US.gov hunts new secret doc leaker


Re: RandiO nullum crimen sine lege

Don't shoot the messenger. Matt Bryant:

As you can see, those particular citings were obtained from an article in Wikipedia (per my reference stating "partially pasted from >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_terrorism"). I was not (and am not) defending any particular faction about who should or should not be labeled as a terrorist but every definition of the word Terror/ist/ism that I have come across (including 3 online dictionaries), contains 2 main/operative words in their definition(s): One of the words is related to 'fear' and the other word is related to 'politics'.

The gist of my post was not to enter into a political argument about terror/ist/ism but only to make others be aware that this word has always been a moving target; depending on which side of the argument one is behind. You may wish to deduce that I am siding/defending with those who are (or who cause) terror/ist/ism but first we must establish a proper and agreed-upon definition of this word (the "moving target") as it applies to one side or another! Hence the title "nullum crimen sine lege", especially since the international community is yet to define the word properly to the satisfaction of all involved!

If you throw a rock at my house window and you bring about fear in my children and in defense I throw a boulder onto the roof of your house that also causes fear in your children: Who, then, would be to blame for terror/ist/ism?

I doubt that pacifism is the answer!

I also doubt that the first person who accuses/labels (in the media and normally 5 times) the other side to be responsible for terror/ist/ism should walk away as the innocent party! << "nullum crimen sine lege"

I was not attempting to defend one side or the other but can same be said of your reply? 'just askin'


nullum crimen sine lege

...you gotta define it before you can prosecute or punish an act (like 'terrorism')

Obstacles to a comprehensive International definition of 'terrorism"

Bassiouni notes: "to define "terrorism" in a way that is both all-inclusive and unambiguous is very difficult, if not impossible. That is why the search for and internationally agreed upon definition may well be a futile and unnecessary effort."

Sami Zeidan, a Lebanese diplomat and scholar, explained the political reasons underlying the current difficulties to define terrorism as follows:

"There is no general consensus on the definition of terrorism. The difficulty of defining terrorism lies in the risk it entails of taking positions. The political value of the term currently prevails over its legal one. Left to its political meaning, terrorism easily falls prey to change that suits the interests of particular states at particular times."

"The Taliban and Osama bin Laden were once called freedom fighters (mujahideen) and backed by the CIA when they were resisting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Now they are on top of the international terrorist lists". "Today, the United Nations views Palestinians as freedom fighters, struggling against the unlawful occupation of their land by Israel, and engaged in a long-established legitimate resistance, yet Israel regards them as terrorists."

Israel also brands the [Hezbollah] of Lebanon as a terrorist group, whereas most of the international community regards it as a legitimate resistance group, fighting Israel's occupation of Southern Lebanon."

"The repercussion of the current preponderance of the political over the legal value of terrorism is costly, leaving the war against terrorism selective, incomplete and ineffective." partially pasted from >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_terrorism

FBI Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code >> read it here >> http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/terrorism/terrorism-definition

'just sayin'

Snowden latest: NSA targets Gaza, pumps intelligence to Israel


How dare you...

...to tell me the FACT that "US owes a moral obligation to Israel" is nothing but propaganda? What are you gonna lie about next >> that "Israel is not the most trusted partner and strongest ally of US"?

Windows Registry-infecting malware has no files, survives reboots


Proud Windows Idiot

I don't mind being a Windows idiot or even being called one! Unfortunately, I don't see too many constructive posts here that allow us idiots to continue being idiots. I am also one of those real retarded Windows idiots who refuse installation of any fancy-schmancy AV or security applications and don't really lose sleep over whether my system is going to get infected, each time I snooze (or sneeze). To add insult to injury (and to p^ss off most of you), I also use Microsoft Office and feel console (command prompt) is so friggin' 80s!

I am inclined to think that there maybe a difference between being an idiot and being totally clooles, though. Hence, *I image/backup my WinOS every few months, and *I don't retain my important data/files on the same drive as the OS. I do my share of BT downloads and used to visit warez sites before the advent of BT. I am yet to lose any of my precious data/files to malware in the past 40+ years. But then, my PC is probably a zombie sleeper-cell ready to be invoked into action, if it has not been already awakened w/o this idiots knowledge!